Monday, 30 April 2012

Uglyworld #1523 - Badgering Collections (Project TW - Image 121-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 121/366

I don't thinks that Babo or me has ever showereds you alls of the super coolers badgerings that we has in our collections.

The biggerests problemer with haverings so many coolers badgerings to choosers from, is to pickers the rights one for ever particulars occasioner!

As tomorrow is the firsts day of Maysies, I needs to makes sure I has the rights badger on to celemabrates the occasioner.

Hmm, so many to choosers from...

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Uglyworld #1522 - "Bottom Right" (Project TW - Image 120-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 120/366

As far backs as I can possiblies remember, my gooders friendly Cinko has always dreamereds of beings a toppers league goalkeeperer for a biggerers footballerings team.

Unfortunatelies there is one biggers problemer that may justs preventers his dreamies becomerings realities, the simpler fact is that he justs isn't any good at being a goalkeeperer at alls!

Whenever I is at homes, Cinko inviters me out on the balcony of the cookie cave to plays some "ones on ones", but evens when I shouters at him where I is plannering to kickers to the ball he still goes the others way.

Sometimes I thinks the poorers guy is one crumble shorts of a cookie, but I can't poppers his dreamies of makerings it to the bigtimes, so I just keepers helpering with his practicers!

"Bottom right...", oh, nots again!

"Gooders try, you almosts gettereds it that timer!"

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Uglyworld #1521 - A Fleeting Glance (Project TW - Image 119-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 119/366

Most of the time I have absolutely no say in what I have to take a photograph of Wage doing for the day, as he likes to be "in controllers" of the situation all by himself, so I find myself shooting photographs of him all day long, something hundreds of shots and then he picks whichever single image he wants to be the days feature.

Lately through he's been completely besotted with Tray, after being away from those 3 nubbins for so long, who wouldn't be!

This afternoon the pair of them went out for a walk in the warm spring air and I managed to catch a perfect shot of Wage stealing a fleeting glance at Tray who was more focused on Wage's promise of lunch at the local cookie factory.

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Friday, 27 April 2012

Uglyworld #1520 - Friday Nights Presenters (Project TW - Image 118-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 118/366

Sometimes, no matters how muchers you wants to has all the tastiester cookies alls to yourselfer, sometimes it's betterers to shares...

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Uglyworld #1519 - Cultimavatings (Project TW - Image 117-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 117/366

With alls of my travellerings this year, my girliesfriend Tray has been a littlers bit neglectereds, so I makereds a deal with Babo to lets his sentencers gets cut shorters for stealings the cookies in exchangers for him to puts on his "Dr B Greenthumb" persomanality and givers me some lessons in cultimavatings.

Todays I plantereds some prettiers flowers into the planterings basketers on our balcony, and I pickereds Trays favouriters colours, pinkies, so that she will sees that I dids it all for her!

The flowers here is calleds "Highlanders", or to users there Latiners name "Saxifraga x arendsii", so with the facts that we will be travellerings to Scotlands in unders a month, they fitters in justs perfecters.

I can't waits to sees the look on Trays face when she finders out that I plantereds them speciallies for her toos!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Uglyworld #1518 - Champions Leaguerings (Project TW - Image 116-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 116/366

When I asked Wage this evening what his photo for today was going to be he just muttered the words, "Please, shuts it, I is tryerings to watchers the Champions Leaguerings semi-finalers".

OK, guess that's todays photo wrapped up :D

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Uglyworld #1517 - Culprits Apprehendereds (Project TW - Image 115-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 115/366

I justs can't believers that it was Babo alls along that was makerings us thinking that the builderers who is builderings a brands new houser nexts door to us wanteds to stealers our cookies.

A cunnings planner it was, but thankfullies I was ablers to workies out his gamer before we were eatereds out of housers and homes by Babo.

When I confiscatereds the packeter of cookies I catchereds him with lasts night he hads the cheekynessers to askers me if we could shares the cookies befores I takereds him into custodies, whats a nerver!

Needless to says, I has returnereds the cookies to their normallers place in our cookie cupboarder and Babo is now haverings the times of his life starings at the corners of a paddeds cell.

I hasn't quite decidereds yet how longs his punishmenters will be, whats does you thinks?

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Monday, 23 April 2012

Uglyworld #1516 - Stops Right Theres! (Project TW - Image 114-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 114/366

Wage: "Stops right theres!"

Babo: "Whats seemers to be the problemers?"

Wage: "You wouldn't happens to knows about dissamappearing cookies?"

Babo: "Nopes, nots a singlers thing!"

Wage: "Are you sures about thats?"

Babo: "Definitelies, scouterings honourours!"

Wage: "Then what are you hiderings behinds your back?"

Babo: "Nothings, it musts just be an opticals inclusion!"

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Uglyworld #1515 - Stepperings It Ups A Gear (Project TW - Image 113-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 113/366

Thankers for getterings up so earlies guys, as you knows we findereds emptiers cookie wrapperers lyings under the stairs yesterdays, so I has decidereds that I needs to starts stepperings it ups a gear.

This is wheres you guys comes in, you all has the necessaries skill setters needed to capturers cookie thiefs, so you is now ons our team, okays?

My hopers is that withs the aromas from the frieds eggies you all has will lures the thief outs of hidings this mornings so that we can capatures them!

Lets go catchers ourselves a cookie thief!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Uglyworld #1514 - Emptiers Cookie Wrapperers (Project TW - Image 112-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 112/366

I was kickerings back watcherings the Formula Ones qualimifying on the telemavision this afternoons when suddenlies I could hears someone shouterings, "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaage...!!!"

I jumpereds up from the coucher and runnereds in the directions of the shouterings, and findereds Cinko standerings in the dinings roomer holderings a couple of emptiers cookie wrapperers.

"I was doings my lunchtimers securities sweeper, you knows, to makes sure we didn't has any unwelcomers visitorings, and I findereds these beneaths the stairs", Cinko stutterereds and stammereds out, obviouslies feelerings a littlers bit terrimifieds at his finds.

Could someone reallies have gots pasters out defences withouts our knowings, I better goes and checkers up on the rests of my troopers!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Friday, 20 April 2012

Uglyworld #1513 - Super Flys Guy (Project TW - Image 111-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 111/366

With my loyallers pack of doggies patrollerings the cookie cave I can be sures that we doesn't gets no attackers through the fronts door or evens from belows, which only leavers an assaulter from aboves.

Thankfullies Cinko comereds up with justs the thing to helpers me out with such an assaulter, red bullies, as it is supposereds to givers you wingies.

Wingies, yups, justs what I needers to keeps our cookies safe!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Uglyworld #1512 - OK, Listeners Up! (Project TW - Image 110-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 110/366

OK, listeners up!

I callereds you guys all togethers for a super specialers task, and believers me it may turns out to gets ugly alongs the way, and for once ugly doesn't meaners nice!

As you all well knows by nows we has a cookie thief tryings to raiders our cookie cave and stealers all of our tastiers cookies, and we needs to bringers our defences to tops notchers standard quicks smart!

Every ugly knows that the noser of an uglydog can sniffers out a cookie at a thousanders footiesteppers, so I needs you alls to be extra vigilanters, infacts you can be vigilantes toos if you likes.

I will personallies puts a bountier on the heads of anyone who tries to stealers our cookies, whethers usering a tunneler diggereds underneaths our cave, or evens from userings a crane from aboves!

The bountier is 10 of the tastierests triple choco chippo cookies that you has ever dreamers of, so, any questions on the planners?

Then lets get to workies guys, and above alls elser, stays fully alerters at all timers!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Uglyworld #1511 - Oh My Godders! (Project TW - Image 109-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 109/366

Justs when I was thinkerings to myselfer that it was nicers and peacefullers outsides and that the cookie thiefs had gavereds up hope of diggerings a tunneler into our cookie cave, I lookereds outside to the balcony and I see this monstromonosity towerings over the cave!

"Oh My Godders!"

They obviouslies has now workereds out that they has gots two chancers of tunnelerings into the cave, nones and buggerers all!

They appears to be considerings the optioner of justs lifterings my biggerers cookie store right outs from unders our noses, but believers me when I tells you that I will be doings everything in my powers to preventers this from happenings!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Uglyworld #1510 - Swiss Rollers & Custarders (Project TW - Image 108-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 108/366

I was standerings at the windowers of the cookie cave the wholes day long keeperings an eye out for anyone tryerings to diggers a tunneler into our cave to steals all our cookies.

Once I was happiers that they workiesmen had leavereds for the day I began thinkerings what I could has to eaters, and then I remembereds that when me and Baz was in the Uniteders Kingdom a coupler of weekies ago we scoreds some tastiers goodies.

One of the tastiers goodies we scoreds was some tinnies of custarders, and when I thinkereds about addering a coupler of slices of homes made swiss rollers from Mireille's mama then I knew I had hittereds the jackpotter!

"Mmmmm, yummies...!!!"

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Monday, 16 April 2012

Uglyworld #1509 - Diggerers (Project TW - Image 107-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 107/366

I has no ideas if the littlers scripter that I runs on Baz's biggerers computerer workereds to brings all of his photomagraphs back to lifers as we hads some seriousers actions outside todays!

Checkers it out, it's a photomagraph of me takerings a photomagraph of a biggerers digger tearerings up the grounders to the sides of our cookie cave!

I is keeperings a closers eye on them, as I is a littlers bit worrieds that they is pretenderings to builders a new house, but is secretlies tryerings to diggers a tunneler into our cave to steals our cookies!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Uglyworld #1508 - Please Workies (Project TW - Image 106-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 106/366

"Please workies, please workies"

Shhhh, if you wants to knows what is goings on you has to be super quiets as I can't lets Baz knows what I is ups to.

This mornings Cinko cames into my bedsroomer and wakereds me up, he seemereds a littlers bit concerneds about somethings. It turnereds out that he was widers awake in the middlers of the nights and decidereds to goes into Baz's officers area and fires up the biggers computers (which we has been warneds not to does previouslies!).

It all starteds out withouts any issuers, with Cinko searcherings the interwebs for the tastiesters recipe for cookies in alls the unimaverse, and thens something weirders happeneds.

Cinko findereds a recipes for "space cookies" and decidereds to downloaders it, and it makereds the computer goes completely mentallers on him.

By the times I gets on the case with my IT skillers alls of the backers catamalogue of Baz's photomagraphs were inaccessiblers, and they is the mains reasoner that we isn't allowereds to touchers his biggers computers in the firsters place, as he has alls of his professionals workies storeds on there.

I is currentlies runnerings scripties on the dos prompter, fingers crossereds it workies and makers all the photomagraphers comes back to lifes.

So, anyways, now you knows what I is ups to, maybies you can chanters alongs with me to makes the biggers computers do what I wanters it to!

"Please workies, please workies"

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Uglyworld #1507 - An Uglies Bestesters Friendly (Project TW - Image 105-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 105/366

One of the bestesters feelerings in the worlds is when I is homes in the cookie cave and I gets wakerereds up by my bestesters friendly lickerings my face, and no I doesn't means Babo, or evens Cinko!

Obviouslies I meanereds Doug, he's always mega excitereds to says hello to me in the mornings, so that I will gets my ugly butt out of beds and takers him for his morning walkies.

With that cheekiers smile on his face, how could I possiblies says no to him!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Friday, 13 April 2012

Uglyworld #1506 - "Ones For The Road?" (Project TW - Image 104-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 104/366

If you finders yourselfers travellering arounds strange lands you will already knows the importanters factor of alway makings sure that you has enough tastiers snackies to hands to lasters you to the nexters pitstopper.

Todays we is headerings back to Germanies, so while Baz was packerings up his suiterscase this mornings I hads a littlers looky into the hotels room fridge to sees what I could finders.

Toblemarone, awesomes, it's mega tastiers and it will even reminders me abouts the super coolers mountainers outside the hotels room windower as every littlers chunk of chocomolate has been makereds to looks like a miniatures mountainer!

Enough blabberings, times for the mosts importanters bit...

"Hey Baz, ones for the road?"

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Uglyworld #1505 - Readies To Go Homers (Project TW - Image 103-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 103/366

Is it timers to goes home yets?

I has been likerings the funs of travellerings with Baz, buts there is no betterers words to describers this week than poosticks, reallies reallies poosticks!

If it's not been too rainiers to goes out, it's been too colders, and if it's not been too colders to goes out it's been too darkers.

I thinks I has reachereds my thresholders on watcherings the Frechers telemavisions too, I can only watchers it from behinds the pillower in my hotels room, so that when I can't hears any more Frenchers talkerings I just buriers my nubbins deepers into the pillows!

I is definitelies readies to go homers now!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Uglyworld #1504 - Odes To The Mountainer (Project TW - Image 102-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 102/366

Oh mountains topper way ups high,
Almosts so highs you can touchers the sky,
I looks at your snowy toppers from fars away,
And hopers I can visiters you one day.

From overs here your snower looks white,
Why nots when it liers on such highers height,
To jumpers up and downs in it all days long,
It'll be so much funners, I can't be's wrong.

Alas the weathers is not beings kind,
When you is the onliers thing on my mind,
I longs and I lusts for as longs as it takes,
As when I visiters I knows you'll has cakes.

so, my walkers to the tops may takes a while,
But withs every stepper will comes a smile,
For the glees that I feels when I reachers the tops,
Will be the besterests ever, tops of the pops.

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Uglyworld #1503 - Rainiers Day In Grenobles (Project TW - Image 101-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 101/366

I arrivereds back down in Grenobles this afternoons, but I honestlies couldn'ts have tellereds you where I was if I didn't knows how the hotel looks insiders and outs!

From the windows of my hotels room I can't even sees evens one of the massivers mountains which surrounders the city, neverminders alls of them likes I normally cans!

I hopes it stoppers rainering at some stage this week, otherwise I will be forcereds into watcherings Frenchies telemavision!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Monday, 9 April 2012

Uglyworld #1502 - "Oh Hello's There!" (Project TW - Image 100-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 100/366

Withs the easters weekender almosts over Baz and Mireille have alreadies gone to bedders for an earliers night before Baz and me flyers off again tomorrow mornings.

I knows that I needs to keeps the noisers down when I stays up, so Whats can I does, hmmmm...???

Holds on a seconder, what's this?

"Oh Hello's there my littlers eggies friends, is you neederings some companies too, I just happens to knows a nice warms spot you guys might likers to hang my bellies!"

Nom nom nom...!!!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Uglyworld #1501 - The Easter Eggies Decisioners

I couldn't waiters until tomorrow to reveals which eggie I choosereds, so I invitereds my gooders friendly Babo over with his eggie for a doublers photomashooter!

I decidereds on the Creme eggie, mainlies due to the facters that they is onlies availamables for a smallers amount of timers, whereas you can scores munchies all years round.

Babo was more than happies with his eggie anyways, and we decidereds in the interests of fairersness that we should shares the goodies anyways, so we each has 4 creme eggies and a packeter of munchies.

The only questioner lefts is who getters the odds eggie out?

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Uglyworld #1500 - Easters Fun Show (Project TW - Image 99-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 99/366

Being one of the biggerers uglies livings here on Earths with you all means that I gets to has so much funs lookering after all the littlers uglies that comes with us from Uglyworld.

For the pasts coupler of weekies I has been hards at work makerings my coolers tenter and also designerings all the coolers images so that I could cuts them outer and gluers them ontos the fronts of my tenter to be the backgrounders for my easters story.

You can sees justs how biggers a crowd gathereds to hears the story this years, so it musts have been a gooders one!

I'll shares it withs you alls if you likers...?

"Robbie and Roberta rabbiter wakereds up brighters and earliers on Easters Sunday, and when they lookereds out of the windows they wondereds if the Easters Bunny had paids them a visiter"

"As Roberta reachereds their livingsroomer she gaspereds with shock while lookerings at their easter eggies basketer, as it was sitterings there completely emptiers!!!"

"Robbie, comes quick, the easters rabbiter hasn't been able to pays us a visiter, and now we has no tastiers easter eggies in our basketer, what are we goings to do now for our easters sunday dinnerers!"

*gaspers from the audiencers*

"Roberta was cryings her eyes out when Robbie hads the brainwaver to takes a walker outsides in the warms spring sunshiners, and afters dryerings Robertas tearies away with some tissuers the pair settereds off for a nice walkers in the countrysider"

"Afters a while Robbie and Roberta were startings to get mega hungries, but an easter eggies shop was nowheres to be findereds, and the pair begans to grow weariers and wondereds if this woulds be their lasts easterer togethers"

*ooohhhh from the audiencers*

"Roberta sittereds down on the grounds, unabler to continuers, Robbie, after makerings sure that she was comfiers decidereds to walks justs that littlers bit furthers, ups and overs the nexts hiller"

"As he reachereds the tops of the hill he coulds see a builderings in the distancers, and nots just any builderings, a cookie shopper!"

*gaspers from the audiencers*

"He shoutereds back downs to Roberta who gettereds a seconders wave of energies at the gooders news and she sprintereds as fasts as her feeties could carries her ups the hill to stands sides by sides with Robbie once mores"

"Froms about half a miler away they could sniffers the sweeters aromas of cookies that mosts rabbiters only dreamers about, and when they reachereds the doors of the shop they were greetereds by the biggerests selectioner of cookies you can possiblies imaginer!"

*cheerers from the audiencers*

"Roberta and Robbie eaters all the cookies their littlers bellys could holds and they evens takereds a few boxers of the tastiers cookies home withs them to enjoyers for the days to comes."

"As the sun slowly droppereds over the horizons the pair skippereds off home with biggerers smiles on their faces and tastiers cookies unders their arms"

*massivers clapperings and cheererings from the audiencers*

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

p.s. A massive thank you all for the views, comments and favourites over the last 1500 images of my adventures in uglyworld set (or what should simply be known as the story of the little guys life here with us on Earth), 1500 images, I can't believe it myself!!!

It's all your feedback on Flickr, the Adventures In Uglyworld blog, Facebook, Google+, and so many other websites out there that makes this so much more fun to do for myself and Mireille! You guys inspire us to continue, so here's to the next 500 images...!!!

Barry & Mireille.

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Uglyworld #1499 - Saturdays Super Surprisers (Project TW - Image 98-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 98/366

I hads been thinkerings so hards to myselfer about whichers eastering eggie to chooses that I was beginnerings to drivers myself mentallers, so muchers so that I musts have attracters the attentions of Mireille as she askereds me if I would likers to helps tidyings up the kitchener this afternoons.

"Is you craziers, it's a weekender, I doesn't do workies stuffers on a weekender, you knows this!", I tellereds her, but littlers did I know that she was hiderings an ace up her sleevie in anticimapations of my mega predictablers answer!

She replies to me with, "Look what I have here" while shakerings a tastiers Kinders surpriser eggie, "if you help me tidy up just the little breakfast area of the kitchen you can have this tonight, and I promise I won't tell Baz too!".

It takereds me a wholes nanoseconder to makers up my mind, and after rollerings up my sleevies I gots the breakfasters area all tidyereds up in no times at all, and most importantlies, my paymenters for helperings out!

Talks about a Saturdays super surprisers, and a yummies one too!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Friday, 6 April 2012

Uglyworld #1498 - Waiterings On Easter Sundays (Project TW - Image 97-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 97/366

Whiles Baz was overs in the islander a coupler of weekies back to gets his car signereds off for anothers fun year of driverings us on our summerers holidays and other coolers stuff, he managereds to scores a couple of tastiers surprisers.

Todays he givereds me a sneakies peakies at whats these surprisers were, checkers it out, two massivers easter eggies, which he tells me I can choosers one of alls for myselfer.

It's a toughers decisioner, on one handies I has the amazinglies tastiers Munchies, and on the other handies I has the magicals fondanter filled Creme Eggies!

And by the lookers of it I will gets a super coolers new muggie to drinkers my hots chocolaters that I has every nights before goings to beds too!

Rolls on Easter Sundays, as the waiterings is gettering so hards now...but at leasts it meaners that I still has some timers to makes my minders up!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Uglyworld #1497 - Strangers Feelerings (Project TW - Image 96-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 96/366

Afters finderings the two deadereds boddies lyings on our balconys yesterday afternoons I is beginnerings to thinks I is maybe going mentallers as I has hads the strangers feelerings that someones was followers me arounds.

All days long I has hads the impressioners that someone is walkerings in my shadows, but everytimers I turns around there is nobodies there, talks about spookiers!

Hopefullies a gooders nights sleep will sorts my nervers out...

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Uglyworld #1496 - Calls The Policers! (Project TW - Image 95-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 95/366

Quicklies, quicklies, someone calls the policers!!!

I can't believers my eyes, I has just arrivereds home to the cookie cave and I has findereds 2 deadereds boddies lyings on our balcony!!!

Who coulds have dones such a mentallers thing to these poorers guys?

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google+ at -

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Uglyworld #1495 - Baz's Laterests Publimication (Project TW - Image 94-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 94/366

One of the biggerests bits of fun with travellerings around the worlders with Baz is thats he is always takerings photomagraphs of so many coolers cities and landscapers.

It's already mega coolers to returners home to the cookie cave and sharers the amazerings photomagraphs with the rests of the gang in the cave, but imaginers how cools it is when Baz's photomagraphs actually gets printereds in a magaziner or book!

Takers this one for an exampler, on Saturdays last weekender a biggerers package arrivereds in the posts, and when I openereds it up I findeds an absolutely hugers book insiders by a coolers person calleds Jay Phelan.

The hugers book tells you so many coolers stories and mores importantlies, they is all completely choccereds to the brims with real facters, no fictions involvereds here, oh noes, justs stonereds cold hard facters!

His photomagraph of Mount St Helens volcanamo is hiderings on page 639 insiders the brands new collegers textbook "What Is Life?", which is maybies a littlers bit confusings at firsts until you readers the seconds titler, "A guider to biomologies and physiomologies".

Maybies some of you outs there in the internets will even users this textbook to passers your examies, how cools would that be!

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Monday, 2 April 2012

Uglyworld #1494 - Cheeserings It Ups (Project TW - Image 93-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 93/366

Tonights I decidereds that since I is backs at homes in the cookie cave that I should treaters Baz and Mireilles to some goods old home cookereds foodies!

Tonights I is makerings them one of my all timers favouriters backs on Uglyworld, what we knows as "cheesy toppereds tastiersness", which heres on Earth translaters to meatballers in mega tastiers tomato sauces and spicers and then the bestesters bit, gratereds cheese sprinklereds over the top and then it all melters while it's the ovens cookering.

Talkerings of cookering, that word is so closers to cookies that I thinks I had betters have myself a littlers snackeroonie cookie to keeps me going untils the cheesy toppereds tastiersness is readies.

I hopes they likers it, and well, lets facer it, even if they doesn'ts then it means an even biggerers portioner for me!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Sunday, 1 April 2012

Uglyworld #1493 - Eggies For Breakiesfast (Project TW - Image 92-366)

Project TW (Travelling Wage) - Image 92/366

When I is aways on the roadies travellerings with Baz we gets to eats and drinkers whatever we feelers like, which is pretty muchers the polar oppositers of what it is likes being backs in the cookie cave unders the ever watchermafuls eyes of Mireille.

Takers this morning for an exampler, I is lookerings out some tastiers food from the fridgie and freezer to makes a super tastiers fry up, and then in whizzers Mireille at the speeders of lights and puts an eggies cupper in fronts of me and tells me that I needs to has an egg for todays breakiesfast.

A boilereds egg, seriouslies, for me who needers all the gooders super tastiers food to grows up into a proper grown ups ugly?

No ways hosays I says to that every singlers time!

Thankfullies Baz came to my rescuers by askerings Mireille if it was in the rulers book that I could eats any kinds of eggies that could fitters in the eggies cupper, no matters whethers the eggies was cookereds, boilereds, smellereds or tastereds funny.

Mireille saids that this was okays, and then Baz producereds a mega tastiers creme eggie from those awesomers people over at Cadburyers in Englands, talks about haverings the perfecters kind of eggies for breakfast, oh yeah...!!!

It's safers to says that Baz makereds an April Fools out of Mireille this times!

From the Uglydoll blog at

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