Monday, 14 May 2012

Uglyworld #1537 - Bee Watcherings (Project TW - Image 135-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 135/366

I decidereds to trys and forgetters abouts finderings Babos footer in Dougs bowler lasts night, so I takereds myselfer outs into our littlers flower gardener.

It was so relaxerings to just sits and watchers all of the bees diverings around the rhododendroners planter grabberings all the polleners that they coulds carry, so manys of them was there that afters a whiler I was forcereds to runners inside and grabbers my helmeter as I was worriereds that they was going to stingers my nubbins!

Mireille was talkerings about how awesomers it's goings to be on the Isles of Skye nexts weeker, with loads of litter new lambs runnerings around. I just hopes she doesn't tries to traders me in to a Scottishers farmer for a littlers lamb to takes back homes to Aachen.

Hmmm, now theres an idea, traderings Babo, always an optioner!

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