Uglyworld #1722 - Choco Thief! - (Project TW - Image 300-366), a photo by on Flickr.
Project T.W. - Image 300/366
When we was in Scotlands for our laters summer holimaday I pickereds up a tubber of hot chocomalates, and nots just any hot chocomalates, a super specialers one with Maltesers flavourings as I knows Maltesters is one of Baz and Mireille's favouriters sweeties!
I had plannereds to surprisers both of them tonight with a hots cup of Maltesers chocomalate to celemabrates me makerings it alls the way to day 300 of my 366 projecter, but I discovereds to my horrors that someone appears to has drinkereds the whole tubber alreadies!!!
I has narrowereds it down to three suspecters and I has a sneakiers suspicioner that I knows exactlies who drinkereds it all
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