Saturday, 31 December 2011

Uglyworld #1394 - Challenge Event #5

The BIG 2012 Challenge

Events Lister

1 - 100 Press Ups
2 - Mental Agilities #1 (Jigsaw Puzzlers)
3 - Cookie Balancing
4 - Mental Agilities #2 (Spotters The Differencers)
5 - 1 Mile Runners

Event #5 - 1 Mile Runners

It's all down to this long stretch of prime running track, 1 solitary mile stands between Babo and Wage deciding who will be the feature of next years photo-a-day, 366 project.

For almost the entire mile the lead was changing every second or two, with the pair trying with all their might and energy to stay in front of the other, in the hope that it may demoralise their opponent.

It wasn't until the finish line was in sight that the pair took their speed to a whole new level, when suddenly, SNAP!, something in Babo's leg had given up with only a few short meters left to the line.

Wage, who had no idea what had happened behind him sprinted over the line, taking the cheers from the crowd who had gathered to find out who the winner of the challenge would be.

"Waaaaaaage, Waaaaaage, Waaaaaaaage" cheered the crowd over and over as Wage jumped up and down in excitement at winning the competition outright!

Current Score

Babo 2
Wage 3

But what of Babo, the little guy has been posted missing since he collapsed near the finish line, is this going to be the last we see of him, or does he have one last hurrah in store for us all...?!?!?

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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