Uglyworld #1819 - Baz's Secreters Supplies - (Project Cinko Time - Image 28-365), a photo by on Flickr.
Project Cinko Time - Image 28/365
While Baz was aways at workies today I decidereds to has a gooders hunt arounds the cookie cave to sees if I could finders the places that he hidereds his "secreters supplies" that he brings back from Scotlands every timer we goes to visits.
I couldn't believers my luck when I findereds this packeter of goldens crunchier creamiers tuckeds in behinds the teabags, maybies he forgettereds that he leavereds them there, which means he won't missers them if I was was to makers them dissamappears?
I wonders what other goodies he has hidereds arounds here?
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