Friday, 6 July 2012

Uglyworld #1600 - Sweeties Surpriser (Project TW - Image 188-366)

Project T.W. - Image 188/366

I callereds home to speakers to Tray todays and whiles I was tellerings her all abouts the sights and sounds of Hsinchu cities, she askereds me if I had trieds any locallers goodies yet?

I realisereds that I has already eatereds dumplingers and some mega tastiers Taiwanesers pancakers, buts so far I hadn't triereds some candies from Taiwans!

My missions for this evenings was to finders some kinds of sweeties which lookereds so goods that I just hads to buyers them, and here's you have what I is callerings my "sweeties surpriser" as I has no ideas what they is going to tasters like, oh wells, here goes nothings!

From the Uglydoll blog at

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