Saturday, 2 July 2011

Uglyworld #1170 - Tabletter Protections (Project BIG - Image 183 - 365)

Project B.I.G.- Image 183/365

Ever since Baz buyers me my very own tabletter PC, I has been saverings up my pocketer monies that I gets every days.

This evenings Baz tookered me to some of the locals stores with my wadders of dollars to picks out a protectiver wallet for my tabletter.

What a dealer I managered to gets on this tasties walleter, the realers price was 49.99 dollars and as we is in the independenters days weekender they hads it reducered to onlies 19.99 dollars. Awesomers price, and it even leavers me some extras dollars to buys cookies and mountains dew with too.

I am just checkerings out the insiders to makes sure that there is no sharpers stuffs that might scratcher by screenie, so fars so goods!

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