Sunday, 17 July 2011

Uglyworld #1191 - Nobodies Home (Project BIG 199 - 365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 199/365

Thankfullies I seeemers to has gottered overs my doser of vomitters maximus, and I has learneds that attempterings to drinkies all of Baz's beers is not bigs and certainlies not cleverers eithers, so lets that be a lessoner to alls of you who thinks of tryings the sames!

As I was feeling betters I decidereds to calls home to Aachens and speaks to my bestester friendly, Cinko, but can you imaginers my surprisers when he doesn't answers the telemaphone to me, nots normallers at alls!

I eventuallies managered to gets hold of my birdie who saids that the lasts time they had spottered Cinko he lookeds agimitated and was carryings a rucksacker withs him, almosts as though he was goings out for the days or somethings.

Not onlies is I sufferings from insomnias, now I is also worrierds abouts whats Cinko is ups to, and if he is okays!

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