Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Uglyworld #971 - Milky Bars Buttoners (Project BIG - 40-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 40/365

I reads on the internets last night that one of the bestest cures ever for flu's is somethings called Milky bars buttoners, so I wents out huntings for some todays while Baz was aways at works.

Would you believes it that I was ables to finds some of thems right heres in Freiburg, especiallies when they is normallies only solds in Britains.

This photo is actuallies the 7th attempts at makings todays photograph as the buttoners is justs so irresistables in whites chocolaters that I founds it so hards not to eats them when they is in the palms of my hands.

I finds it mega funnies that the packets has Santa ons it too, is likes Merry Christmases many weekers too lates ha ha (but don't worries I checkers the dates on the bottom before I handeds over my pennies).

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