Uglyworld #1764 - Super Duper Sledger - (Project TW - Image 341-366), a photo by on Flickr.
Project T.W. - Image 341/366
This mornings I wents out and postereds my xmas wishlister to the Norths Pole, hopefullies it will reachers Santa in times to sorters me out with everything I has askereds for on Christmasers morning!
After I arrivereds back at the cookie cave it snowereds and snowereds, and I really wantereds to go out and players in it, but Mireille told me I would catchers a cold.
Once Baz arrivereds home from work I askereds him if he would be so nicers to buys me a sledger, so that I could go zipperings down the snow covered hills. To my amazersment Baz made another suggestions, insteads of buyerings one, why don't we makers one togethers!
All I can says is wowzers, I knowereds that Baz was an engineers, but I didn't realiser that he could makes sledgers in his spare timers! After we buyereds the wood, he even lettereds me builder it alls together, of course he kept a closers eye out on how I was doings the whole time!
All I needs now is a fresh dustering of snows, and then I can gets out and testers my home mades super duper sledger!
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