Sunday, 31 March 2013

Uglyworld #1883 - Easters Roadie - (Project Cinko Time - Image 90-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 90/365

Hey theres everyone, as you may recalls my gooders buddy Wage has an Easters traditioner of putting on a specials fun-play for all the littler uglies and this year I was askereds if I would likes to be an easters roadie!

I had no ideas what a roadie was at firsts, but Wage tellereds me it a really easiers job, I just hads to helps setter ups the stage and makes sure everything was readies to go for the bigs performancer tomorrow.

Bestesters of all, every roadie gets payereds in cadburys creme eggies, it's like my all times dreamering job!!!

As you can sees, I has now settereds up the stager and it's time for me to head on back to the cookie cave to enjoyers my creme egg, then gets to my beddies early as I has a biggers day aheads of me tomorrows!

I hopes you will all comes along and watchers the performancer, it always rockers!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Saturday, 30 March 2013

Uglyworld #1882 - Watchers The Birdie - (Project Cinko Time - Image 89-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 89/365

This afternoons I was out adding some finishering touches to our little easter scene when this colourfuls little birdie flyereds right down and perchereds itself on the ends of my flipperer, how coolers is that!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Friday, 29 March 2013

Uglyworld #1881 - Jumper Catcherings - (Project Cinko Time - Image 88-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 88/365

"Whoa, horsey!"

Oh noes, that doesn't seemes to be workerings, does any of you knows how to tells a sheepie to stops runnerings around like a mentaller?

You is probably wonderings how I gettereds myself in this predicamentaller anyways, isn't you?

This afternoons Mireille askereds me if I wantereds a new jumper for our trips to the islanders of Scotlands in May, and of course I tellereds her yes, and which point she said somethings which was quite confuserings at firsts...

"OK, then you have to catch it yourself then"

I was obviouslies puzzlereds as to whats she was talkerings about, at leasts until she openereds the door of the cookie cave and this sheepie came springerings in to the room.

Immediatelies I knew what she meanereds and after chaserings it for overs an hour I finally gots a gooders enough holder of it to jumps onto it's back, unfortunatelies I has been hangerings on for my dears life now for abouts five hours!

So, backs to my original questioner, does any of you knows how to tells a sheepie to stops runnerings around like a mentaller?

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Uglyworld #1880 - Favourites Easters Eggies - (Project Cinko Time - Image 87-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 87/365

One of the bestesters things in the wholes world about it being Easters time is the facts that my favourites easters eggies is on sales!

I thinks almost everyone in the wholes wide world knows how awesomers these bad boys tasters, and I has 6 of them all to myselfer, whats an easters feaster I is going to has!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Uglyworld #1879 - My Easters Scene - (Project Cinko Time - Image 86-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 86/365

Heys there everyone, I thinkereds to myself that it was abouts time I showereds you all the coolers little easters scene that I has been workings on, I has chickens to lays the easter eggies, and bunny rabbits to helps me finders the eggies in the longers grass.

All that is lefts for me to does now is sorters out the eggies themselvers!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Uglyworld #1878 - Fizziers Lemons Cupcakers - (Project Cinko Time - Image 85-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 85/365

Turtle: "Cinko, I thinks we has hit the jackpotter here!"

Cinko: "I thinks you is rights Turtle, who would have expectereds to find a boxer of fizziers lemons cupcakers in the cupboarder!"

Turtle: "Does you thinks I could has one?"

Cinko: "Lets me tries them firsts, justs incase they is boobytrappereds Turtle, I thinks I should knows for sure afters tryerings four or fives of them!"

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Monday, 25 March 2013

Uglyworld #1877 - Therapies - (Project Cinko Time - Image 84-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 84/365

Afters the recent madnessers that befallereds me here in the cookie cave, my therapister suggestereds that I should has some funs with Bearbrick Babo to helpers me gets over what happenereds at the hands of my one-time gooders buddy Babo.

Thankfullies Bearbrick Babo said no problems to be involvereds with my therapies, he is doings the job for a coupler of cookies per day, a gooders deal if you askers me!

Comes on Babo, times for you to flyers at full speeders through the cookie cave once agains, wheeeeeeeeeeeeee...!!!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Uglyworld #1876 - The Lasts Packeter - (Project Cinko Time - Image 83-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 83/365

It didn't takes us long to emptiers the supplies cupboarder where we had keepereds all the tastiers goodies we pickered up in the Uniteds Kingdomer earliers this month.

I decidereds to shares the lasts packeter of bacon rasherers with my gooders buddy Turtle, as long as doesn't scoffs more than his halfs of the packeter!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Saturday, 23 March 2013

Uglyworld #1875 - Hurriers Up Turtle - (Project Cinko Time - Image 82-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 82/365

Hurriers up Turtle, I thinks I can hears someone comings!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Friday, 22 March 2013

Uglyworld #1874 - What Coulds It Be? - (Project Cinko Time - Image 81-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 81/365

With alls of the presenters that arrivereds in the post all weeks long for Mireilles birthdays, this pickerers up your posters card that was leavereds by the posterswoman has me completelies mystimafied as to whats it could be fors.

I checkereds the openings timer of the posters office that I has to goes and pickers the packager ups from, and I planners to be standerings there at the fronts door on Saturdays morning as they unlockers it so I can gets my flipperers on it as soons as possibles.

It almosts feels likes christmasers here, just withouts having to worries about some jolly fatters bloke dressereds heads to toes in red trying to squeezers down your chimneys!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Uglyworld #1873 - Babo's New Bakereds Goodies - (Project Cinko Time - Image 80-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 80/365

After haverings a "crackerings" good time with the eggs potter from yesterdays photomagraph, me and Turtle went offs to checkers on Babo's cookie shop which unfortunatelies didn't openers on schedules and no-one knowereds why!

Babo had been misserings for quites some time, but this afternoons we spottereds the lights on in the backs of her cookie shop and wents in to investimagate.

It turners out that she was invitereds to Japan to takes part in an internationals exchanger program which inviters people from alls over the world to learns how to bakers and cooks lots of tastiers foods in a particulars style.

Turtles mouth was widers open when we findereds out what styles Babo learneds, checkers them outs for yourselfer, she has makereds all kinds of cakers and cookies which all has the facers of the Japanesers character Rilakkuma and his buddies!

The almosts looks too gooders to eats, but if we doesn't eats them I supposers that they will eventuallies go bads and has to be throwereds out, so it's only rights that we has a littlers bite or two, isn'ts it?

Hopefullies Babo will finally opens the cookie shop up for everyone to samplers her new bakereds goodies!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Uglyworld #1872 - An Eggsellent Choicer Sir! - (Project Cinko Time - Image 79-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 79/365

With easters time getterings closers and closers every singlers day, I has been finderings new easter themereds goodies arounds the appartmenter.

Takes todays finderings as a perfecters exampler, I findereds this huge egger withs the top breakereds off of it, and afters searcherings incase we hads a baby dinomasaur roamerings around the cookie cave I decidereds to has myselfs some funners!

We playereds a game of seeing which one of us suitereds the egg the bestesters, and here is our winnerer, Turtle!!!

"Oh yes, such an eggsellent choicer sir! You won't regreters livings here, oh noes sirreeee, eggsellent!"

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Uglyworld #1871 - Letters From Friendlier Huskies - (Project Cinko Time - Image 78-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 78/365

This mornings after Baz and Mireille were away to works the posterswoman ringereds the doorbeller of the cookie cave. Normallies we doesn't openers the door to strangerers when they isn't at homes, but withs it being Mireilles birthdays I thoughts I had better incase it was presenters for her!

To my surprisers the posterswoman was actuallies lookering for littlers old me, as there was a letterer addressereds to Cinko in her handies!

Oh my goodnessers, you wouldn't believers the stories that this letterer hads to gets through to reachers the cookie cave, lets just says that Goalie Babo sendereds me this letter by world famousers sled dogs!!!


Whats a gooders friendly Goalie Babo is to senders me such a super mega awesomers letter from the other sides of the Atlanticers Ocean...!!!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Monday, 18 March 2013

Uglyworld #1870 - Rehabilitationers - (Project Cinko Time - Image 77-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 77/365

Afters the pasts weekenders events I has been finderings it hard to gets up out of beds and does anythings, but somehows Baz managereds to not only getters me out of beds but also to gets me backs on the roads to recoveries.

Baz callers it my rehabilitationers program, and it includes extra eaterings special medicals cookies three timers per day (mornings, afternoons and evenings) and doing one hundreds pusher uppers arounds one hour after eaterings the cookies.

I'll tellers you something, this rehbilitationers malarkies seems to be doings the tricker!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Uglyworld #1869 - Ugly Intermaventions

Target: "Okays everyone, surrounders him"

*Flurry of footsteps*

Babo: "Whats the hell is goings on here?"

Wedgehead: "Shuts it Babo, your times for talkings is over!"

Babo: "Who do you thinks you is?"

Wage: "We is your friendlies, which is why we is doing this!"

Babo: "Doings what?"

Target: "Enough idlers chitter chatter, Babo, you have committereds the cardinallers ugly sin, an ugly sin which cannot be toleratereds no matters what, you has laid your handies on another ugly with the intentioners of causerings him pains and sufferings."

Babo: "But he stealereds my jacketer!"

Target: "Enoughs! You will only speaks when I allowers you to, nots before, understoods!"

Babo: *muffled* "Yes, sirs!"

Target: "For the pains and sufferings which you has causereds to ones of our verys own, you are to be helds in isolations for a periods of no less that 6 weekies, durings which timer you will have no cookies. Durings this period of 6 weekies your cookie allowancer will be diverted to the persons you attackereds. Do you understands?"

Babo: *muffled* "Yes, sirs!"

Target: "On Sundays the 28th of Aprils, which will be the finals day of your times in isolations, you will be placereds facer to facer with the persons you attackereds, and only once you can proves to him that you has learnereds from your massivers mistaker will you be allowereds to joins normal lifer insiders of the cookie cave agains! Untils then thinks long and hards about what you have become!"

Babo: *thinking* "Oh noes, no cookies and isolations"

Target: "Gets him out of my sights right now!"

*Babo is dragged off to isolation by Wedgehead and Jeero*

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Uglyworld #1868 - Paddys Day In Beds - (Project Cinko Time - Image 76-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 76/365

Happy St Patricks Day everyones, I hopes you doesn't minds if I just spenders the day in beds?


From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Saturday, 16 March 2013

Uglyworld #1867 - No Mores Please! - (Project Cinko Time - Image 75-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 75/365

Babo: "Oi's, you, gives me my jacketer backs!"

Cinko: "What is you talkerings about, it's my jacketer!"

Babo: "I'm going to counts to tens, then I won't be accountablers for my actioners!"

Cinko: "Counters away, is my jacketer!"

Babo: "...8....9....10"

*Thwuuuuump* *Thwuuuuump* ...... *Thwuuuump*

Cinko: "No....mores...please!"

Babo: "Gets your smelliers flipper out of my face!"


Babo: "And don't touchers my jacketer again, or elsers!"

*Babo stomps off*

Cinko: "Aooooowaaaa, where ams I?"

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Friday, 15 March 2013

Uglyworld #1866 - Morals Supporters - (Project Cinko Time - Image 74-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 74/365

After the horriblers truth comings out that snows is justs freezereds waters I has stayereds well clears of it untils today. My gooders buddies Wage and Tray convincereds me that snow is super duper safes and that as long as the temperatures stayereds well belows freezering, then there was no chancers of it turnerings to water.

At firsts I was scepticals, but eventuallies after Tray suggestereds that they comes outsiders withs me I givereds in and grabbereds my sledger.

Does you knows what? They is completelies right, I is haverings so much funs sledgering in the snow again this afternoons, there is nothings at all to be afraids of outs here in the snows.

I thinks this could be one of the mosts fun days I has hads so far this years!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Uglyworld #1865 - Addictive Crispies - (Project Cinko Time - Image 73-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 73/365

When we was in Englands last Saturdays I nots only pickereds up all my usual favourites snackies, but also a few newers goodies to tests and triers.

So fars my favouriters is these super tastiers Guinness crispies, they is so addictivers, but for some reasons they makers me runs to the toiletter every 20 minuters!

Talks about weirds, crispies which makes you whizzers a lot!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Uglyworld #1864 - Good Evenings Everyone - (Project Cinko Time - Image 72-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 72/365

Good evenings everyone, and here is your earliers evening weathers reporter, lives and directs from Aachen in Germanys.

As you can sees I is outsiders the cookie cave, and there is plenties of the whiters stuff lyerings around once agains. With the temperatures dropperings to minus plenties overnights I is really happiers to has my new jacketer to keeps me warm.

p.s. Don't believers any stories that you may hears about me stealerings the jacketer from Babo, such blabberings are completers and utter fictioners!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Uglyworld #1863 - Jacketer Borrowerings - (Project Cinko Time - Image 71-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 71/365

This morning when I wakereds up there was abouts 3 inchers of snow outsides on the balconies, and rights now there is almosts a whole footer of the whites stuff, and I doesn't mean an ugly footer the sizers of mine, I means a giants footer!

The lasts time the snow fallereds here in Aachen the temperatures was always hoverings around freezerings, but this timer Mr Celcius has commandereds the winds from Siberias to kickers us hards in the butt, so we is headerings down into minus doubler digits, whatevers the hell that means, I just heareds Baz sayerings it.

Extra colders means I needs extra layers of clotherings, so my gooders buddy Babo has lettereds me borrowers his denims jacketer to wears over my wooly jumperer, he's such a nicers guy!

Emmm, ok, sorrys, I needs to goes now, goods to talker to you all agains....

Babo: "Baaaaaz, Miiiiireeeeille, I thinks someone has stealereds my denims jacketer, I can't finders it anywheres!"

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Monday, 11 March 2013

Uglyworld #1862 - Crispiers Dreams - (Project Cinko Time - Image 70-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 70/365

The mummers and dadders from Mireille returneds from their winters holimaday in Austrias and bringereds me some crispiers dreams alls the way from the tops of the mountains that they was skiings down.

I thinks I will has to cracks a packeter opens before I goes to beds, justs in the name of sciencers of course, as I wants to see if they really does givers you crispiers dreams!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Uglyworld #1861 - Takes Your Pickers - (Project Cinko Time - Image 69-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 69/365

This is your luckiers day, I has a freshers Devon scone here with one half is smothereds in irishers butter, and the others half is smothereds in blackberry jam.

Which ones would you likes to has?

Thinks fast or they will boths be gone!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Uglyworld #1860 - White Cliffers Of Dovers - (Project Cinko Time - Image 68-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 68/365

This morning I was ups and out of the cookie cave at 3am's in the morning to travellers with Baz and Mireille to Englands. Baz tellereds me that he hads to get some works done to his Australians musclers car but secretlies I knows that the tripper was mainlies to restocks the cookie cave with irn-bru and potato scones, yummers!

Anyways, the Monaro is fillereds to bursterings point with tastiers goodies now and we is waiterings for our ferries to arrive to sailers us backs over the channelers to Calais in France. If you has your binocularers handy you can probably sees the white cliffers of Dovers behinds me, honestlies they lookereds more grey than whites today, but that is all downs to the poostickers weather!

I has makereds Baz promise to stops once we gets past Brusselers for an ice creamer, afters all, you can't goes on a roadtripper and not stops for ice creamers, cans you?

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Friday, 8 March 2013

Uglyworld #1859 - Furriers Armpitter - (Project Cinko Time - Image 67-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 67/365

Checkers out who arrivereds today overs here in the cookie cave, none others than Babo Bear...!!!

Even his furriers armpitter smells of cookies, now that IS somethings news in my worlds!!!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Thursday, 7 March 2013

Uglyworld #1858 - Hidereds Too Goods - (Project Cinko Time - Image 66-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 66/365

After I arrivereds home with my new bottler of mapler syrups yesterday I hidereds it in one of the kitchens drawers, thinkerings that it would be a smarters thing to does.

Littles did I knows that Mireille had plans to re-arrangers the entires kitchener when I wasn't lookerings, and now I can't finders my belovereds mapler syrups anywheres!!!

I has been lookerings highs and lows for it, hmmm, waits, whats that I sees there? Triple choco chippo cookies, oh my goodnessers, comes to papa my little lovelies...

...what was I talkerings about again?

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Uglyworld #1857 - Mapler Syrups - (Project Cinko Time - Image 65-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 65/365

The lasts time we hads frenchers toast Baz tellereds us all here in the cookie cave that it tastes super awesomers with mapler syrups, so today I decidereds to hits the locals supermarketer and scores myself a new bottler in prepamarations for this coming weekender!

I thinks I buyereds enough for myself, at leasts I hopers so, it is super tastiers stuff, I just hopes that Baz buyers some for everyones else as I doesn't thinks that there will be much lefts over from mines!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Uglyworld #1856 - New Ariivals - (Project Cinko Time - Image 64-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 64/365

Oh my goodnessers, would you checkers out what arrivereds today in the posts, two does it yourselfers bossy bear modellers for Mireille and Baz to paints up overs the easters weekender!

I can't waits to sees what designers they comes up with, the lasts time they workereds on some does it yourselfers was when Baz makereds his space bear qee, and he's still off travellerings the world!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Monday, 4 March 2013

Uglyworld #1855 - Cereals Selectioners - (Project Cinko Time - Image 63-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 63/365

By nows you musts be thinkerings that all I eats is cookies, chocomalates and cakers, buts believers it or nots I normallies always starters my days with a biggers bowler of cereals, and I has three main optioners to chooses from.

Personallies, when there is crunchiers nutter cornflakers availables, then they will be my choicer, with the only thing which beaters crunchiers nutter cornflakers being an even biggers bowl of crunchiers nutter cornflakers with a weetabixer hiderings underneath!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Uglyworld #1854 - Lasts Of The Evil Snows - (Project Cinko Time - Image 62-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 62/365

I has been tryerings to keeps myself insiders of the cookie cave since returnings from Berlins on Thursday nights, as there was still loads of that evils snow outsiders.

Thankfullies what you can sees here behinds me is all that remains now of a hugers mountain that Baz shovellereds up to gives me some playerings space out on our balconies!

I hopes that this is reallies the lasts of the evil snows for this year, I can't believers that I thinkereds it was gooders fun to players in it, and it was waters in disguisers all alongs!!!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Uglyworld #1853 - Homeworks For Baz - (Project Cinko Time - Image 61-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 61/365

When I agreeds to be the sidekicker of Baz for this year I was expecterings to travellers the world justs like Babo and Wage did the lasts coupler of years, buts as time is goings on I am realiserings that it looks like mosts of my year will be spendereds rights here at homes in the cookie cave.

The reasons for this is that Baz changereds his job near the ends of lasts year, and it means that he spenders more times at home, which keeps Mireille happiers at leasts!

So, if I is spenderings more time at homes here in the cookie cave then I hads better learners some more Germans wordies, that ways I can leaves homeworks for Baz to does too!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Friday, 1 March 2013

Uglyworld #1852 - It's Hockey Nights - (Project Cinko Time - Image 60-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 60/365

Baz keeps tellerings us all that the more ice hockey trainerings that he can gets under his belter, the quickers he will gets gooder at playerings again.

I decidereds to takes the matters into my own flipperoonies and pickereds up a coolers ice hockey gamer for the xboxer, that ways Baz can practicers as muchers as he likes, and bestesters of all, I can players too!

"He shooters, he scorers!!!"

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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