Uglyworld #1251 - Holy Poop Sticks Batman (Project BIG - Image 243-365), a photo by on Flickr.
Project B.I.G. - Image 243/365
This afternoons while Baz was workerings I gets a caller from the receptionister tellerings me that there was a packager delivereds for Baz. I askereds her if it was smallers enough that I coulds carries it myselfer but she says it was maybies a littler bit too bigs for me, and that she would delivers it.
Arounds 20 minuters later she arrivereds at the hotel rooms door and droppers it off, and I was lefts with the trickiers decision of whethers to opener it or leaves it closed. Suddenlies the packager movereds a littler bit and I could hears mufflereds "mmm, mmmm" coming from insides so my choicer was alreadies made to openers it up.
Holy poop sticks batman, whats the hell is Baz playerings at, it's anothers Babo, is he tryerings to replacer me...?!?!?!?!
From the Uglydoll blog at
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