Sunday, 13 February 2011

Uglyworld #976 - Well Groomed (Project BIG - Image 44-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 44/365

You alreadies is wells aware that a showers cap is invaluables when you always wants to lookers good, but I thinks it is only fairs that I shares with you another of my secreters for being ables to looks good when travellings a lot (like I does with Baz every weeks).

I has trieds many, many, many differents kinds of shampoo'ers and deodoranters but has finally decideds that the perfects options for a travellings ugly is to sticks with Niveas, as they is perfects for our softers skin and doesn'ts dry ups your skins likes some free hotel soapers does, believes me I learns this the hards way, my arms was itches for days afterwards!

The perfects thing is that nots only does the producters come in huge bigs bottles and cans which lasters and ugly for twos to threes years, but they also does specials travel packers which is justs the perfects sizer for me.

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