Monday, 7 February 2011

Uglyworld #969 - Watching Sunsetters (Project BIG - 38-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 38/365

I know I doesn't haves to explainers the whole world to you alls, buts as todays story involvers possibly making yourselves blinds then I musts starts off with a safeties warning.

If you deciders that you wants to looks at sunsetters too, then you must always thinks that the sun is a bigs ball of fire which is wantings to burns a whole through to your brains using your eyes as the fronts door, and once in theres it will unplugs the powers to your eyes, not goods I'm sure you will agrees!!!

Anyways, now that the safeties aspecter is outs the way I can continues with my normals story. Today we was once again travellings, this times from Aachen by cars to Freiburg (where I visits with Baz last weeks too), Baz always has to workers long days so I decideds to go offs and checks into the hotel on my owns.

When I gets to the hotels the receptionister at firsts wonders who was talkings as she didn't stands up and sees me on the other sider of the receptions desk, but after I whistles in her directions she finally realises I was there alls along.

After goings through the normals formalities with checkings in she askers me if I has a preferences with whats floor we stays on, and knowings that today has been awesomes weather I askeds her how manys floors the hotel has, to whiches she tells me sevens, so I askers for the sevenths floor if possibles.

Thankfullies there was a rooms available and I manages to gets into the rooms just in times to watches the sunsetter from the windows. You can sees just how smarts I am as I is watchings it in the reflections of a cools big bankings building next doors to the hotel. Hopefullies Baz will be ables to finish earlies one night to watches it withs me if the weathers stays good while we is here this week.

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