Thursday, 24 March 2011

Uglyworld #1030 - A German Ugly In Paris

You may noticer that I is actuallies not streakering in this photo, why I hears you askering, well is simples really as Baz used his secrets croissanter weapon this morning and then after works he tolds me if I behavered and puts some clothes on then he would takes me to see the Eiffel Tower.

Wowzers, is so biggers, I didn't knows it was so bigs, I wonders if I climbered all the ways to the very tops if I could see's all of the cookie shoppers in all of Paris, probablies coulds too!!!

I even scored an awesomes lollipopper for being extra behavered tonights too, I thinks I maybe causered enough mayhemers for now, so normal servicers has now resumered.

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