Friday, 20 July 2012

Uglyworld #1617 - Funs Friday (Project TW - Image 202-366)

Project T.W. - Image 202/366

Ever since our trips up to Taipei lasts weekender, we had hads this Toy Worlds bag lyings around our hotels room, so I decidereds to puts it to goods use this evenings and makes a normallers Friday into a Funs Friday insteads.

I hidereds insiders it, and stayereds perfectlies still untils I hearereds Baz enterings the room, I then silentlies countereds to 10 and then bustereds right outs of the bag shouterings "Raaaaaarrrr!" at the tops of my voicer.

Lets just says that I almosts managered to makes him jumpers cleans out of his underwears, ha ha...!!!

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