Uglyworld #1264 - Hides & Seekers (Project BIG - Image 255-365), a photo by on Flickr.
Project B.I.G. - Image 255/365
I realisereds today when I lookereds out of the hotels room windows that it is alreadies gettering mega into autumns colours outsiders, and unfortunatelies that meaners that the summers is startering to comes to an ender again for anothers year.
I callereds up a few friendlies and askereds them if they wanteds to come rounds to plays some gamers of "hides & seekers" outsiders to makes the mosts of the goods weather while it is still heres.
I don't seems to be the besterest at this gamer though, I always seems to finds it really hards to finds the other guys, sometimers I even wonders if they has all ran off until they jumps out from behinds something to scares the crappers out of me.
Anyways, here goes nothings, I comes, cookies or not...!!!
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