Uglyworld #1248 - Baggers Taggers (Project BIG - Image 240-365), a photo by on Flickr.
Project B.I.G. - Image 240/365
If you has ever travellereds on a biggers hairyplane with hundreders of other peoples you will knows how bigs the piler of baggers and casers is that they unloaders at the destinationer hairyport.
Mireille makereds me some extra specials baggers taggers to attacher to my suiterscase tonights, in the hopes of me being abler to finders it easier tomorrows when we arrivers back in Americas.
This timer we has decidereds not to goes and visiters President Obamamama for a cupper of teas and insteads will goes to visiters the coolers light tunneler in Chicagos O'Hairs hairyporter, and this timers I will has Turtle withs me too, as he justs gots out of his hibermanations perioder which seems to have lasteds mega longers this year.
I has been watchering alls of the newsies abouts the crazies mentaller hurrimacane that turnereds intos a tropimopical stormer, as we wills either has to flyers over the tops of it or arounds it tomorrow from what I can tellers from the promajected pather, I will makes sure to watchers out the windows of the hairyplane for it!
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