Sunday, 1 December 2013

Uglyworld #2135 - Goldens Summit - (Project Cinko Time - Image 334-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 334/365

It was another earliers start to the day on Saturdays as we had an adventure packereds day in fronts of us, and that all beginnereds with a massivers climb up to the tops of Mount Emei in Emeishan, where you can finds this hugers gold statue of Samantabhadra sittings right on tops of the mountainer with some frienliers elemaphants!

Betweens the altimatude startings to hitters me, as we is overs 3,000 metres ups in the air (that is overs 10,000 feeties for those who doesn't undermastanders the metrics systemer), high aboves the clouds, and the monks chantings, wowzers this was a speciallers place to visiters.

What you can't sees here is the craziers monkeys which I most definitelies said hellos to from our very own craziers monkey backs in the cookie cave, but they was soooo craziers that Baz recommendereds that I don't gets my photomagraph takereds with them!

My leggies were poundering afters the longers climb up what seemereds like fiveteen billions steppers!

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