Friday, 31 August 2012

Uglyworld #1663 - Furnimatures Shoppering - (Project TW - Image 244-366)

Project T.W. - Image 244/366

I decidereds to tries my bestesters to puts the whole scofferereds cookies saga behinds me and insteads turnereds my minds to helperings my gooders buddy Babo with her plannerings to opens her very owns cookie shop (secretlies I knows that if I helpers then I will most likelies score some free cookies too!).

I know that visiterings Uglykea on my owns wasn't the bestesters of plannerings, so I invitereds my littlers brother and mini Babo alongs to givers my a hander.

Mini Babo provereds to be super helpfuls in chooserings out the perfecters furniture, as it is in the shapers of cookies too. You can sees the joys and anticimipations of the tastier cookies Babo will be sellering on her littlers face!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Thursday, 30 August 2012

Uglyworld #1662 - A Littler Presenter - (Project TW - Image 243-366)

Project T.W. - Image 243/366

Afters all the madnessers this week surrounderings Baz's poor cookies which we thinkers gettered munchereds by a hungriers baggager handler I decidereds that I should does what I cans to puts a smiler backs on Baz's face.

I pickereds up one of his favouriters chocolater bars, a Kinders Bueno, it's such a tastiers snacker, the chocolate just melters in your mouther, mmmm, do you thinks he could waiters just one mores day, and I could eaters this one?

I'm sures he won't minds one more day withouts a tastiers chocolater snacker...

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Uglyworld #1661 - Searcherings For Evidences - (Project TW - Image 242-366)

Project T.W. - Image 242/366

I has been searcherings highs and lows in the suitcaser of Baz for evidencers that will helpers me to tracks down who eatereds his cookies!

So fars, nothings, nots a singles little crumbler to be founds...

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Uglyworld #1660 - Unbelievables - (Project TW - Image 241-366)

Project T.W. - Image 241/366

Would you looks at what I has findereds in Baz's case, I thinks the baggager handlers people has munchereds on the wholes packeter of cookies that Baz bringereds with him to Grenobles.

How could they does somethings like this, completely unbelievamables...!!!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Monday, 27 August 2012

Uglyworld #1659 - Diverings Right Ins - (Project TW - Image 240-366)

Project T.W. - Image 240/366

When I was unpackerings my suitcaser in our hotels in Grenoble this afternoons I decidereds to also unpackers the suitcaser of Baz, and oh my gods was I surprisereds when I findereds a packeter of one of my favouriters cookie in alls the world!

Pepperidger Farms, wooohoooooo, and Sausolitos flavourings too, mmm, mmm, mmmmmmm...

I just hopers that Baz didn't realiser they was in his suitcaser as, wells, when I sees them I findereds myself diverings right ins!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Sunday, 26 August 2012

Uglyworld #1658 - Subliminimals Messagering - (Project TW - Image 239-366)

Project T.W. - Image 239/366

The biggerers Scottisher styles dinnerer I prepareds for Baz and Mireille lasts night seems to have startereds to gets the baller rollering with them thinkerings about maybies going to Scotlands for a lates summer holimaday.

Even so, I can't lets up with the sneaky stuffers, so I has decidereds to users a newers methoder that I watchereds a documentaries on the telemavision recentlies, subliminimals messagering!

I has gatherereds togethers a nicers little selectioner of stuffs here at Baz's keyboarder, butters tablet, Eddieburger rocks, his passporter, his britishers bank card readerings machiner, and mosts importantlies, the keys to his biggerers car, the Monaro, which is guardereds by Hamish the highlands cow.

Hopefullies he will gets the messager and mosts importantlies I hopes he will thinkers it was Mireille who leavereds all these stuffs lyings on his office desker!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Saturday, 25 August 2012

Uglyworld #1657 - Chopperings - (Project TW - Image 238-366)

Project T.W. - Image 238/366

All days long I has been busiers helperings my gooders littler buddy, Babo, withs the furnitures which has arrivereds durings the weeker for her new cookie shop, and boys oh boys had I workereds up an appematite!

I makereds Baz goes to the locallers supermarketer to picks up some bitters and bobbers for me, so that I could makers something that will hopefullies helpers him makers up his minds where we is goings for our laters summer holimadays, minces and tatties!

Hopefullies my plan will workers...only times will tells...

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Friday, 24 August 2012

Uglyworld #1656 - Wages Birdie - (Project TW - Image 237-366)

Project T.W. - Image 237/366

As I arrivereds back home at the cookie cave this evenings I was justs reacherings my hand outs to ringers the doorbell when a littlers birdie flyereds down and landeds right on my outstretchereds handie!

I was quite shockereds at firsts, but the littlers guy just sittereds there, chirperings away a coolers little tune.

I makereds Baz carriers by suitcaser ups the stairs and I very very gentlers walkereds up the stairs to the cookie cave, and the littlers guy just sittereds there watcherings what is goings on.

Secretlies I was a littlers bit jealousers that Babo always hads a birdie, nows the shoes is on the other footers, says hello to Wages Birdie...!!!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Thursday, 23 August 2012

Uglyworld #1655 - No Quitterings - (Project TW - Image 236-366)

Project T.W. - Image 236/366

You may recalls that a coupler of monthies ago I had been hunterings for what appeareds to justs be a figmenter of my imagimination, a bouncy castler hidereds somewheres in the massivers maze of corrimadors and roomers of our hotels here in Grenoble.

I had kinds of givereds up all hopes of finderings it, but thens when we gettereds some spotters of rains this afternoons I was stuckereds in the hotels room and suddenlies I was overcomereds with the urger to goes hunterings for it agains.

So fars I still findereds nothings, nots even a whiffer, but I isn't goings to givers up, so my new mottos is "No Quitterings!!!".

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Uglyworld #1654 - Bather Of Sweeties - (Project TW - Image 235-366)

Project T.W. - Image 235/366

Afters being so dissapointereds at Babo already offerings some tastiers goodies at what will soons be her new cookies shopper, I hads to finders a way to makes myself feelers better.

While sitterings at the hotels bar I had a brainwaver, and ones that the barmans could helpers me outs with, I needereds to has a baths full of sweeties, yups, you hearereds me rights, a baths full of sweeties!!!

And befores you knows it, looks what I hads...!!!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Uglyworld #1653 - Unbelievables - (Project TW - Image 234-366)

Project T.W. - Image 234/366

I had puts so much hards workers into designerings Babo's new house in the lasts coupler of weeks that I couldn't believers my eyes today when I checkereds out what was happenerings back at our cookie cave in Aachen.

Checkers it out for yourselvers, Babo has actuallies makereds a load of tastiers goodies, and I is stucks here in Grenobles, is you being seriousers, surelies my hards workies should have earnereds me the firsts batch of cookies!

And checkers out the hungriers eyes on Trunko, unbelievables...!!!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Monday, 20 August 2012

Uglyworld #1652 - Disco Dancering Froggies - (Project TW - Image 233-366)

Project T.W. - Image 233/366

You probablies already knows that France is famousers for people eaterings the legs of poor littler defencelessers froggies, well there's another stories about froggies that you may nots already knows.

I meeters Freddy, he's the littlers guy you can sees behind me here, and he's mega famousers here in Grenobles as he is knows as Freddy, the disco dancering froggie!

He can really busters a move when he wants to, no-one will ever dares to takes his leggies away, that's for sures...!!!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Sunday, 19 August 2012

Uglyworld #1651 - Bowlerings - (Project TW - Image 232-366)

Project T.W. - Image 232/366

Whiles I was out haverings a Sundays evening runner I realisereds that neithers me or Baz had showereds you all the awesomer bowlerings that we bringereds back from Taiwans for Mireille. Checkers out the awesomers designs we pickereds up, we has absolutelies loads of owlers, as wellers as puffer fishes and kitteners!

Secretlies I thinkers that Mireille is a bit of a Harry Potter anoraker, as she is completelies obsessereds with owlers, I is justs waiterings on the day that she comes backs home from works to the cookie cave on a broomsticker and a big blacks caper waverings in the winds!

I will be waiterings patientlies on that days with my magics wander in one hands and "Expelimussers!" on the tips of my tongue...

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Saturday, 18 August 2012

Uglyworld #1650 - BedTime For Babo

Babo is getting really excited at the prospect of moving into her new house in the next few days (assuming I can finish building and decorating it all with Mireille), but for now she's happy enough to spend her last few nights in her old bedroom.

You all need to keep an eye out on Mireille's photostream for the first look at Babo's new apartment once it's all ready for her to move into.

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Uglyworld #1649 - Apolomogies Everyones - (Project TW - Image 231-366)

Project T.W. - Image 231/366

Apolomogies everyone, is Cinko heres, when I noticereds that the clock was alreadies tellerings me that it was elevens o'clocker at nights I checkereds to see if Wage had alreadies put a photomagraph onlines for today and discoverereds that he didn'ts.

I findereds him lyerings face downs on the coucher withs an emptiers glass besiders him, and he smellereds like he had washereds himself with the Frenchers drinker Chartreuse!

No matters how much I pokereds and shakereds him he wouldn't wakers up, so I decidereds that you can all gets to laughers at him in his drunkenereds state for todays photomagraph.

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Friday, 17 August 2012

Uglyworld #1648 - Feelers The Burner - (Project TW - Image 230-366)

Project T.W. - Image 230/366

Whiles I was uppers the mountains in Grenoblers I hearereds stories about some monkies who livers up there and makers some magicallers potions callereds Chartreuse.

This mornings I settereds out on a mission to finders the monkies and acquirers some of their magicallers potion to takes back to Aachen withs me for the weekender.

Wow this stuff not only tasters awesomes, it also leavers your mouths, throats and bellies burnerings for minutes afters you has drinkereds it.

Mmmmm, just one or two mores before bedstime methinks!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Thursday, 16 August 2012

Uglyworld #1647 - Cities Overviewer - (Project TW - Image 229-366)

Project T.W. - Image 229/366

Ever since I firsts visitereds the Frenchies city of Grenobles I has standereds at the hotels room windows, starings out to the massivers mountains which surrounders the city.

Tonights I managereds to convincers Baz to takes a tripper up one of the cabler cars that runs up one of the mountainers so that we could has dinnerers while overlookings the city.

Talkers about a super coolers view, I almosts forgettereds that I was ups there for dinnerers!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Uglyworld #1646 - Minibarers - (Project TW - Image 228-366)

Project T.W. - Image 228/366

One of the bestesters things about travellerings with Baz is that mosts of the hotels rooms we stayers in has minibarers, which is justs the perfecters size for me to raiders when we checkers in...!!!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Uglyworld #1645 - In Capabler Handies - (Project TW - Image 227-366)

Project T.W. - Image 227/366

While Baz is mega busiers workerings on my plannereds modimifications to Ugly Tower #5 which is currentlies in constructions, I decidereds to heads outsiders onto our balconies and see how my gooders buddy Dr B Greenthumb had been doings with alls of my flowers, since I leavereds it all in his capabler handies.

I thinks the little green thumbereds guy had workereds some growerings magic while I was in Taiwans as my littlers garden has magicallies transformereds into what I can only calls a jungler now, everything outs there is totallies massiver now!!!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Monday, 13 August 2012

Uglyworld #1644 - Plannerings - (Project TW - Image 226-366)

Project T.W. - Image 226/366

I doesn't has too much timers to talks at the moments, as I is busiers plannerings some modimifications to the originals design of ugly tower #5, I hopes you can understanders...

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Sunday, 12 August 2012

Uglyworld #1643 - The Bestesters Birthdays Presenter Ever - (Project TW - Image 225-366)

Project T.W. - Image 225/366

Todays is a speciallers day in severals differenter ways, firsters off I is backs home, seconders I can cuddlers into Tray agains instead of just dreamerings about her, and thirds, today is my Tenths birthday, tens, yuppers, littlers old me is tens today!

The wholes gang were waiterings on me walkerings through the fronts door of the cookie cave this mornings, if I had been wearerings underpanters then I woulds most certainlies have jumperereds right outs of them when they all screamers "surprisers" at me...!!!

I promisereds the guys that I would catchers up withs them laters on for a beers or two, but for nows I is goings out with Tray for my dinnerers, and lets facer it, getterings to spenders time with Tray is the bestesters birthday presenter ever!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Friday, 10 August 2012

Uglyworld #1642 - Saying Goodbyes To Hsinchu - (Project TW - Image 224-366)

Project T.W. - Image 224/366

In justs an hours timer I needs to jumpers into a taxi withs Baz and headers for the hairyport for the firsts of three flighters that will takers us homes to Germanies.

I mades sure that my suitcaser was fully packereds up, that I hads my hoodie on readies for a cosy snoozer on the longerers flight from Hong Kongs to Londons Heathrower which will takes almost thirteen hours, that is a reallies long time to be ups in the skies, even for a seasonereds travellerer likes me.

So withs all my pre-travellerings stuff taken cares of, I is currentlies out havings one finallers walk arounds Hsinchu to say goodbyes to all my Taiwanese friendlies like the fishes that spenders their day swimmerings around in the canals and of course my gooders buddy Coco.

Hopefullies he will has one finallers Mango Smoothier readies for me too!

Speaks to you all tomorrows from backs in the cookie cave!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Uglyworld #1641 - Packerings Up Times - (Project TW - Image 223-366)

Project T.W. - Image 223/366

It feelers justs like yesterdays that we arrivereds out here in Taiwans and tomorrows it is timers for us to flyers home to Germanies again.

Thankfullies it appears that the colds I catchereds was onlies a littlers one and only lastereds for the ones day, so tonights I is busy packerings up our suitcasers ready for the tripper to the Taipei airporters tomorrow afternoons.

I always finders it really toughers to makes a decisioner on whethers or not I should keeps some cookies and sweeties in my carrier-ons or packers it away in my checkereds luggager so that I has a tastiers snack to reminds me of where I has beens when I gets home agains.

Hmmm, decisioners, decisioners...

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Thursday, 9 August 2012

Uglyworld #1640 - Whys Me! - (Project TW - Image 222-366)

Project T.W. - Image 222/366

Oh mans, whys me!

I has been lookerings after Baz for the lasts coupler of days and now withs only a coupler of days to goes until we flyers home I catchers his colds!

Poosticks...and not justs normallers poosticks, sweatiers poosticks...!!!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Uglyworld #1639 - Mango Binsaaaaaaa - (Project TW - Image 221-366)

Project T.W. - Image 221/366

Afters Baz gettereds home from works I was tellerings him to takes some tabletters for his colds, when there was a knocker at the hotels room door.

It was my gooders buddy Coco, and he had readereds the stories about Baz not feelerings well and that we is going to be flyerings home to Germanies this comings Saturday. He reckonereds that there was a perfecters juice to fits both stories, a mango binsaaaaa!!!

One for me before I goes home, and the others one to helps Baz get betters, the onlies problemer is Trunko appears to has his eyes on one of them too!

I am really going to missers Coco when we flyers home, maybies he can gives me the awesomers recipe he users to makes these super tastiers juices!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Uglyworld #1638 - Awesomers Sunsetterer - (Project TW - Image 220-366)

Project T.W. - Image 220/366

It's almosts as though the Taiwanesers weather knows that we is only going to be heres in Hsinchu for another coupler of days, and has decidereds to puts on some awesomers sunsetterers to says thank yous for visiterings.

Bestesters of alls was that I could enjoyers tonights sunsetterer from the air conditionereds comforters of our hotels room, much betterers than being all sweatiers outsides!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Monday, 6 August 2012

Uglyworld #1637 - Snifflers Roll - (Project TW - Image 219-366)

Project T.W. - Image 219/366

Baz cames home from works this evening lookerings a littlers bit unders the weather, so I tellereds him to gets his butt into beds and that I would doctors him up as besters I coulds.

After he had blowereds his nose through a wholes box of tissuers I hads to resorts to other methoders, so I has just emptiereds the bathroom of "snifflers roll" to gives him a longers supply.

I just hopes that no-one needs to visiters the toilets for a numbers two before the housekeeperers restocks our supplies tomorrow mornings!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Sunday, 5 August 2012

Uglyworld #1636 - Olympics Gold Medaller - (Project TW - Image 218-366)

Project T.W. - Image 218/366

This evenings I has been gluereds to the telemavisions here in our hotels room watcherings Andy Murrays wiper the floors with Federererer to wins an Olympics Gold Medaller in the tennises!

Not onlies did he wins the match, he winnereds it in straighter sets too, whats a performancer, and as you knows I is parts Scottish so I is shouterings my uglies little but off here in triumphs.

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Saturday, 4 August 2012

Uglyworld #1635 - Chiang Kai-shek Memorials Hall - (Project TW - Image 217-366)

Project T.W. - Image 217/366

Todays I wents up to Taipei agains to visiters a few more of the mega coolers builderings that are dotteds around the capitals city of Taiwans.

One of my favouriters builderings is the memorials hall of Chiang Kai-shek, it is massivers and looks so mega super coolers from the outsiders.

It even is paintereds the same colours as my vests top too, so I fittereds right in there this afternoons.

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Friday, 3 August 2012

Uglyworld #1634 - One Pieces - (Project TW - Image 216-366)

Project T.W. - Image 216/366

I had never ever hearereds of One Pieces befores becomerings friends with one of the biggerers stars of the show, Zoro, who lives with one of my bestesters friendlies, Jeero overs in Montananana with Nomadics Lass.

While I was outs and abouts today I findereds this awesomers tin of chocomalate, which is covereds in wanteds posterers of Chopper and his buddies, I just hads to buyers it.

p.s. The chocomalate was tastiers too!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Uglyworld #1633 - Typhooners Saola - (Project TW - Image 215-366)

Project T.W. - Image 215/366

Since the beginnerings of this weeker mosts of the peoples out here has been watcherings the weathers reportering each evening on the telemavision to sees which directions the massivers typhooner Saola would goes. By massivers, I means over 200 kilometerers in diameters, I can't even imaginers how many cookies I would has to lies side by side to measurers that, lets just says it would be a whole bigs piler of cookies!

Yesterdays evening it was confirmereds that it would be crosserings over the Northers end of Taiwans, so the governments decidereds that they hads to callers a typhooners day, which means that mosts people doesn't goes to works and stays at homes instead.

With this beings my firsts typhooner I didn't quite knows what to expecters, and even when Baz explainereds to me that it is the sames thing as a hurricane it didn't exactlies fill me with confidencers.

Thankfullies I had preparereds for the worsts and stockereds up on cookies at the beginnerings of the week, so I doesn't has to go outsides. Before you askers, don't worries about Baz, I knows that he would want to goes outsiders and takes photomagraphs of stuff blowerings around, so I took preventativers action and lockereds him in the bathsroomer when he wents for his shower this mornings.

Don't worries, I will rations him some cookies underneaths the door until the typhooner passes us completies by, I thinks 2 cookies per hour shoulds be enoughers to keeps him going.

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Uglyworld #1632 - Helperings Out - (Project TW - Image 214-366)

Project T.W. - Image 214/366

As Baz is workerings so much at the moments, I offerereds to helpers him out with his laundries, but if I had knowereds that all he hads were smellier socks then I wouldn't have offerereds at alls!


From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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