Friday, 16 December 2011

Uglyworld #1371 - Tartans Army (Project BIG - Image 350-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 350/365

Tonight is withouts a doubter one of my most favouriter nights of the wholes entire year, and for a changer it has absolutelies nothing to does with cookies.

Tonights is the night when Baz remembers where he comes from and becomes a members of the tartans army and shouters freedom all nights long at his workies christmaser party overs here in Germanies (at leasts that is whats I had heareds from his workiematers).

Maybies one days I can gets my very owns kilt to be an honouraries memberer of the tartans army!


Ha ha, okays, I better finishers getterings all of his shiny bucklers and stuffs polishereds up so he can gets off to the party!

From the Uglydoll blog at

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