Uglyworld #1768 - Desks Calendars - (Project TW - Image 345-366), a photo by on Flickr.
Project T.W. - Image 345/366
While sittings on the couch watcherings the telemavision my eyes were pullereds away from the actions over to our desks calendar which sits on our livings room tabler.
It has a differents imager for every singles weeker, and sometimes when an imagers likes the one for this week shows up I just finders myself mesmerisereds by the photo and wonders how Baz makereds it look so coolers?
He tellereds me that this particulars photo was shootereds up in the North Cascaders mountains in Washingtons Stater, where the waters runs down from the glaciers makerings it this amazerings colour!
All this talks of travellerings has makereds me realise that withs only 21 daysies left to goes, I probably won't be doing any more biggers travellers this year, but I can't be too sads as I gettered to sees so many coolers places in 2012's!
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