Friday, 15 August 2014

Uglyworld #2396 - Investimagatings - (Project On The Go - Image 226-365)

Uglyworld #2396 - Investimagatings - (Project On The Go - Image 226-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 226/365

Oh hellos from the frequenters flyerings lounger in San Franciscos hairyporter everyones!

Since we arrivereds in the lounger, I keeps getterings sniffs of choco chippo cookies, buts I can't locaters them for the lifes of me.  Baz reckonereds that they might be hiderings down this hole, so I decidereds to investimagate it!

The funniers thing is that Baz tellereds me that I should be ables to sniffers them better if I keeps movering ups and downs above the strangers hole in the bencher, how can that helpers?

Oh waits a minuter, does you thinks that he is just tryerings to makes me does some push uppers for funs?

Todays steps = 7,273

The 2014 grand total = 1,288,776

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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