Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Uglyworld #1353 - Getterings Worrieds (Project BIG - Image 334-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 334/365

I is beginnerings to wonders if there is somethings supermanatural goings on overs here in the cookies cave, and it honestlies is getterings me a littlers bit worrieds.

Everywheres I is goings at the momenter my coolers denim jacketer seems to follows me around, I is beginnerings to worries that it coulds be hauntereds, maybies it's the ghost of Babo comings to takers me away.

Oh noes!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Uglyworld #1352 - Scourerings for Dealies (Project BIG - Image 333-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 333/365

Withs Christmasers sneakerings up so mega quicklies I has takenereds it upons myselfer to keeps a closers eye out for alls of the super duper deals that the localler shops is doings, as you can literallies savers yourselves a smalls fortuner.

I likes to refers to what I is doings as "Scourerings for dealies", and I is especiallies keen to try and scorers us some nicely pricereds Whiskies to drinkers over the festivities perioders!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Monday, 28 November 2011

Uglyworld #1351 - Dreamerings Of Scotlands (Project BIG - Image 332-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 332/365

Evers since the super coolers new canvaser printies turneds up at the cookie cave, they has me thinkerings about how awesomers it was to be ramblerings in the highlanders and outs and abouts on the islanders of Scotlands.

I keeps findering myself sittings on the coucher in fronts of the coolers shot of the causeways at the bottomer of South Uists, closerings my eyes,
and slipperings off into a daydreamer that we is alls back there havings a supers dupers holimaday again.

Hopefullies we can does the tripper again soons too, I is beginnings to really missers Scotlands now, it seemers like ages since we was theres!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Uglyworld #1350 - Putterings The Advent In Adventures (Project BIG - Image 331-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 331/365

With todays beings the officialers firsts days of Advents I decidereds that today I musts helps to putters the Advent in Adventures, so I diggereds out my coolers Santa hatter from when I was helperings out at the North Poles lasts Christmaser and helpereds Mireille lighters the biggers candle in our cools displayer this evenings.

Mireille's mum even findereds us a coolers littler birdie that amazinglies isn't scareds of the candler too, I thinks we could enders up singerings Christmaser Carols before the nighter comes to an ender!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Uglyworld #1349 - Falses Baublers (Project BIG - Image 330-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 330/365

As you knows recentlies I has findereds myself getterings caughter ups in the wholes acquisitioners of thingy-ma-bobbers fors our firsts Christmaser in the cookie cave.

Well, this evenings we was ats the parentos of Mireille for dindins and her mummy givereds me this coolers little bell to plays with, so I went hunterings all overs their house for goodies for our tree.

I thoughts I had scoreds bigger time when I caughters a glimpsie of what I thoughts was a coolers set of red baublers in the kitchener, but whens I flickereds the lights on it turns out they was falses baublers, justs normallers tomatoes.

My searcher continues...

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Friday, 25 November 2011

Uglyworld #1348 - Crispies (Project BIG - Image 329-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 329/365

Whats is you lookerings at, these is my crispies, alrighters!

Go finds your owns!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Uglyworld #1347 - Wertherers Express (Project BIG - Image 328-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 328/365

Tonights I puts on a super specials deliveries service that for the littler uglies that I likes to calls the Wertherers Express.

Basicallies I goes whizzerings pasts the crowds of uglies on my skatersboard, danglerings some Wertherers from my handies and sees who can grabbers them offs me, it's supers fun!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Uglyworld #1346 - Officialler Ugly Secreters Act (Project BIG - Image 327-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 327/365

Legallers informanationers firsts...

By orders of the high courters of Uglies backs on Uglyworld, by lookerings at the attachereds imagers and readerings the texts which is containereds heresin you has unoquivocallies agreereds to all termers and conditioners ofs the officialer ugly secreters act. Any devianimations froms absoluter silence will resulters in the offenderers havings to donates a massivers bagger, boxer, caser or basketer of cookies to Babo, hereafterers knowns as the "master of cookies".

Phews, nows that we has all that legallers informanations outs of the way I betters explainers why it's includereds in todays stories!

What you can sees to my lefties, which is to the righties of alls yous lookerings in from the interwebs land is my christmassy presenter for Baz, a super cools power screwdriverer-drillerer-thingymabobber as I haters to sees the messes of his handies afters he has makereds up all the coolers new furnitures which arrivers here at the cookies cave.

Mumsies is the word ok, mumsies, nots a peeper abouts my presenter froms any of you, as I wanters it to be a biggers surpriser on christmaser day, I can't waiters to sees the lookies on his face!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Uglyworld #1345 - Holy Wowzers Dot Com (Project BIG - Image 326-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 326/365

I still hasn't managereds to finds out what Wage was playerings at yesterdays, as when I gets myselfer ups and outs of my beddies this mornings I findereds a note froms Wage that he was offs out for a minis marathoner, I really thinks he has lostereds his minds, completelies, likes one cookie shorts of a tasties snacker!

Anyways, backs to the matters in hand, quite literallies, as today Mireille came homes with what she saids were justs "a coupler of littles things for our firsters christmaser trees livings in the cookie cave all togethers".

I coulds only replies with, "Holy wowzers dot com", and befores you askers, no I doesn't owner thats interwebs domainer, reallies I was tookereds by completes surpriser at whats she unveilereds to me.

A coupler, ha ha, if this is a coupler then I musts remembers to asks her to gets me a coupler of cookies nexts timer I sees her headerings into the kitchener!

All I has to says on the matters is that we is one hundreders percentages goings to have a well dressereds christmaser tree!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Monday, 21 November 2011

Uglyworld #1344 - Gets-Fitter-Itis (Project BIG - Image 325-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 325/365

I can bests explainers today as beings a littler bit "super-weirders", firsts off I expectereds Baz to be offs to work before I wakereds up this mornings, but nopes, he's been workerings from homes today, answerings the telemaphone and writerings documenters and emailers, so I has trieds my besters to stays away froms him so he doesn't go mentallers ats me!

Nexts up, 4 hugers sized boxers arrivers justs before lunch timers, and insiders I finds 4 biggers (and by biggers I meaners big, big, big, biggers) canvaser prints. That in itselfers may not seems to weirds, buts for some reasoner there was 3 landscapers and then ones of Wage, comes on, you all knows that I is the coolerests ugly around, so I would have expectereds me to be the one featureds in whatevers art gallery Baz is preparings his works for!

And then justs when I didn't thinker that the days could gets any weirders, Wage comes sprinterings outs of his bedroomer wearings some crazy mentallering gets fitter gears. Lets me putter this into perspectives, Wage is normallies found lyings in bed untils luncher time, then he makers his way to the coucher and sits watchering TV while munchering on cookies, untils it's timers to goes to beds again.

Gets fitter, nopes, definitelies not normals for Wage, I couldn't justs stands around and not asks what the hell he was ups to.

"Wage, did you fallers out of beds and bangers your heads today?"

"Huff...huff...nopes....huff...why you askering?"

"Justs that you seems to has some kinds of diseaser or somethings, I thinks it maybies gets-fitter-itis!"

"...eightsies...ninesies...tensies...phew, nopes I is in trainerings, as I has somethings big coming ups!"

And that was alls the informanations I coulds get outer of Wage before he jumpereds to his feet, whizzereds through 50 star jumpers and then wents runnering downs the street.

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Uglyworld #1343 - Makering Cookies

I thoughts I would be the onlies one makering surprisers todays, but Mireille's mum surprisereds me straights back with a cookerings recipe for cookies, and a biggers cupboard fuller of ingreedierants to makers them with.

So fars so goods, I just hopers that it tasters as goodies as it lookies!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Uglyworld #1342 - Tea-ramider (Project BIG - Image 324-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 324/365

As wellers as bringerings back a gooders varieties of cakers and cookies, I also decidereds to surpriser Mireille's mum and dad with 9 bigs boxers of their favouriters cups of tea from Englands, Freshers and Fruities by the companies callereds Twinings.

I sneakereds them intos their house this afternoons when we arrivereds for sunday dindins, and when nobody was lookering I buildereds them intos a huger "Tea-ramider", which is likes a pyramider, justs maders outs of tea insteads!

Mireille's mum will be screamerings with joys when she findereds what I has leavereds behinds in the kitchener, hee hee hee...

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Uglyworld #1341 - A Fugly Arrival

The big dunnys didn't quite know what to make of the latest arrival at Ugly Towers, after all, should a "Fugly" be made welcome or not?

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Uglyworld #1340 - Heatherings (Project BIG - Image 323-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 323/365

When I arrivereds back in Germanies a coupler of weekies ago, I unleashereds a masters planner to try and turns out balconies area intos what I likers to calls "Littlers Scotlands" by plantering some heatherings seeders.

Checkers it out, I feelers like I is hikerings through the highlanders of Scotlands alreadies!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Friday, 18 November 2011

Uglyworld #1339 - Needs Some Helpers Here! (Project BIG - Image 322-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 322/365

If it wasnt's badder enough that I hads to dealer with Nandy Bear trying to stealer my chocolater covereds cookies lasts weekender, checks out all the crazy mentallers I has on my casers tonight!

All I wanteds was to relaxers and munches on my Frenchers Fanciers, and within a coupler of seconds it turners into bedlamers, yupper, sheer and utters bedlamers!

I really needs some helpers here, if you can sorters out all the mentallers there's a cookie ins it for you too, but no Frenchers Fanciers, sorry, this is alls for me!

Argh, now they is getterings smarter and userings teamworkers, I betters do a runnerer...

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Uglyworld #1338 - Fancies A Cuppa (Project BIG - Image 321-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 321/365

As we is flyerings home to Germanies tonighter, it meanereds that I hads to goes into workies with Baz today, and afters a littler while I was starterings to gets boreders, so I askereds if there was anythings that I could does to be helpfullers.

It didn't takes too long for me to gets the jobber of beings the new person in chargers of makings the teas for everyones, which I didn't minds too mucher as they leavereds me a massiver pile of cookies which I was supposeds to gives out withs the tea but I keepereds a couple for myselfer too!

So, does you fancies a cuppa?

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Uglyworld #1337 - Cambridgers Goodies Scorerings (Project BIG - Image 320-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 320/365

Todays while Baz was outs at workies, I wents for a coolers walker arounds the city of Cambridgers and visitereds Kings College and loads of other coolers places, I even gots askereds if I was a localler by a carloader of touristies, I thinks they thinkereds this becauser of my coolers jumperer!!!

Anyways, the mosts importanter thingie is that I managereds to scores some wickeders goodies to takes home to the cookie cave tomorrows nighter, and befores you thinkers anything else I has already bagsie'd the Frenchers Fanciers, so eyes off!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Uglyworld #1336 - Winterers Jumperer (Project BIG - Image 319-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 319/365

Mirielle surpisereds me with a coolers new winterers jumperer to takes with me to Cambridgers in Englands this morninger, it's super cools and super warms, justs what I neereds when it's so colders overs here in Englands!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Monday, 14 November 2011

Uglyworld #1335 - Babotasticness (Project BIG - Image 318-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 318/365

Tomorrow mornings me and Baz is offers to Englanders for a coupler of days with his workies, so tonights I decidereds to has myselfer some funs and holds a Babotasticness party with some of my cooler on!!!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Uglyworld #1334 - Taking Care Of Babo (Project BIG - Image 317-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 317/365

Hi there everyone, some of you may already know me from my occasional appearances on Mireille's photostream, I'm Scottie and I'm the reason that Mireille has the username highlandmonkey on Flickr.

Being Scottish and living in the highlands, I'm no stranger to alcohol or the recovery period after it, so I told Baz and Mireille that they could leave Babo in my capable hands during his night time snooze and what will probably be a mad sprint to the bathroom this morning when he wakes up.

While the little guy is still dreaming of what is most likely every possible flavour of cookie in the world, I decided to have a looky through our photobook of our trip to the highlands and islands of Scotland, which was already over 3 years ago.

I really hope we can get back there next year for another awesome holiday. I had better sign off, I can feel Babo starting to stir, good to be able to talk to you all and hopefully this won't be the last time I make it onto Baz's stream...

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Uglyworld #1333 - Drunk As A Skunk (Project BIG - Image 316-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 316/365

A couple of days ago I was finally getting round to moving some more of my belongings into places in our new house, I say new, we moved here in April this year, but it still feels so new with the amount of time I spend out on the road with work...but anyway...

While I was unpacking a box full of books, Babo found a little card game I have called "Pass-Out" and of course he wondered what was all involved in playing the game. I told him I'd show him how to play it on Saturday night if he behaved all week.

Fast forward to tonight, Babo standing there waiting to play the game and me asking him to choose a number from 1 to 4, to which he opted for "threesies", with number 3 meaning a bottle of Soplica would be the drink of choice for playing the game.

Babo, a card game full of tongue-twisters and a full bottle of hazelnut (that's what the Orzech means on the bottle) liqueur straight out of Poland waiting on anyone mixing up their tongue twister - a combination that has myself and Mireille in stitches laughing and the little guy struggling to stand up without some help from the bottle and his half full glass...

Should be a peaceful evening for the pair of us quite soon, quite soon indeed actually...!!!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Friday, 11 November 2011

Uglyworld #1332 - Stops Thief! (Project BIG - Image 315-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 315/365

Justs when you thinkers it's safes to leavers your cookies unamattended and jumps into the showers...!!!

Grrr, I was one footsie intos the shower when I heareds the patterers of tiny footsies runnering intos the room where I keepers my secreters stash of cookies, and wouldn't you knows it when I peekers arounds the bathroomers door I sees Nandy Bear sprinterings off with ones of my tastiers chocolate covereds cookies!!!

Forgets the showers, oh yes indeedys, there is more importants business to takers carer of rights now, "Stops thief!".

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Uglyworld #1331 - Xmas Goodies Gatherererings (Project BIG - Image 314-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 314/365

I realisereds today that we is now justs over a monther untils it's timers for fathers christmaser and his little elfies to brings all the gooders kiddies lots of presenters, and withs this going to be our firsters christmaser liverings in the cookie cave I wanteds to makers it a littlers bit specialer!

Looks what I findereds in a shopper in the city todays, some super coolers decomarations to hangers on our firsters christmaser tree, Mireille will be overs the mooner with my selectioners!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Uglyworld #1330 - Puzzlers (Project BIG - Image 313-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 313/365

With us beings back homers for overs a week I has had plenties of timers to sits around and relaxers, so much so's that I was beginnering to gets a littler bit worrieds that my brain wasn't being usereds enough.

To keepers my greys matter tootlings along I decidereds to sorts myself outs with some puzzlers, and what makes these puzzlers super cools is that you has to makers them into a cuber otherwise they doesn't fitters backs into their box.

Okays, enough chitter chatters, times to gets this puzzler unpuzzlereds!!!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Uglyworld #1329 - Returns Of A Gooders Friendly (Project BIG - Image 312-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 312/365

This afternoons Mireille tookereds a phones caller that she remainereds mega secreters abouts until shortlies after dinners when she spillereds the beans, not literallies, we didn't eaters beans for dinners, nots tonight at leasts!

"You're in for a big surprise tonight", she tellereds me and Wage. Obviouslies we was wonderings if she had been eaterings too many fruity loopies and had gones that way herselfs, but decidereds to plays along just incase, as it's always safers that way!

I askereds her for more infos about our surpriser, to which she only replieds with "You're going to love it!", not much infos there so me and Wage went offs to raider the cookies jar in the kitchener.

We was justs sittering backs, relaxering on the coucher watchings telemavision when the doorbeller ringeds, so I gots up to see who was makering a racket at this times of day, and wowzers, I couldn't believers my eyes at who was standering on the doorsmatter...cousins Wage who hads been away on a foreign exchangers trip for the lasts year with our gooders buddy Petra!

After unpackerings his suiterscase Wage has been tellerings us alls kinder of stories abouts life livings in the middler of a bigs city, super dupers mega excitering stuff.

I just hopers that he can adapts to livings with us outsiders of the city agains, fingers crossereds!!!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Monday, 7 November 2011

Uglyworld #1328 - Ritters Sporterers (Project BIG - Image 311-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 311/365

This mornings I wakereds up and discovereds that Baz had alreadies gone offs to workies, and Mireille was havings a longer lie as her universities didn't starters firsts thingie in the morning (she is so luckies at times, reallies!!!).

Anyways, I wandereds outs of my beddiesroom and findereds a noter which saids, "Babo, follow me for a surprise", so as I'm sures you can imaginer I followereds it to finds out what surpriser coulds be waiterings for me.

The trail endereds in the kitchener where I findereds a biggers pile of Ritters Sporterers chocomocolaters lyings besiders a bigs note from Baz saying thankers for putterings up the new lighters.

Wooohoooo, choco score...!!!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Uglyworld #1327 - Warten auf Suesses (Project BIG - Image 310-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 310/365

This afternooners we was visiterings Mireille's mama and papa for Sundays dindins, and I overhearders Mireille's mama tellering Mireille thats there was some "Suesses" ins the ovener.

Thankfullies as me and Baz is still poosticks at speakering Germaners, they keepers a dictionamary closers to handies so that we can lookers up the worders that we is tryings to use!

"Suesses" meaners sweeties, and sures enough when I sneakereds off intos the kitchener I finders some goodies bakering aways in the ovener, woohoo...!!!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Uglyworld #1326 - Lets There Be Lighters (Project BIG - Image 309-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 309/365

Todays I enlistereds the helpies of my gooders buddies Babo Potter and Stunters Babo to fitters the new lampers that Baz and Mireille had buyereds for overs the dinerings room tabler.

I couldn't waiters arounder for Baz to fitters them as who knows what placer we could be jetterings off to in the worlds come Monday, and everyone knows that cookies tasters better when you can sees what you is eaterings!

The photomagraph that you can sees here was takereds usings my remoters control shutterings releaser, as I wantereds to captures the exacters moment when the lighters went ons for the firsts timer!

Pictures the sceners, the three of us standerings beneaths the lampers that we had fittereds and starteds countering downs...

"Threesies, twosies, onesies, lets there be lighters...!!!".

And woop woop, there was lights!

Baz and Mireille will be amazereds when they comes home laters on to finds them ups and runnering, ha ha, hopefullies it will means a specialer batch of cookies for us alls, woohooo!!!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Friday, 4 November 2011

Uglyworld #1325 - Instructioners (Project BIG - Image 308-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 308/365

After how gooders a job I makereds of builderings Ugly Tower #4 lasts weekender, I has decidereds to tries my handers at some electrimical works this weekender and putters up the lighters for overs the topper of our dinerings tabler.

Baz keeps findering reasons not to does it, so I will surpriser him with it alls being done at some pointer through the weekender, so I is justs readering ups on the instructioners now to be fully prepareds for what I has to does!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Uglyworld #1324 - The Intruder

As Greedy Pilot read the riot act, the intruder who had cunningly escaped capture thus far, quietly made his way towards the fabled cookie vault...

p.s. After the best part of two years searching for the Spiderboom Trexi, I finally found one, woohoo...!!!

Uglyworld #1323 - Perimeter Breach

Ever since the alarm bells went off Security Monkey was dreading the moment when Greedy Pilot would march in and demand answers from him about how someone could possibly have breached the perimiter of their secret stronghold.

Unfortunately that moment was now, right now...!!!

Uglyworld #1322 - That Cheeky Smile

Having been away in America for so much of this year, I've missed seeing this mischievous smile in the morning as he helps out getting breakfast the looks of it the little guy has been spending some time in the gym, check out that stomach definition!

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Uglyworld #1321 - Picnicerings (Project BIG - Image 307-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 307/365

It was nicer and sunnies today here in Aachens, so I decidereds that I should gets myselfer outs on a walker to works off the Kilkennys I drinkereds yesterdays.

I decidereds to packs a picnicer and to inviters Yoya alongs for the walkies too, as soon as he heards that I had packereds bananananananas and cookies he was readies to go!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Uglyworld #1320 - On The Beers (Project BIG - Image 306-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 306/365

Ha ha ha, shhhhhhh, don't moves or the owls will sees you, only users your tippietoes...!!!

My favouriters beers was in stockers today, so I gets Baz to buyers me some and well, emm's, they is gones already!

Woops, I has fallereds over, ha ha, hmmm's, nice worktopper, comfies too, ha ha, maybies I needs a sleepie...???

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Uglyworld #1319 - A Candid Of Doug

Babo was giving me grief that I don't take enough photographs of Doug, as he's afraid that he'll grow up so fast that he'll forget how he used to look.

No amount of convincing would sort the situation out, so I made the most of Doug out hunting leftover pumpkins today with Babo to grab some candid shots of the little guy having fun.

Uglyworld #1318 - Pumpkins Huntering (Project BIG - Image 305-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 305/365

I doesn't knows abouts the resters of you outs there in interwebs land, buts I likes to spenders the day after halloweens huntering arounds for any coolers pumpkins that has been throwereds out as the peoplers thinks that they has servereds their purposenesses!

The bests person to helpers out with such a jobber is Doug, as he always sniffers out the pumpkins, even befores I can normallies see them!

Just looks at what me and Doug findereds today, how cools is that, it lookers justs like Wage and it's coming homes with us to compares it side by side with him, ha ha!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -