Monday, 9 January 2012

Uglyworld #1404 - Busterings It Up! (Project TW - Image 9-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 9/366

I had been lookerings to finds out where the nearests mall was in relations to our hotels, and I discovereds a place calleds the Great Mall in Milpitas.

At firsts I was thinkerings that the peoples who makered the namers for the mall was justs complete mentallers, as all I findereds was shoppers, shoppers, and yups you guessereds it, more shoppers.

Then alls of a suddener, I turns a corner and I finds somewhere that is so cools that it's uber cools!

I thinks that I has founds my favouriters place to hangers out durings the day when Baz is at workies, Dave & Busterings!

I buyereds myself some lunchies and the waitresser askereds me if I was interestereds in playerings some video gamers and other cool stuffers, so of course I saids yuppers!

She said I was her favouriterest customers of the day, and givereds me loads of free crediters to plays with.

I endeds up spenderings the whole afternoons playing all kinds of gamers and I expectereds the monies to runs out, but they justs keepereds going and going.

As I was getterings ready to leaves and heads back to the hotels I decidereds to swipers my card in one of their mindreadering machiners that tells you how much crediters there was lefts on the card and the machine poppers up with the messager, "VIP, unlimiteds crediter".

Oh man, I really musts be the luckyerest Ugly alives!

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