Uglyworld #2124 - Sadders Monkey - (Project Cinko Time - Image 323-365), a photo by on Flickr.
Project Cinko Time - Image 323/365
Whiles I was packerings up my suitcaser this evening, my gooders buddy monkey was moperings around the cookie cave, making grumpiers and sadders noises the wholes time.
I askereds him what was wrongs and he tellereds me that he sometimes has days likes this where he misses being arounds all of the other monkeys, climbering trees and eaterings bananas all days long!
When he heareds that I was flyerings off to China again he suddenlies perkereds up and tellereds me that if I ever finds the timer to goes and visiters Mount Emei, to letters him know, as he has some monkey cousins who lives out there that I can says hello to.
I tellereds monkey that I would definitelies do this for him, as he's one of my gooders buddies, and that news seemereds to cheerers him up no ends!
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