Saturday, 15 December 2012

Uglyworld #1773 - Xmas Tree Shopperings - (Project TW - Image 350-366)

Project T.W. - Image 350/366

This morning Baz handereds me a biggers pile of moneys and tellereds me that I was responsiblers for finderings and buyerings the xmaser tree for the cookie cave this year, and that I hads to spenders the money wiselies.

I askereds Mireille where the bests places to goes and lookers for them was, and she tellereds me that the locals gardener centres, farmers shoppies and also supermarketers would be a gooders place to looks.

As we has a supermarketer not fars from the cookie cave I decidereds to goes there firsts, and after askerings some of the peoples shoppering there where I could finds the xmas trees I was shown these littler guys by one person that I thinkereds was a littlers bit shiftiers looking at firsts.

I askereds the man why these xmas trees was so smallers, and he tellereds me that they is xmas tree seeds, and that they is speciallies makered to be plantered in the grounds and then one of the biggerests xmas trees you has ever seen will poppers out right in fronts of your eyes! I was super excitereds when he tellereds me that he was the person who sellereds the magic beans to that famousers guy Jack toos, what are the chancers...!!!

I wondereds if the biggers pile of monies I had would be enoughs to pays for one of these amazerings xmas trees, so I was completelies shockered when he tellereds me I could takes three of them in exchange for all the monies I had in my pocketer.

I thinks Mireille and Baz is going to be super impressereds when they wakers up to finds 3 massivers xmas trees tomorrow morning, I can't waits to sees their faces!

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