Uglyworld #1762 - Pencil Sharpenings - (Project TW - Image 339-366), a photo by on Flickr.
Project T.W. - Image 339/366
While watcherings telemavision tonights I was remindereds of something so crazily importanters that I is amazereds that I didn't thinkers of it befores now, I hasn't writereds my letters to Santa yets!
I knows it must sounds inconceivamables that I could forgetters such an importanters task untils now, but at leasts I has remembereds before it's too lates!
As I can't risks my letter arriverings late in the postboxer of Santa at the Norths Pole with poopers writings, I sharpenereds my pencil this evenings to ensurers that my handwriterings will be perfectlies legimable!
All that is lefts for me to does now is thinks of what I wishes Santa to bringers me...
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