Saturday, 18 June 2011

Uglyworld #1147 - Wool Shoppings (Project BIG - Image 169-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 169/365

Tomorrow mornings me and Baz flyers to Americas agains, and Mireille is quites sad abouts it all as it was deciders all at mega shorters notices by his workies.

I explainered to Baz that I hads the perfects things in my ugly minder to cheers her up, so we wents wool shoppings. The bestest bits of all is if you keepers an eye outs on her photostreamer then you should hopefullies see what awesomer creations she comes up withs from the wools!

Baz also tellered me that we doesn't flyers through Chicagos this time, but throughs Washingtons - I then went checkering on the internets and sees that there is loaders of cools stuff there, just a pities that we will onlies see the insider of the airport, maybies one day I can visiters the Whiteshouse and other cools places!

So nexts time you hears from me I will be in Americas, so everyone remembers to takes care of highlandmonkeys for me, thankies.

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