Monday, 4 June 2012

Uglyworld #1566 - Lighterings The Beaconer (Project TW - Image 156-366)

Project T.W. - Image 156/366

Several months ago I writereds a letterer to Queens Elizabethers, who is the biggerers person in charges of the wholes Uniteds Kingdomer askerings if it woulds be ok for me to be the very importanters person who would getters to lights the beaconer besiders Buckinhams Palacer to celemabraters her diamonders jubimalee tomorrows.

Unfortunatelies Elizabethers writereds me back to tellers me that she herselfs would be the very importanters person who would be lighterings the beaconer outsiders of Buckinghams Palacer.

At firsts I was so dissamapointereds that I didn't readers on, but my gooders buddy Babo pointereds out that there was more writereds undermaneaths.

It readereds, "I am so sorry to have to inform you of this sad news, but I duly invite you and all of your friends to light your very own beacon in my honour on Monday 4th June wherever in the world you are", and was signereds by Queenie Elizabethers too!

So heres we are, the mega importanters night has finallies arrivereds and I choosereds a brands new yankee candler to be our beaconer for queenie, so everyones, please be upstanderings and saluters the queenie.


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