Sunday, 16 November 2014

Uglyworld #2490 - Harris Protections Ltd - (Project On The Go - Image 320-365)

Uglyworld #2490 - Harris Protections Ltd - (Project On The Go - Image 320-365)

Project "On The Go" - Image 320/365

You may have heards (or shoulds that be herds) of Harris Tweeds wool clothes which is famousers all arounds the worlds, hopefullies you is sittings out there in internetsland noddings your heads.

Wells, what you might nots know is that the sheepy who is behinds the Harris Tweeds stuffs is a gooders buddy of mine!

Recentlies he heareds that we was lookings to gets a newers car for shuttlerings the inhabitanters of the cookie cave from A's to B's, and he callereds me to up to askers if I hads any open positioners available for him to comes and lives with us.

Luckilies for the cookie cave he's a masters studenter in securities, so I offereds him the job of being heads security sheepy of our new cars, and he (wooly) jumpereds at the oppormatunity, he even startereds up his own companies called Harris Protections Ltd!

Says hello to Harris everyones, he's now an importants partner heres in the cookie cave!

Todays steps = 7,478

The 2014 grand total = 1,904,262

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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