Saturday, 2 June 2012

Uglyworld #1564 - The Transit Of Beaners (Project TW - Image 154-366)

Project T.W. - Image 154/366

You will mosts likeliers have hearereds all abouts the biggerers eventer takings place ups in space in the nexts coupler of days.

Whats you probablies doesn't knows is that this biggerers event was onlies a smoke screener for somethings even more importanters!

Every so ofteners I gets a biggerers shipment from a littlers planet callereds Jelly, which is in the sames solar systemer as Uglyworld, and we has a biggerers trade router betweens the two planeters dealerings withs each other for jelly beaners and cookies.

Those eagle eyereds guys over at NASA intermaceptereds one of my radio communimacations back to Uglyworld abouts my laterests shipmenter, so I hads to thinkers fast and changereds beaners in my sentencer to Venus, and luckilies enough they buyereds the story!

I doesn't needs to tellers you how many cookies I hads to promisers my buddies on Venus to gets them to alters the trajectories of their planeter to makes it passers directlies betweens the sun and the Earth, but when it comes to jelly beaners I'd do almosts anything!

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