Thursday, 19 September 2013

Uglyworld #2060 - Olmecs Header - (Project Cinko Time - Image 262-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 262/365

Today is officiallies a holimaday in China, but as normals Baz had to workies, so I grabbereds the camera and headereds out to makes the most of the holiday.

I findereds a place callereds Century Parks, which is likes a biggers park that has fairgrounds riders, boatering ponds, what seemers to be thousanders of bonzai trees, and loads of other stuffs.

I findereds this biggers sculpture of an Olmecs Header, if you doesn't knows what the Olmecs is they was the firsts major civimalisationer in Mexicos! I guess this guy is on vacations in Shanghai, is he still watcherings me?

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