Uglyworld #1359 - Babo's "Tea-hee" Party (Project BIG - Image 339-365), a photo by on Flickr.
Project B.I.G. - Image 339/365
Lasts nighter I founds myself just relaxerings on the coucher afters investimagatings the cookie crumblers that I findereds insides of my supposedlies hauntered jacketer!
Afters a littler while of watcherings the usual Sundays nighter Germanies telemavision programs, on comes one of my favouriter shows - CSI's.
I suddenlies was strikereds with a brains waver, I could matchers the DNA's of the persons who leavereds the cookie crumblers behinds to the culprits withouts them even beings aware of its!
Easy peases, I justs has to throws a "Tea-hee" party and inviters everyone alongs. I will surelies gets a perfects DNA sampler froms the cuppers of teas everyone will has, and the Shortiebreaders will helps take their minds off of me possiblies being sneakiers, hee hee!
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