Uglyworld #1655 - No Quitterings - (Project TW - Image 236-366), a photo by on Flickr.
Project T.W. - Image 236/366
You may recalls that a coupler of monthies ago I had been hunterings for what appeareds to justs be a figmenter of my imagimination, a bouncy castler hidereds somewheres in the massivers maze of corrimadors and roomers of our hotels here in Grenoble.
I had kinds of givereds up all hopes of finderings it, but thens when we gettereds some spotters of rains this afternoons I was stuckereds in the hotels room and suddenlies I was overcomereds with the urger to goes hunterings for it agains.
So fars I still findereds nothings, nots even a whiffer, but I isn't goings to givers up, so my new mottos is "No Quitterings!!!".
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