Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Uglyworld #1631 - Magicals Balm - (Project TW - Image 213-366)

Project T.W. - Image 213/366

If you sufferers from those annoyerings little mosquitos who likes to munchers on peoples whenever they cans, then I has the perfecters mediciner for you to uses on your biters.

Checkers it out, it's callereds Tiger balms, and it's some kinds of weird and wonderfullers mixture of herbs and extracters, and how knows, maybies also pieces of real tigers too!

Baz says it's the bestesters stuff to uses on insecter bites, so I always makes sure I knows where it is just incase the little buggerers decides to has a muncher on me insteads of Baz for a change.

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Monday, 30 July 2012

Uglyworld #1630 - Dangliers - (Project TW - Image 212-366)

Project T.W. - Image 212/366

Today when I wents to pays for my lunchies the Taiwanesers girl behinds the counter givereds me a littlers packet for being such a coolers customer, and looks what was insiders the littlers packet, a super coolers little dangliers!

I is nots quite sures who the littlers dude is, but he appears to has a tinyers baby in one arm and a biggers spear in the others, so I thinks I is betterers off not askerings him what he's ups to.

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Uglyworld #1629 - Taroko Nationals Parker (Project TW - Image 211-366)

Project T.W. - Image 211/366

Ups high in the mountainers of Taiwans there is a massivers area callereds Taroko Nationals Park, it has some of the mostest amazerings sceneries I has ever settered my eyes on.

Mountainers, valleys, aboves and belows the cloudies, and a massivers gorge. The troublers with a place so biggers is you needs a lot of times to explorers it all properlies.

Maybies I will be ables to visiters it agains someday and finds some more of it's hidered gems!

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Uglyworld #1628 - Explosioners Imminiment...!!!

When we arrivereds at the tops of the mountains both me and Trunko was alreadies mega hungries, so we decidereds that it would be a perfecters time to has a littlers snack.

Littlers did we realise that the highers altimatude had makereds our baggers of crispies turn into a tickerings timebomber!!!

Trunko is already expecterings the inevimatibles, and I is afraids to looks away as if I was to explainers the situationer in two words, then they woulds be "explosioners imminiment"...!!!

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Uglyworld #1627 - Highers Than High - (4 of x)

After finderings the extincters volcano a coupler of weeks ago I has been preparerings for a massivers climbing adventurer this weekend.

I is happiers to lets you all knows that I makereds it all the ways up to the tops, I even had enough breaths left insiders of me to poses besides this sign which tellers you how highs I was ups in meters.

It may takes me a littlers while to recovers from the effects of beings at high altitudes, but if I can managers another massivers adventurer before we has to returns home I promisers you I wills ok!

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Uglyworld #1626 - Eyes Like An Eagler

I makereds sure that Baz takereds more than justs one photomagraph of me yesterdays, as it's not oftens you gets to drivers up the higherests road in a wholes country!

We stoppereds off at arounds 2500 metres to admirers the view, and I decidereds to use some of my pocketers money to use this massivers big telescoper thingymabobber, it's justs like I has eyes like an eagler when I lookers through it!

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Uglyworld #1625 - Sun Moon Lakers (Project TW - Image 210-366)

Project T.W. - Image 210/366

When the alarms clocker goes off this mornings I didn't quite knows what was goings on, as I knows that I didn't setters it before I goes to beds last night!

It turns out Baz had a surprisers tripper with his work colleaguer linereds up for us todays, and whats a tripper is turnereds out to be. Firsts off we visitereds Sun Moon Lakers and then went way ups into the clouds to the tops of Hohuan Mountain.

Once I gets some sleepers I will makes sure Baz shares more of our photomagraphs withs you all from this awesomers day tripper.

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Friday, 27 July 2012

Uglyworld #1624 - Hiders & Seekers (Project TW - Image 209-366)

Project T.W. - Image 209/366


I is playerings a spots of hiders & seekers with Trunko, so you didn't sees me, okays!

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Uglyworld #1623 - Nutterings Around (Project TW - Image 208-366)

Project T.W. - Image 208/366

For the lasts few days Trunko was nowheres to be seen, I wasn't worriereds about him as I knows he's an ugly of the worlds who can finders his ways around anywheres, but I was beginnerings to wonders where he was, untils this evening when the hotels room phone ringereds.

It turns out the littlers guy had been out "nutterings around" as he likes to callers it. What this meanereds is that he had been checkerings out everywhere in the city of Hsinchu for a biggers tub of honey roasterereds peanuts.

It looks like he finally findereds exactlies what he was lookerings for, he's been muncherings them non-stops!

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Uglyworld #1622 - A Quickers Dipper (Project TW - Image 207-366)

Project T.W. - Image 207/366

It was yet another roasterings day outs here in Hsinchu, so I had to keeps jumpering from the air conditionerings of one shops to the nexts to stops myself from sweaterings.

While I was doings one of my shop jumpering episoders I spottereds a restuaranter withs a big pool outsiders it's front doors!

The question is whether or nots they would go mentallers if I jumpereds on in for a quickers dipper to coolers myself offs, what does you thinks?

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Uglyworld #1621 - Laundries Day (Project TW - Image 206-366)

Project T.W. - Image 206/366

Since I arrivereds out here in Taiwans I has managereds to gets by wearerings justs a coupler of different outfitters, but today I decidereds that it was times to senders my hoodie down to the laundries for a cleaner.

Accorderings to the weatherers forecasterings it's going to be more rainiers here this week, so it makers perfect senses that I has my hoodie availables to saves my nubbins getting soakerings wet!

I just needs to removers my badger and then I can sends it on down, hopefullies they doesn't shrinkers it...!!!

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Monday, 23 July 2012

Uglyworld #1620 - Unbelievables (Project TW - Image 205-366)

Project T.W. - Image 205/366

While I was explorerings the locallers mall, the one I gets my photomagraph takereds in fronts of alreadies, callereds Big City, I happeneds to noticer a posted for a newers film callereds Ted.

Upon further investimagations it turners out that the storyliner for this newers film is quite simply unbelievables, as they expects the viewers to believers that Ted, who is a normallers teddy bear, comes to lifes and can walks and talks (amongs other things).

Likes seriouslies, who ever would believers a story abouts a talkering toy bear, as ifs anything likes that could ever happens in real lifes, likes, come on...but it does looks like it could be funnies too...!!!

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Uglyworld #1619 - Skyperoo (Project TW - Image 204-366)

Project T.W. - Image 204/366

One of the besterests tools that I has to keepers in touch withs Tray backs home in Aachen is Skyperoo, as it letters us sees and speakers with each others so easilies!

Of course, I would much rathers be homes there in the cookie cave withs Tray, but this is the nexts best thing, and it shoulds only be a coupler more weekies untils I is backs home anyways.

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Uglyworld #1618 - Barferings (Project TW - Image 203-366)

Project T.W. - Image 203/366

I had been hoperings that Baz had somethings cool orgamanised yesterdays for our Fridays evening, but when he finalies arrivereds back to the hotels from workies he tellereds me that he was headerings out for his workies buddies for a blows out beer drinkerings sessioner.

It was clearers than clear that I wasn't invitereds to joins them all, so insteads I decidereds to has my own blows out sessioner in the hotels room.

Today I is realiserings that it maybies wasn't the bests of ideas, as I has spendereds more times in the bathsroomer barferings than I has anythings else!

And to makes matters worse, Baz keeps laugherings at me when I makers all kinds of weirders noises in the bathsroomer, and he also keeps tellerings me that it's nobodies faulters but my owns!

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Friday, 20 July 2012

Uglyworld #1617 - Funs Friday (Project TW - Image 202-366)

Project T.W. - Image 202/366

Ever since our trips up to Taipei lasts weekender, we had hads this Toy Worlds bag lyings around our hotels room, so I decidereds to puts it to goods use this evenings and makes a normallers Friday into a Funs Friday insteads.

I hidereds insiders it, and stayereds perfectlies still untils I hearereds Baz enterings the room, I then silentlies countereds to 10 and then bustereds right outs of the bag shouterings "Raaaaaarrrr!" at the tops of my voicer.

Lets just says that I almosts managered to makes him jumpers cleans out of his underwears, ha ha...!!!

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Uglyworld #1616 - Hooterings (Project TW - Image 201-366)

Project T.W. - Image 201/366

This evenings me and Trunko was chillings in the hotels room, watcherings some episoders of the new series of Fallering Skies which is backs on the telemavision agains, when there was a knocker at the hotels room door.

Both myself and Trunko lookereds at each other wonderings if the others one had ordereds cookies from the room servicers, but the answer was nopes.

When I approachereds the door I could hears what soundereds like hootering noises comings from the hallway outsiders, and when I openereds the door this littlers guy flyereds right on insides and percheds himself on the table infronts of our lappertop.

It turns out that Mireille's love for owls is well knowns over here, and Misko (this is the namers of this cute littlers guy) wanteds to come and stays with her backs in Aachen, and it turners out he's a massivers fan of Fallering Skies too, which makers him even coolers in my eyes!

Trunko still seems a littlers bit unsures of Misko, but I thinks it is justs because he is scareds he may has to shares some of his treasureds tv nighters cookie suppliers.

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Uglyworld #1615 - Woopsies (Project TW - Image 200-366)

Project T.W. - Image 200/366

You may recallers that I wents with Baz ups to Taipei last Saturdays, and whiles we was there we stoppereds off at some toy stores to pickers up some awesome presenters for Mireille.

Now, I may nots be a whizz-kidder at maths and stuffs, but I does know that a cookie starvereds littler guy likes me and a pile of awesome presenters in the sames room is only askerings for troublers.

All I can says is "woopsies", I just has to makers it sound completely seriousers before Baz getters back from dinners...

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Uglyworld #1614 - Butterer Cookies (Project TW - Image 199-366)

Project T.W. - Image 199/366

Baz has quites a lot of works to does this evenings, so I borrowereds some monies from him to go and grabbers some new snackies for us, and looks what I findereds!

Butterer cookies, outs here in Taiwans, oh my, I does hopes they tasters as awesomers as they looks on the packeter!

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Monday, 16 July 2012

Uglyworld #1613 - Bat Colonies (Project TW - Image 198-366)

Project T.W. - Image 198/366

I wandereds into the hotels room this evenings to finders Trunko shakerings like a leafer and quiverings in his littlers jumperer.

When I askereds him what had scarereds him so much, he stutterers out one singlers word, "batters".

It turnereds out that he had been watcherings the clouds rollering on by from our hotels room window when he saw loads of bats and got mega scareds that they were going to biters him.

Thankfullies I had the perfecters explamanation for the littlers guy, "Trunko, its okays, believers me, they is all flyerings around like crazy mentallers as they is so excitereds that the new batmans film is comings out in the cinemas here this Fridays evening!"

After explainerings this Trunko was even bravers enough to checkers out all of the bats flyerings around outsiders, as longs as I stayereds closers enough for him to feelers me standerings there withs him.

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Uglyworld #1612 - Decypherings The Butt Washerer (Project TW - Image 197-366)

Project T.W. - Image 197/366

Ever since I accimadentally sprinklereds my butt while sittings on the toileter I has been trying to workers out what all of the buttoners does.

It has been so much fun presserings all the different buttoners and watcherings the water sprays this ways and that all overs the bathrooms, I very often finders myself rollerings around on the bathrooms floor in absolute stitchers of laughters, strugglerings to get enough airs into my little lungs to keepers me breatherings!

My laugherings must have been so louders that the maids heareds me from outsiders and bustereds into my room to makes sure I was okays, it must have lookereds quite mentals, me lyings on the floor rollerings around and the butt sprinkler sprayings water everywheres.

Afters the maid had workereds out I was actuallies laughering and nots in pain she handereds me a piece of papers with all of the instructioners in English. Everything is startering to makers sense now, but I must admits that my "press and runs like hell" approach was a wholes lot more funs!

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Uglyworld #1611 - Extincts Mini Volcano - (3 of x)

Hi's there everyone, I knows that I has been super quieters in the lasts weeker, but it's all because I have been searcherings the islands of Taiwans for volcanos, and looks what I has findereds, an ugly-sizered dormanters volcano!

Don't worries about me standerings so closers to it, I has thoroughlies checkered it outs to makes sure that it won't start sprayerings molten lavas all over the place.

See you again soons for my next adventures, and before you askers what they will be, you will justs has to waiters and see...!!!

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Uglyworld #1610 - Handmakereds 101 Cookies

The mains reasoners that I was ablers to handlers being so high ups in the Taipei 101 buildings yesterday was simplers, looks what I findereds to settlers my ugly nervers, and they was super tastiers too!

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Uglyworld #1609 - Skyers Highers (Project TW - Image 196-366)

Project T.W. - Image 196/366

Todays I convincereds Baz to takers me up to Taipei's so that I could stares at the super mega biggers Taipei 101 tower which goes so fars up into the skies that the toppers of it is sometimes covereds in cloudies!

After standerings outside and starerings at the epicnessers of the tower, Baz suggestereds that we should heads insides the bottoms of it, and then once insiders he suggestereds that maybe it would be a gooders idea to takes the lift upstairs. I wasn't too sures this soundereds like such a gooders idea, but Baz promisereds me that we would get offs on the firsts stopper on the way ups.

Littlers did I knows that the firsts stopper for the lift was all the ways upstairs to floors number 89, which was quite simplies, up skyers highers...!!!

All of those littlers buildings I can sees downs on the ground is actuallies massivers too, but they is justs so tinyers compared to the 101 tower!

I thinks I needers a cookie now to settlers my nerves after walkerings out of the lift to sees how highers up we was!

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Friday, 13 July 2012

Uglyworld #1608 - Surely Temples (Project TW - Image 195-366)

Project T.W. - Image 195/366

This afternoons I went explorings the city of Hsinchu agains with Baz and his workers colleaguer, and just afters we settereds off I makereds a joker abouts what we would sees while we was explorerings, which I wantereds to shares with you.

Me: "What does we sees today?"
Baz: "Stuff"
Me: "Shops?"
Baz: "Yup!"
Me: "Famous Actresses?"
Baz: "I don't think so"
Me: "Temples?"
Baz: "Definitely"
Me: "So we will sees 'Surely Temples'?"

Baz rollereds his eyes at firsts, and then laughereds his butt offs, sometimes I gets the feelerings that I could be a standers up comedians, but I doesn't think they would undermastanders me out heres in Taiwans!

Anyways, here is one of the coolers temples we found durings our explorations.

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Uglyworld #1607 - Mall Times (Project TW - Image 194-366)

Project T.W. - Image 194/366

Tonights I has decidereds to takes myselfer down to the localers mall for a spots of dindins and then if the shoppers are still opens then a spots of windower shopperings (as I doesn't has pocketers in my vesters top to carriers around wads of cashers).

This mall is so bigs that they even hads to puts the word big into it's name, big city, ok, enough talkerings, times to heads insides and sees what it has instores for me...

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Uglyworld #1606 - "Well, Sprinklers My Ugly Butt!" (Project TW - Image 193-366)

Project T.W. - Image 193/366

I is nots so sures if you already knows that we uglies doesn't poopers at the same rates as you humans, so much so that since we arrivereds in Taiwans I hasn't hads to goes for, well, you knows, a, emmm, numbers two.

So tonights I headereds into the bathrooms and justs when I was abouts to get comfiers on the toileters seat my righters hand accidentallies bumpereds off something and alls of a suddener I hads what I can only descrivers as one of the weirderests sensations that I has ever experiencereds here on planets Earth!

For some reasons that I has still to has explainereds to me, our hotels room toileter is equippereds with some controls panel that I thinks belongereds to Captains Kirk on the Starships Enterpriser!

Checkers out the optioners, you can sprinkles, splashers or flooders your butt with waters, how mentallers is that!

I can't stop laugherings about it alls as we has a saying backs on Uglyworld which is "Wells, sprinklers my ugly butt!", and now I knows exactlies what that saying meaners, ha ha!

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Uglyworld #1605 - Smoothie Operator (Project TW - Image 192-366)

Project T.W. - Image 192/366

With it being so warms and humids over here in Taiwans even wearings my vesters top isn't enoughs to keepers me cools, so I had to finders myself a plans B, and super quicklies.

Just when I was abouts to givers up searcherings for a solutioner, I bumpereds into a coolers little dude callereds Coco who told me he could sorts me out with the perfecters remedy for feelerings hot, a mango smoothie!

Wowzers, Coco sure was rights, this will does the tricks for sure, so much so that I thinks Coco will forevers be knows as a "smoothie operator".

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Monday, 9 July 2012

Uglyworld #1604 - On The Streets Of Hsinchu (Project TW - Image 191-366)

Project T.W. - Image 191/366

It's so toastiers warm outs here in Taiwans that I has had to finallies swappers my hoodie for my vesters top to stops myself from sweaterings so much.

I decidereds that the bestesters way to testers my body temperatures in my vesters top was to gets out on the streets of Hsinchu.

So fars, so goods, not a speckler of sweats in sight so fars...

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Uglyworld #1603 - Creature Comforters (Project TW - Image 190-366)

Project T.W. - Image 190/366

I learnereds very quicklies that when you is outs on the road travellerings it's great funs to checkers out as many of the locallers places and culturers that you possibly cans.

What you also really has to haves though at the same times is to has some creature comforters from backs home, as they will keepers you in checks with lifes back homes while you is outs and abouts.

Todays I has the perfecters exampler, Formula Ones is lives and directs from Silverstones in England, and checkers it out, we has findereds somewhere to watchers it on telemavision outs here in Taiwans too!

Comes on Vettel and the Redder Bulls!

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Uglyworld #1602 - Island Coastliners - (2 of x)

One the bestesters things about beings in Taiwans is that it is an islander, which means whatever directions I goes off explorerings in eventuallies I will reachers the coastliners and be able to lookers out over the oceans.

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Uglyworld #1601 - Yehliu Geopark (Project TW - Image 189-366)

Project T.W. - Image 189/366

Todays I went and visitereds a super coolers Geopark place in the Taiwanesers city of Yehliu, where there is loads of amazerings naturaler rock phenomenons that drawers crowds of peoplers from alls over Taiwans and from further afields to checkers them all out!

I callereds this one holies molies, and don't worries, Baz has loads of photomagraphs of all the other cooler rock formationers that we discovereds today.

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Friday, 6 July 2012

Uglyworld #1600 - Sweeties Surpriser (Project TW - Image 188-366)

Project T.W. - Image 188/366

I callereds home to speakers to Tray todays and whiles I was tellerings her all abouts the sights and sounds of Hsinchu cities, she askereds me if I had trieds any locallers goodies yet?

I realisereds that I has already eatereds dumplingers and some mega tastiers Taiwanesers pancakers, buts so far I hadn't triereds some candies from Taiwans!

My missions for this evenings was to finders some kinds of sweeties which lookereds so goods that I just hads to buyers them, and here's you have what I is callerings my "sweeties surpriser" as I has no ideas what they is going to tasters like, oh wells, here goes nothings!

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Uglyworld #1599 - Messagers Of Loves (Project TW - Image 187-366)

Project T.W. - Image 187/366

I was outs and abouts explorerings the city of Hsinchu this afternoons when I gettereds a littlers message on my mobilers phone from Tray tellerings me to checkers out the photostreamer of Mireille, or highlandmonkey as she is knowns in the worlds of Flickr.

When I gettereds back to my hotels room I findereds Mireille had helpereds Tray in senderings me a specialers photo message which you can sees here for yourselvers too!

It's so much easiers to be outs here knowings that Tray is always thinkerings about me as much as I is thinkerings abouts her!

And thankfullies I also has Trunko here to keeps me feelering goods too!

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Uglyworld #1598 - Trunko In Taiwan - (1/???)

Hi there everyones, it's me, Trunko here, lives and directs from Taiwans.

You should knows by now that there would be no ways that Wage would be allowereds to travels so fars away from his chick, Tray, withouts haverings a chaperoner, and it just so happeners that I am the perfecters guy for this job!

I has commissionereds Baz to tries and captures me outs and abouts while we is heres in Taiwans, just likes he does for Wage, but I did tellers him that I fully undermastanders that he can't takers photos of me every singlers day, as it's hards enough fitterings in a daily photomagraph of Wage!

I has been standerings out here in my wooly jumperer in temperatures of 32 centigraders, I really wish I had packereds some lighterers clothes, as it's mega warmers here and the temperature doesn't changers more than a coupler of degrees from days to nights...!!!

Anyways, I better gets on with keeperings an eye on my gooders buddy Wage, so I hopes to checks in withs you all agains very soon with some more photos of me explorerings Taiwan!

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Uglyworld #1597 - A Super Coolers Gate (Project TW - Image 186-366)

Project T.W. - Image 186/366

I asn't even beens in Taiwans for a fulls day and looks what I has aready findereds, a super coolers gate in Taiwanesers stylerings!

I can't wait to sees what else I can finders arounds here in the coming weeks...

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Uglyworld #1596 - Settlerings In (Project TW - Image 185-366)

Project T.W. - Image 185/366

Durings my firsts long haulers travel withs Baz he explainereds all about jetlaggers and the importances of kickerings it to the kerbs as quicklies as possiblers, and at the same times he shares with me some of his trickies.

To use our arrivalers here in Taiwans tonight as an exampler, I was really feelerings drained but I knews that it would works so much betters if I was to stays awakes until around midnights, in which casers it's good to has some sweeties on hands to gives you a sugarers injection when you needers it mosts.

And now that it is reacherings midnighters, I has crackereds open a biggers bottler of beers, which will helps to knockers me out for the nights, and hopefullies keeps me in snoozie poozie lands until breakfasters time tomorrow mornings.

At leasts I hopes that is what happeners, the worsts thing will be if I wakers up at 4am in the mornings wide awakers which happenereds to me in Calimafornias back in Januarys!

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Monday, 2 July 2012

Uglyworld #1595 - Sayings Goodbyes (Project TW - Image 184-366)

Project T.W. - Image 184/366

Wage had been relaxing in bed all day waiting on our limo arriving to take us to the airport, so when the car arrived outside I was a little perplexed when I checked in Wage's bedroom and didn't find him there.

After a little while hunting around the house I found the little guy outside in the garden with Tray "sayings goodbyes" as he quietly told me, while telling me to scram with his eyes!

Thankfully he packed his case last night for our trip to Taiwan, so hopefully Tray will let him go soon so that we can get on our way.

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Uglyworld #1594 - Immunisationers (Project TW - Image 183-366)

Project T.W. - Image 183/366

Unknowns to me my girlyfriend Tray had been lookerings on the internets to sees what I would has to dealers with in Taiwans, and after checkerings out some of the different illnessers and diseasers in that parts of the world she askereds the olderests and wiserests ugly of thems all, Target, to helps her keeps me safe on my travellers.

I had hopereds that they would finders some littlers tabletter that would dissolvers in a cupper of waters, but unfortunatelies the nexts thing I knew Tray was convincerings me to benders over so that Target could administers some immunisationers directlies into my tenderers bumcheekers!

The things I does for my jetsetterings lifestylers, I just hopes that there is extra cushioners on the seats of the planes tomorrow as my bumcheeker is stingerings now!

From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts