Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Uglyworld #1000 - Doublers Celebrationisms (Project BIG - Image 60-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 60/365

I'm sure you already understands that I wasn't beings nasty to Mademan earliers today, I just wanteds to keeps some specials stuff to myselfs until the perfects time to unveils it to you alls out theres in the internets lands.

Tonights we can alls celebrates not onlys one thingymajigger but two thingymajigger, this is officiallies photographs number one thousand in Baz's cools documentary set abouts the adventurisings of me and all my brothers and sisters from Uglyworld here on your planet!

And when you has calmed downs enough I can then explains you the next bigger news from tonights, if you has eyes like an eagle (not quites sure what this phraser means unless you likes to fly and spots mice and stuffs from miles away) then you may be ables to noticer that behinds me on the laptopper I keeps the page on a specials page, tonights we celebraters one whole millions views on the accounter of Baz, wooohooo!!!

To celebraters these bigs mountains of achieverments I decideds to picks up some chocolates mountainers for us to eats tonight, and Mademan tells me now he lovers Toblerone so we all wins tonight!!!

Thanks you alls for so many views of us and everythings else on the streamer of Baz...so awesomes to breaks the one millioner marker!!!

I askers Baz for a quoter but I thinks he is thinkings of what colours to paints the rooms in our news house as Mademan says that he is "overcomes with emulsion"...I has no ideas...!!!

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