Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Uglyworld #1251 - Holy Poop Sticks Batman (Project BIG - Image 243-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 243/365

This afternoons while Baz was workerings I gets a caller from the receptionister tellerings me that there was a packager delivereds for Baz. I askereds her if it was smallers enough that I coulds carries it myselfer but she says it was maybies a littler bit too bigs for me, and that she would delivers it.

Arounds 20 minuters later she arrivereds at the hotel rooms door and droppers it off, and I was lefts with the trickiers decision of whethers to opener it or leaves it closed. Suddenlies the packager movereds a littler bit and I could hears mufflereds "mmm, mmmm" coming from insides so my choicer was alreadies made to openers it up.

Holy poop sticks batman, whats the hell is Baz playerings at, it's anothers Babo, is he tryerings to replacer me...?!?!?!?!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Uglyworld #1250 - Jetlaggered Nom-Nom's (Project BIG - Image 242-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 242/365

Babo told me he had a new plan to get over the shift in timezone quicker on this trip, I had no idea what his plan was until I heard him munching (head first) on a packet of Lay's wavy hickory barbeque...I just hope it works!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

Monday, 29 August 2011

Uglyworld #1249 - Bagelers & Dews (Project BIG - Image 241-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 241/365

As we were flyerings over the Easterns coaster of Americas this afternoons I was keepering my eyes peelered for any signs of the Hurricaner Irenes outs of the hairyplane window, buts it musts have been either Norths or Souths of our flighters path on the ways in to Chicagos.

All that eye peeleringness mades me mega hungries, so when we was waiterings for our connectioner to Portlands I went offs and pickereds up some hots, fillered Bagelers and Mountain Dews for me and Baz to shares.

It seemereds to does the trick, as Baz tookered a coolers photomagraph from the hairyplane of a biggers wildfire which is burnings on the Norths sider of Mount Hoods where I gots a cooler mega early mornings photomagraph taken earliers this year.

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Uglyworld #1248 - Baggers Taggers (Project BIG - Image 240-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 240/365

If you has ever travellereds on a biggers hairyplane with hundreders of other peoples you will knows how bigs the piler of baggers and casers is that they unloaders at the destinationer hairyport.

Mireille makereds me some extra specials baggers taggers to attacher to my suiterscase tonights, in the hopes of me being abler to finders it easier tomorrows when we arrivers back in Americas.

This timer we has decidereds not to goes and visiters President Obamamama for a cupper of teas and insteads will goes to visiters the coolers light tunneler in Chicagos O'Hairs hairyporter, and this timers I will has Turtle withs me too, as he justs gots out of his hibermanations perioder which seems to have lasteds mega longers this year.

I has been watchering alls of the newsies abouts the crazies mentaller hurrimacane that turnereds intos a tropimopical stormer, as we wills either has to flyers over the tops of it or arounds it tomorrow from what I can tellers from the promajected pather, I will makes sure to watchers out the windows of the hairyplane for it!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Uglyworld #1247 - It's All Gravys (Project BIG - Image 239-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 239/365

Tonights I gots to helpers Mireille makes Baz a super tasties Scottisher style din-dins befores he headers backs to Americas on Monday mornings (and yes I wills be goings withs him agains too!).

I gettereds put in charges of makerings the gravys for the minces and tatties, and obviouslys there was only one possibler choicer to be mades, aaaaaahhhh Bisto!

For sures it's all gravys!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

Friday, 26 August 2011

Uglyworld #1246 - Cookie Muncher Photomashoot (Stop Motioner)

I decidereds to puts together a funnies littler stop motions video from alls of the photomagraphs I tookered today!

Music: Chicane - Turning Corners

Uglyworld #1245 - Cookie Munchers Photomashoot (Project BIG - Image 238-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 238/365

I had askered Baz to helpers me out by doing a photomashoot of alls of my cousiners so that I can adders them alls to my new Adventurers In Uglyworlders websiter, buts Baz always seemers to busys to helpers me outs with it alls.

Todays before Mireille wents off to workies, I gots her to shows me where Baz keepers alls of his biggers photomagraphy lightering kitters, and then I employered some of my cousiners to helps me setter it alls up.

Oh boys did we have mega funs all day, I gets to shoots some mega coolers photomagraphs and we all laughered so muches durings it all.

Oh, and incase you is wonderings, we shouters "cookies" insteads of "cheese" just before takings the photomagraph!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Uglyworld #1244 - Scottisher Cousins (Project BIG - Image 237-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 237/365

After having funs checkering outs the coolers adventures of Jimmy recentlies, it remindered me that I hadn't seens my adoptered Scottisher Cousins Frank and Stevie in a whiles, so I callered them ups and askered them if they fancieds a wee vacationer in Germanies for a coupler of days.

I didn't hears back from thems until the doorbeller went ding-a-lingers today and I founds the pair of them standering on our doorstepper with their suitcasers at their sides.

They both has super duper coolers accenters, they even sounds more Scottisher than Baz!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Uglyworld #1245 - Stansteders (Project BIG - Image 236-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 236/365

Hellos from Stansteders hairyport, which is in Londons, Englands.

We is just gettering readies to flyers backs home to Aachens now, as soons as our hairyplane turners up that is, I just hopers that no-one has stealered it...!!!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Uglyworld #1244 - Bad Hairs & Cares (Project BIG - Image 235-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 235/365

Hellos from Cambridgers in Englands where we is todays and tomorrows, and checkers it outer - the hotels has thinkered of coolers things to puts on the cleanerings stuffs in the bathersroom!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

Monday, 22 August 2011

Uglyworld #1243 - Whats A Letdowner (Project BIG - Image 234-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 234/365

This evenerings after we had eatereds our dindins Baz tolds me that he had a biggers surpriser in stores for me that would starts once it got darkers outside, so you can imaginers I was getterings mega excitereds as the sun droppered and the nightertime camer runnering ins.

Arounds 10 pee-emm's Baz said that it was times for my surpriser and tellered me I had to keepers my handies over my ear nubbins while he finalerised the plannerings with Mireille. Keepering my handies over my ear nubbins wasn't easies, and I lettered them goes a coupler of times to hears littler bits of infos.

"Funs, outsiders, balcony and most importantlies Green Lantern", I managered to hears while pretendering to has my nubbins covereds, so I hads the great thoughters in my head that Mireille or Baz has scoreds us a copy of the newers Green Lantern film to watchers out on the balcony...

Don't gets me wrong, this green lantern is still cools, but I was hopering for a differents one...

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Uglyworld #1242 - Afters Party Nom Nom's (Project BIG - Image 233-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 233/365

The only thing coolers than attenderings a wickeders party is the afters party nom nom's to helpers you in your recoveries the nexter day, and thankfullies Mireille was gooders enough to sorters me outs with somes from her mama's birthdays party.

Potato saladers, which they goes mentallers over heres in Germanys, alongsider a tastiers chickens drumsticker and all washereds down withs some Cola Lighters, which is dieters cokes buts the Germanys versioner!

Mmmmmm, nom-nom's...

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

Uglyworld #1241 - My Newer Bestesters Friendly

I doesn't cares what anyone says, hic!, this is my newer bestester friendly, hic!, he is so coolers he even has a piper and stick, hic!, hmmm, wheres did alls my clothers goes to? hic!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

Uglyworld #1240 - Getrunken

Hallos everyones, hic!, we is haverings a gooder time, hic!, Mireille's cousiners says I is getterings a litter bit getrunken, which I thinkers means drunkered!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Uglyworld #1239 - The Pay Off

There were finally signs that Wage's breakdancing lessons were finally paying off...

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

Uglyworld #1238 - All Fixed Now

Thankfully Tray finally gave up shouting at Babo and fixed the Bow on the present by herself...but she did mumble, "Grrr, boys" several times...

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

Uglyworld #1237 - All Tieds Up (Project BIG - Image 232-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 232/365

This evenerings we is goings to the birthdays parties of Mireille's Mama, and Tray askereds me if I could sorters out the wrapperings of the presents we buyereds for her.

It lookered mega simplers when Mireille showeds me hows to makes the ribboners go all twirlies earliers, buts when I triereds it myselfer it didn't quites go as plannereds, much to the displeasures of Tray who is just shouterings and wavering her armies arounds insteads of helpings me untangler the ribbons from my ear nubbins!

Pah, womens!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

Uglyworld #1236 - Kickflip Lessons

Brad was trying hard to do his first successful kickflip, but kept messing up his landing.

Thankfully Ox was on hand to give him some tips on how it's done.

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

Uglyworld #1235 - Brad's Sunny Saturday Skate

Brad Luk was over the moon this morning when he awoke to see the sun shining, so as soon as he has scoffed his brekkie he was off outside to have some fun with his skateboard.

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

Friday, 19 August 2011

Uglyworld #1234 - New Binner (Project BIG - Image 231-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 231/365

Whiles me and Baz was aways in Americas Mireille seemers to have askered Wage to helps her chooses a new binner for the kitcheners.

I reckons Wage choosered this one as it means he can disamappears when he standers next to it, especiallies when it is timers to does the houseworks!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Uglyworld #1233 - Ugly Towers At Nights (Project BIG - Image 230-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 230/365

Withs me beings away so muchers since we movered intos the new cookie cave as I likes to callers it, the one thing I has been missering mega muches is the awesomer Ugly Towers, insides which I renters a roomer with somes of my coolers friendlies.

I deciders to shows you a litter of how mega coolers the towers looks at nighters when we fires up the LED lighterings that Baz installeds for us.

At the moments it's probablies a gooder idea that I is travellerings so much as the amounts of roomers is getting mega limiteds in all three towers, so I has appliereds for plannering permissions to gets Ugly Tower #4 buildered, hopefullies it gets approvered so we can all has plenties more spacers.

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Uglyworld #1232 - Flower Rustler

I managed to get a quick snap of the "rustler" in the flower box before Babo coaxed him into the house with the promise of tasty cookies...I just hope Mireille has some or there may be trouble brewing...

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

Uglyworld #1231 - Just Relaxers (Project BIG - Image 229-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 229/365

It would appears that we arrivereds home justs in the knickers of times, as when we pullered ups outsider we coulds hear Mirelle screamerings thats there was somethings aliver in her flowers.

We runnered ups the stairs and ins the front doors, Baz tookered cares of Mireille and I wents outsider to sees what the fussies was all abouts.

At firsts I could sees nothings, so I just stoodered perfectlies stiller and watches the flowers and eventuallies I spotteds moverments.

Once the creature moved out from behinds the leavers I could sees that it was anothers of my cousins, rainbows power misters, but he wasn't quite sures if he was welcomers afters all the earlier screamings and stuffs.

"Just relaxers", I tellered him, and explainered that we is all mega friendlies here and that we has big potters of cookies for him to munchies on if he comes inside.

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Uglyworld #1230 - Snackies & Surfers (Project BIG 228-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 228/365

Hellos everyone, I is waiterings for my seconder flight from Washingtons backs to Europes, so I decidereds to use my uglies charmering skills to scores me some internets surfies and mosts importantlies - snackies!!!

Checkers it out, we is in the lands of Mr Obamamama and they has some of the tastiers Shortiebread from Baz's homeland here toos and I didn't evens have to goes and knockers on the fronts door of the Whitershouse to gets it, rocks on!

I better goes and watchers the departures screenies to makes sure we doesn't missers our next flighter, nexts timer you will hears from me I will be backers in Aachens, woohoo!!!

You can also follow Babo now on Twitter - @uglyadventures

Monday, 15 August 2011

Uglyworld #1229 - Names That Store (Project BIG 227-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 227/365

Hi everyones, finallies it's timer to packs up my suitcaser readies for the flighter home tomorrow mornings. Baz keepers referrings to the hairyplane as the "bigs metal budgie", he normally makes me laugher with this, just in the same ways as I makes him laughs by callings them hairyplanes!

Can you tells where I has been buyering stuffers from, I has just packered thems into my suitcaser so you can sees their logo-to-gogo as a mega biggers clue.

I knows that alls of my Americans friendlies will be abler to nails it withins a blinker of an eye or two, buts maybe we has some eagler eyes backs in Europe and elsewheres too!

Infacters, lets putter it to the tester, if you is Americans then you is nots allowed to says the name untils Tuesday mornings, to gives all our other friendlies a chance to shows off their generals knowledge.

Generals knowledge, hmmm, if he was to leads an army I thinks they could beats anyone, ha ha...

I better gets on with my packering as we needs to gets an earlier night tonights as we leavers the hotels at five ay-emm's, mega earliers!

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Uglyworld #1228 - Bumblerbee (Project BIG 226-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 226/365

On my originallers travellering to reachers Earth I stoppered at a planeter called Cybertrons, where I meetered ups with many coolers Automabots, leadered by a coolers dude called Optimousse Primer - you already knows that I likes mousses, so becoming friendlies was easies.

When Optimousse hears that I was potentiallies havering a problems with the newers roboter housekeeperings, he decidereds nots to leave my safeties to chancer and sendered one of his bestesters to watches over me.

Checkers it outs, this awesomers Automabot is calleds Bumblerbee, but I hasn't heareds him makes any buzzering noises yet, but he says that he has a palazama cannoner or somethings like that.

Bests of all is thats Bumblerbee doesn't seems to needer to eats anything, so I knows all of my cookies and icy creamers is super duper safers, and as he doesn't eaters then I suspecters that he won't do poopies eithers, which makers him the bestester watcher-dog-bee-thingie I could possiblies ask for.

The days of peskies housekeepering is numberereds now, all thanks to my new buddies, Bumblerbee!

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Uglyworld #1227 - Saturday Night Snackers (Project BIG 225-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 225/365

Today I has spentered the entires day workerings on the new websiter, and I has managered to gets loaders of pages ups and runnering with their galleries too!

While I was workering on the websiter, Baz poppered out to grabbers us dinners, and then laters on he surprisered me withs a huge tubber filleds to the tops with tasty jellybeaners!

Perfects saturday night snackers, even if I does says so myselfer!

Friday, 12 August 2011

Uglyworld #1226 - Risers & Shiners (Project BIG 224-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 224/365

As we is finallies gettering to flyers home in the early mornings of Tuesdays next weeker, Baz suggestered that it would maybies be a gooders idea to wakers up Cookie Dream Babo who has been sleeperings almost constantlies since he arrivereds.

Checks out his facer, he looks spacered out as he has what you humaners calls "morningers starers". I thinks it's a goods idea that I stays besiders him and holders his hand untils he wakers up fullies!

p.s. I can't waiters for him to explainers to me all of the wondermaful cookie dreams he musts have been havings!

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Uglyworld #1225 - Housekeeperings V2.0 (Project BIG 223-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 223/365

Oh my gooderness, just when I thinkered I hads the whole housekeeperings mentallers under complete controllers they uppers the game!

Todays the normaller rappering at the hotels room door was mores solider than normals, but I just thinkereds that they had decidered to sends in the strongerest housekeeperer incases things got ugly.

I did my usuals thing of hiderings in a darkers spot of the hotels room, and then the door openereds and I couldn't believers my eyes at what walkers in - A ROBOTER HOUSEKEEPERER!!!

Clearlies they is takings things more seriousers than I had originally thinkered, but they may justs have scupperereds their own planners as I decideds to sneaker round to the freezers and leavers my brands new tubber of tasty icy creamers on the counter.

The roboter didn't even sniffers or investimagates whats flavourings it was, it just puttered it straights back into the freezers to keeps it super cools!

Hopefullies the roboter will be friendlies, buts for now I is still keepings myselfer out of sighters just incases!!!

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Uglyworld #1224 - Temptamanations (Project BIG 222-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 222/365

I finders the perfects snacker to has when workings on the new websiter - minty moussers temptamanations froms the Jell-O peoples.

They tasters mega yummies!

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Uglyworld #1223 - Worrieds (Project BIG 221-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 221/365

This evenerings I was gettings just a littler bit worrieds, it getters to six pee emm ers and Baz wasn't backers from works, so I gets straight ons the phoner to Mireille backs in Aachen.

She tellered me that todays there was a highers chancer of some "beers comsumptioners", and that I should not be worrieds.

All I has to says is that I woulds get a mega slappers on the handie for such behaviours so I thinks it is only fairs that Baz getters the same, so I will still be mega angries in the mornings!!!

Monday, 8 August 2011

Uglyworld #1222 - Eco Friendlies (Project BIG 220-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 219/365

Today my sores head was beginnings to feels a littler bit betters, I musts say a thousander thankyous to everyones for your nice worders yestermaday.

When Baz went offers to workies he askered me if I wouldn't minders sortering outs all of our washings that neededs done, so I searchered the interwebs to sees what I could finds and makered a shortielist.

Just as I was deciderings which one would be the besters I heards a knocker at the hotels room door, them peskies housekeeperings was tryings to gets insider our rooms again!

I quicklies ran offs to the clothes cupboarder and leaves the door just a smidgeners bit opens so I could watchers what they dids. The bed gets makered, the bathroomer gets some new towelers and thens it happenered, they openered the freezers and eatered my icy creamers.

As you can imaginers I wents flying outs of the cupboard shoutings, "red handers, caughted you!". They starteds screamerings likes hell, droppered my icy creamers and runned right outs the door. I showered them, lets me tells you!!!

So anyways, after watchering for them trying to makes a returner to finishers off my icy creamers I was ables to continuer with choosering which laundries company to uses, and reallies there was no competitioners when I sees that this oner does the cleanerings using eco friendlies methoders!

I is thinking that I has to booby trappers my nexts tubber of icy creamers, what does you thinks

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Uglyworld #1221 - Does Chicks Love Scars (Project BIG 219-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 219/365

I has been wonderings whether or not to lets Baz takes a photomagraph of me all days today, and eventuallies decideds it would be okays as long as you answers me a question.

I reads on the internetters some times ago that chicks love scars, can you confirms if this is trues?

The reasons I askers is that afters over 200 days out on adventurers and other mentallers stuff I finally oversteppered the lines of safeties that Baz always warners me about.

I was standering at the tops of the massiver dam and insteads of taking the easiers way down I thought I would takers the extremers option of jumperings down, unfortunatelies as I jumpered I losered my balances and landeds on my head!

It still hurters a lot evens now, a days later. Baz has fed me cookies and icy creamers alls day to helps with the pains, but I doesn't know how I can continuers on for another one hundreder and forty sixers days likes this...

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Uglyworld #1220 - God Dam (Project BIG 218-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 218/365

Todays we visitered the Northern Cascaders mountains, so when I findered a huge biggers dam up in the mountains I was amazered, they just likes to hiders stuffs like this to surprisers you when you visits!

As it was so biggers, I askered Baz if these means it qualimifies as being calleds a God Dam?

Baz just laughered ats my commenter :D

Friday, 5 August 2011

Uglyworld #1219 - Signer Waverers (Project BIG 217-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 217/365

This mornings after Baz had gone offs to workies I hads a brainwaver with how to helps Wage (and Rolf) out with gettings loads of voters in the compermatition that they is entereds into!

When we goes away for our daytrippers I always sees people standerings on the corners of busy intermasections wavering signers, the signers coulds be for local superdupermarkets, new housers, or sometimes completely randomer thingies.

I askered Letterman what he thinkered of my ideas and he tellered me it was a gooders one, so we makereds up our signers and then walkered along to a localler busy intermasection to gets those voters flyings in for Wage.

After abouts ten minuters I was wonderings why peoples kept honkering their car horns, and then I lookers at the signer that Letterman had makered, I don't thinkers he quite undermastood what I meants to write on the signers, but we is having great funners anyway so is all goods!

If you wants to voters for Wage, you can followers the linker below to takes you right to the compermatition pager:-

Voters here -

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Uglyworld #1218 - Migrationals Successers (Project BIG 216-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 216/365

Checkers out what I has behinds me, you woulds be correctors if you says somethings like "bah, it's justs the blogger", but todays is the starts of somethings even more specialers.

What you sees now is the blogger on my new websiter, so nows when you lookers at the olds websiter addresses it will automatatically transfers you at the speeders of lights through the internets to the new locationer on - awesomers!

I hopes you all was okays during the lasts coupler of days where we hads to takers the blogger offlines for the transfers, I promisers you it will be well worths it as once I has buildered the rests of my new websiter you will have a whole lots of ugly all in the one singles placer, highs fivers all rounds!

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Uglyworld #1217 - Is You Windings Me Upper?

I makered Baz takes a quicker video of the bedlamers and mayhems in our hotels room for you alls to see.

The Ice-Bat's are just clean mentallers, they has some kinds of magnetisers for other uglies, you will see what I means when you checkers out the video.

Uglyworld #1216 - Photodaviders (Project BIG 215-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 215/365

Is not ofteners that I is reallies lost for worders, but todays is definitelies one of those momenters, and all becauser of the awesomer Photodaviders who lettered manys of my cousiners stays with hims in San Diegos longs before I even arrivered here on Earths to lives with Baz & Mireille in Aachens.

Wage tookered Photodaviders on his yearlies pilgrimager to meets the Masters of the Uglyverse, who goes unders the code namer David Horvath heres on Earth, and whiles there he discovereds that loaders more of our ugly cousiners has arrivered on Earth at the same timers.

As you can imaginers humaners can onlies handle so much uglyness, so Wage askered if some of them would likes to liver in Aachens with Mireille and Baz, and sures enough there was plenties of volunteerisms.

Checkers out the coolers badgies I has now toos, I feelers kind of famousers now seeings myselfer on them, I especiallies lovers the cookie and hands one which I pinnered straights on to my jacketer!

And befores you askers, the Icebats is not reallies ghosters, they just wouldn'ts stay in one placer for the photomagraph. Since the photomagraph was taken the place turners into bedlamers here, I will gets Baz to makes a videoer for you alls this evenings.

p.s. Once agains, a massiver thankies to Photodavider, as he is the one who convincered Baz to lets us live withs him, and he sures is one of my bestester friendlies in alls the Universer!

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Uglyworld #1215 - Breadstickers (Project BIG 214-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 214/365

After discoverings that my icy creamers was misserings lasts night, which I still reckoners was downs to the housekeeperings peoples, I askered Baz if we could gets some breadstickers for dinners tonights.

If breadstickers on their owns wasn't alreadies supers cool, Bay sorteds me outs with some cheesey breadstickers, dippers and a brands new tubber of icy creamers to breaks into for desserters.

Spoiled rottens sometimes, so I is...

p.s. If you've checked the blog and found it offline, don't worry, it's in the progress of being migrated over to the new website, and should be up and running in the next few days :)

Monday, 1 August 2011

Uglyworld #1214 - Whats The Heller! (Project BIG 213-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 213/365

We is haverings another mega hots day here in Oregons, so I decidereds that it was the perfects timer to breaks out my orangey sherbeter icy creamers.

But, whats the heller, I openered the freezer and discovereds it has gones, I knows I didn't eaters it, Baz says it wasn't him either, and then Cinko and Letterman shakers their heads too. I knows that it can't have beens cookie dream Babo as he is still sleeperings...

I thinks those housekeepering peoples is ups to their trickers again!