Friday, 28 December 2012

Uglyworld #1787 - Outs Of The Blues - (Project TW - Image 363-366)

Project T.W. - Image 363/366

I was sittings playerings callers of duties on the xboxer this afternoons when I suddenly hearereds someone sayings "psssst" in the rooms.

I knewereds that Baz and Mireille were both outs for the day so I was beginnerings to get a littlers bit worrieds incasers someone had breakereds in to steals my xmasers presents!

Eventuallies I trackereds the sources of the noise to a littlers house which sits in the livingsroomer of our cookie cave, and who dids I find standerings outsiders the fronts door, none others than Santa!

He askereds me if I had enjoyereds my xmasers presents this year, to which I replieds to him that they were all perfecters, and that I was super mega happy that he and his elfers had managereds to sorts them all outs for me.

Then, completes out of the blue he askereds me to comes a littlers bit closer and saids, "Wage, as you have been so good all year, would you like to have all the leftover cookies from my deliveries this year?".

Wowzers, how could I says no to such an offerer, of course I jumpereds at the chancers, hopefullies Santa will deliverers them to me soon, before he goes off for his hibernationers until nexts xmaser!

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