Uglyworld #1397 - An Eventfullers Day (Project TW - Image 2-366), a photo by on Flickr.
Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 2/365
Boys oh boys has I had a mega eventfullers day, and it's not evens time to sits down for dindins yets either!
This morning I gets wakereds up by Baz with some tastiers breakersfast in beds, which tasteds absolutelies perfect. I was beginnings to wonder what I had done rights to deserve the pamperings so I asked Baz if there was any reasoners for the specials breakersfast.
"Emmm, I don't think so...", he said, and then afters a seconder or twos I thinks his brain beginnereds to work, "...oh yeah, you need to pack a case today, as we're heading away tomorrow".
All I could says was, "Huh, whats, reallies?", I knows that I signereds up to go travellings with Baz buts this is only likes day twosies of the wholes year and alreadies I is gettings to travellers, rocks on!
I was preparings my clothies and stuffs into my suitcaser when Mireille shouted on me from the biggers bedroomer, "Wage, once you've got a second I need to see you".
This hads me worrieds, the day was alreadies a mentaller one and now Mireille wanteds to sees me, I wondereds if I had leavereds the taps runnering all the waters away or if I forgettereds to wash ups my dishes from lasts nighter, but I honestlies had no ideas what awaitereds me!
"Wowzers, a super coolers new jumper and matcherings hat", I screamereds out at the top of my voice (I knows I was too louds as Mireille was standerings with her fingers in her ears). Mireille tellereds me that she had makereds the new outfitter speciallies for me as soon as Baz tellereds he that we was havings to heads away with his workies. Mireille really is super duper awesomes at makerings clothes, hopefullies there will be mores to come in the months which followers, fingers crossereds!
After tryerings my new outfitter on I askereds Baz if he could takes a coolers photomagraph of me wearings it before we heads off on our travellers tomorrow, and while I was standerings there in fulls on pose moders my besters friendly "Dug" came runnerings over and jumpereds into the frame at the lasts possibler second. I don't knows if me or Baz was the mosts suprisereds at Dug bounderings into our photoshooter!
I thinks Dug is going to missers me a lot while I is away, so I has set asides a wholes evening of bellyticklers for him, and some tastier snackies too of course!
Wishers me luck everyones, I'm a littlers bit nervous as I has no ideas where we is goings and more importantlies if we is goings by cars, by trains or flyings by hairyplane!
Speaks to you alls from wherever I ends up for tomorrows photomagraph and storys...
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