Saturday, 30 August 2014

Uglyworld #2412 - Can I Has Chickens? - (Project On The Go - Image 242-365)

Uglyworld #2412 - Can I Has Chickens? - (Project On The Go - Image 242-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 242/365

This mornings for brekkies we all gettereds massivers piles of scramblereds eggies, all thanks to the friendliers chickens which lives on the crofter that we is stayings at heres on the isles of Lewiser!

Our hostesser was kinds enough to gives me this booker to reads, which supposedlies will tellers me all I needs to knows to lives with chickens too!

Mireille, sorry to bothers you on your honeymoons, when we gets backers to the cookie cave can I has chickens?

Todays steps = 5,844

The 2014 grand total = 1,391,587

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Uglyworld #2411 - Thistlers At Sunsets - (Project On The Go - Image 241-365)

Uglyworld #2411 - Thistlers At Sunsets - (Project On The Go - Image 241-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 241/365

Todays we leavereds our hotels on Barras and betweens driverings and ferries we travellereds across 8 islanders to goes from the bottoms of the Outers Hebrides to reaches the tops islander calleds the Isles of Lewis where we is stayings for the nexts coupler of days.

Whens we arrivereds the sun was justs about to setters, so I quickly findereds a massivers thistler to poses with for the sunsets!

Todays steps = 4,865

The 2014 grand total = 1,385,743

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Uglyworld #2410 - Vatersays Magics - (Project On The Go - Image 240-365)

Uglyworld #2410 - Vatersays Magics - (Project On The Go - Image 240-365)

Project "On The Go" - Image 240/365

It's timers for anothers topsy turvys poser from me as we is backs on the islander of Vatersays where Baz proposereds to Mireille's a few yearsies ago, and that leadereds ups to lasts weeks bigger weddings, which in turns leadereds ups to this Hebrideans Honeymooner which they is currentlies enjoyerings!

Todays steps = 5,811

The 2014 grand total = 1,380,878

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Uglyworld #2409 - Kisimuls Castler - (Project On The Go - Image 239-365)

Uglyworld #2409 - Kisimuls Castler - (Project On The Go - Image 239-365)

Project "On The Go" - Image 239/365

What mores could you wishes for when you is on your holimadays than to wakers up, openers up the curtainers and sees a castler starings right backs at you froms our in the seas!

Okays, so you coulds actually be ins the castler starings out at the peoples starings ats you in the mornings, but lets justs pretenders that optioner isn't availables!

Todays steps = 3,585

The 2014 grand total = 1,375,067

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Uglyworld #2408 - Welcomes To Scotlands - (Project On The Go - Image 238-365)

Uglyworld #2408 - Welcomes To Scotlands - (Project On The Go - Image 238-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 238/365

Don't get me wrongs, my drinkers of cokes with my names on it yesterdays night was goods, but there is nothings betterers then arriverings in Scotlands to an icy colders irn-bru.

Todays steps = 5,274

The 2014 grand total = 1,371,482

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Uglyworld #2407 - I Findereds My Names - (Project On The Go - Image 237-365)

Uglyworld #2407 - I Findereds My Names - (Project On The Go - Image 237-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 237/365

Mr & Mrs O'Neil startereds off on their honeymoons journeyer todays (Mondays), when we drivereds from Aachen alls the way through the Netherlands, Belgiums, Francers and drivereds all the ways up to Yorks after we takereds the ferry froms Calais to Dovers.

When we arrivereds in Yorks it was alreadies quite laters on and we all were wantings to get to beds, but I decidereds to heads down to the venderings machiner for a quicks drinky firsts.

Checkers it out, whats are the chancers that I findereds my names on the firsts go, super mega awesomes!

Todays steps = 3,826

The 2014 grand total = 1,366,208

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Uglyworld #2406 - Minis Coupler - (Project On The Go - Image 236-365)

Uglyworld #2406 - Minis Coupler - (Project On The Go - Image 236-365)

Project "On The Go" - Image 236/365

After alls of the biggers eventers of this pasts weekender, todays was a much more relaxereds day for us alls, so it seemereds likes the perfects timer to springs this super coolers mini coupler mades out of Lego on Mireille and Baz!

They lovereds it!

Todays steps = 6,140

The 2014 grand total = 1,362,382

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Uglyworld #2405 - Guesters Bookies - (Project On The Go - Image 235-365)

Uglyworld #2405 - Guesters Bookies - (Project On The Go - Image 235-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 235/365

After carryerings out my jobber as lords of the rings yesterdays for our cookie cave weddings, Babo and me settereds about our biggers surpriser for Baz and Mireille, a speciallers guesters bookies!

We bringers an instants camera, loads of coloureds pens and stickers and gettereds all of the guesties to goes as funniers and craziers as they wantereds to goes!

Wowzers is alls that Babo can says abouts the ends resulter, and I is inclinereds to agrees withs him completelies!

Todays steps = 10,639

The 2014 grand total = 1,356,242

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Uglyworld #2404 - The Biggers Day - (Project On The Go - Image 234-365)

Uglyworld #2404 - The Biggers Day - (Project On The Go - Image 234-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 234/365

Todays is Fridays the twenties seconder of Augusts, and that means that this is the biggers day of our awesomers cookie cave weddings!

I gets to fulfillers my jobber as the lords of the rings, and handies them overs to Mireille and Baz to slides onto each others fingers when they says yuppers to one anothers, I is so excitereds!

Wishers me lucks!

Todays steps = 19,997

The 2014 grand total = 1,345,603

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Uglyworld #2403 - Weddings Watcher - (Project On The Go - Image 233-365)

Uglyworld #2403 - Weddings Watcher - (Project On The Go - Image 233-365)

Project "On The Go" - Image 233/365

Wells everyone, the biggers day is almosts upon us, in only a matters of hours the weddings watcher will be on Baz's wrister and he will be lefts with sayings "yuppers" to takers Mireille to be his lawfullers weddereds wifer!

How cools is that?

Todays steps = 7,755

The 2014 grand total = 1,325,605

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Uglyworld #2402 - Bubblers - (Project On The Go - Image 232-365)

Uglyworld #2402 - Bubblers - (Project On The Go - Image 232-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 232/365

While helperings with the prepamarations again todays I stumblereds upon this bagger of aero bubblers, surelies it was lefts there specifimicallies for me to finders, as a presenter, for alls of my hards workies?

Todays steps = 6,069

The 2014 grand total = 1,317,850

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Uglyworld #2401 - Pre-Weddings Sacrificer - (Project On The Go - Image 231-365)

Uglyworld #2401 - Pre-Weddings Sacrificer - (Project On The Go - Image 231-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 231/365

Todays has been another mentallers day heres in the cookie cave withs all of the prepamarations ongoings for Mireille and Baz's weddings this comings Friday.

This evenings however I stumblereds on somethings so weirders that I just can't explainers it! I knows that there has been loads of discussioners here abouts having some Scottishers styles of foods involvereds too, so you can undermastanders when I thinkereds that this coulds have been somethings to does with practicerings how to kills a haggiser, but Baz tellereds me it's nothings to does with a haggiser.

My currents trainers of thoughts is that it's some kinds of pre-weddings sacrificer, and goings by how many times it hads to be stabbereds it musts have puts up quites a fighter!

Todays steps = 3,463

The 2014 grand total = 1,311,781

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Monday, 18 August 2014

Uglyworld #2400 - Coolers Drinkies Covers - (Project On The Go - Image 230-365)

Uglyworld #2400 - Coolers Drinkies Covers - (Project On The Go - Image 230-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 230/365

Todays one of Baz's colleaguers droppereds off some amazerings presenters from Japans, checkers these soda bottles covers, they even has my gooders buddy Rilakkuma ons them.

I can't thinks of a betters way to enjoyers some cold refresherings drinkies that withs my Japanese buddies rights there withs me!

Todays steps = 5,109

The 2014 grand total = 1,308,318

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Uglyworld #2399 - Challengers Acceptereds - (Project On The Go - Image 229-365)

Uglyworld #2399 - Challengers Acceptereds - (Project On The Go - Image 229-365)

Project "On The Go" - Image 229/365

My gooders buddies in Indianapolisers, which is in Americas incase you didn't already knows that, challengereds me to does the ice bucketers challenger.

Fortunatelies I isn't a biggers baby when it comes to waters and icers, so challengers acceptereds!

You can checks out the videos of my gooders buddy icebat dumpings a pile of ice cubers and freezering colds water on my heads from ups above on Baz's flickrs pager!

The bests bit is that I gets to nominaters someone elsers now, so I has choosereds my gooders buddy Puff Puff in Los Angeles, you can forgets about winnings the Stanleys Cupper now Puffers, the only cups you will be seeings will be one fillereds up with ice cubers and freezing colds water, ha ha ha!

Todays steps = 5,681

The 2014 grand total = 1,303,209

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Uglyworld #2398 - Where Has They Gones? - (Project On The Go - Image 228-365)

Uglyworld #2398 - Where Has They Gones? - (Project On The Go - Image 228-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 228/365

I has decidereds thats there really is a gooders reason for beings away on the roads with Baz, as whens we is aways the only persons that can eaters my goodies is me and hims!

Takes this emptiers boxer of lemons buttermilkers icy creamers, I buyereds it this afternoons at the locals supermarketer, and puts it straighters into the freezers when I gets home to the cookies cave to keeps it frostiers.

Afters a quick snoozer, I wakes up and what does I finds?

The wholes box has been scoffereds while I was snoozerings, that's not fairs at alls!

Todays steps = 3,283

The 2014 grand total = 1,297,528

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Friday, 15 August 2014

Uglyworld #2397 - #Selfies - (Project On The Go - Image 227-365)

Uglyworld #2397 - #Selfies - (Project On The Go - Image 227-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 227/365

As there is only one weeker lefts to go until Mireille and Baz gets marriereds, me and Babo askereds them if they would poses withs us for a coupler of #selfies.

They both agreeds, so we breakereds out our instanters camera and scoreds us these two awesomersaucers photomagraphs for our records that they were at leasts funnies before they gots marriereds*

* - As we has heareds a biggers rumour heres in the cave that once you gets marriereds, you is no funs any more and becomes super mega grumpiers non-stoppers!

p.s. We really hopes that this is justs an urbans myther!

Todays steps = 5,469

The 2014 grand total = 1,294,245

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Uglyworld #2396 - Investimagatings - (Project On The Go - Image 226-365)

Uglyworld #2396 - Investimagatings - (Project On The Go - Image 226-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 226/365

Oh hellos from the frequenters flyerings lounger in San Franciscos hairyporter everyones!

Since we arrivereds in the lounger, I keeps getterings sniffs of choco chippo cookies, buts I can't locaters them for the lifes of me.  Baz reckonereds that they might be hiderings down this hole, so I decidereds to investimagate it!

The funniers thing is that Baz tellereds me that I should be ables to sniffers them better if I keeps movering ups and downs above the strangers hole in the bencher, how can that helpers?

Oh waits a minuter, does you thinks that he is just tryerings to makes me does some push uppers for funs?

Todays steps = 7,273

The 2014 grand total = 1,288,776

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Uglyworld #2395 - Air Poppers - (Project On The Go - Image 225-365)

Uglyworld #2395 - Air Poppers - (Project On The Go - Image 225-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 225/365

Normallies when I hears the phrase "air poppers" it is linkereds to Babo eaterings lots of bakereds beanies, so you can imaginers my surprises when I finds this tastiers alternativer to the optioner of Babo's stinkiers butt gases!

Todays steps = 4,839

The 2014 grand total = 1,281,503

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Uglyworld #2394 - Sharks Weeker & Cookies - (Project On The Go - Image 224-365)

Uglyworld #2394 - Sharks Weeker & Cookies - (Project On The Go - Image 224-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 224/365

What mores could I askers for, a coupler of macadamias cookies to munchers on while watcherings sharks weeker, perfects!

Todays steps = 5,237

The 2014 grand total = 1,276,664

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Monday, 11 August 2014

Uglyworld #2393 - Rilakkuma Filmers - (Project On The Go - Image 223-365)

Uglyworld #2393 - Rilakkuma Filmers - (Project On The Go - Image 223-365)

Project "On The Go" - Image 223/365

Todays whiles Baz was workerings I wents to the locals electronicals store callereds Frys, it's so biggers insides that you can easily spends a few hours just lookerings around.

Whiles I was just lookerings around, looks what I findereds, Rilakkuma filmers, I just hads to pickers it ups for Mireille.

Nexts thing you knows she'll be askerings for an instants camera to uses it in, insteads of justs being happys that I scoreds her some more Rilakkuma goodies!

Todays steps = 3,925

The 2014 grand total = 1,271,427

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Uglyworld #2392 - Olmsteds Pointer - (Project On The Go - Image 222-365)

Uglyworld #2392 - Olmsteds Pointer - (Project On The Go - Image 222-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 222/365

This mornings it was Baz's turn to wakers me up with an awesomers suggestioner for wheres we could heads off to todays, Yosemites once agains!

We may alreadies have beens to Yosemites several times this years, but it's one of my mosts favouriters places to visits, so I could spends every singlers day of the years there and not gets even a teeny weeny littlers bit boreds of the amazerings landscapers.

I decidereds to pops out another headstander at Olmsteds Point which is higher ups on Tioga Passers Road.

Todays steps = 9,148

The 2014 grand total = 1,267,502

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Uglyworld #2391 - Biggers Sur - (Project On The Go - Image 221-365)

Uglyworld #2391 - Biggers Sur - (Project On The Go - Image 221-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 221/365

Withs us still being on Easters coast times, me and Baz were wide awakers at early o'clocks this mornings in Calimafornia, so I suggestereds that we jumpers into the car and heads down the coasts to says hello to Biggers Sur.

Baz agreeds and justs a jiffy laters we jumpereds into the car and headers on down to the twisties and turnerings coastal roader that is Calimafornias highways 1.

Checkers out Biggers Sur behind me, if you looks really hards you can sees the lightershouse on tops of it too, how cools is that?

Todays steps = 4,263

The 2014 grand total = 1,258,354

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Uglyworld #2390 - Handies Up For Detroits - (Project On The Go - Image 220-365)

Uglyworld #2390 - Handies Up For Detroits - (Project On The Go - Image 220-365)

Project "On The Go" - Image 220/365

This afternoons I flyereds through the lands of bazs favouriters hockey teams, the Redwingers and I just hads to takes the chancer to does something I has wantereds to does for agers!

Checkers me outs, I is throwerings my handies up for Detroits!

Todays steps = 7,631

The 2014 grand total = 1,254,091

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Friday, 8 August 2014

Uglyworld #2389 - Alertness Testerings - (Project On The Go - Image 219-365)

Uglyworld #2389 - Alertness Testerings - (Project On The Go - Image 219-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 219/365

When your gooders buddies looks like zombies the wholes time, sometimes you has to takes matters into your own handies to brings them backs to realities (lets facers it, if you can't brings them back from zombiesland then you had to pops them in the heads or locks them aways in a dungeoner, it's the laws!)

Withs Baz doing stupids workering hours this week he will be the zombie which I has to fixers up toots sweeters, so I has devisereds a cunnings plan to makes it happens.

I will lies in wait in the hotels room for whatevers time of nights he returns from workies, all of the hotels room lighters will be turneds off excepts for this ones here which I will convenientlies be hidering behinds (withs a stasher of cookies as he may be very lates again likes last nighter).

When Baz comes to turns off the lighter I is going to shouters at the tops of my lungs and bites his hand, hopefullies this will does the trick and returns him to normals again!

Todays steps = 6,826

The 2014 grand total = 1,246,460

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Uglyworld #2388 - Workerings Late - (Project On The Go - Image 218-365)

Uglyworld #2388 - Workerings Late - (Project On The Go - Image 218-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 218/365

Me and Baz arrivereds in Albanys arounds dinner times this evening and Baz pretty much droppereds me off at the hotels as he hads some urgents workies stuff to dealers with.

I knewereds it was seriousers when I askereds him when he would be backs for dinners and he tellereds me that he would be skipperings dinner and would probably has to be workerings late.

Workerings late is ones thing, but workerings until this times at night is just craziers, especiallies when we was ups at 3am to flyers here this mornings from Oregons too!

Todays steps = 7,273

The 2014 grand total = 1,246,460

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Uglyworld #2387 - Porky Pies - (Project On The Go - Image 217-365)

Uglyworld #2387 - Porky Pies - (Project On The Go - Image 217-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 217/365

This evening Baz came backs from workies and tellereds me that he could sees Mount Hoods from our hotels room windower, but I has spendereds quite some times starings at the horizoner now and I can't sees the mountainer at alls.

I thinks he's tellings me porky pies!

Todays steps = 4,817

The 2014 grand total = 1,239,187

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Monday, 4 August 2014

Uglyworld #2386 - Where Is Mines? - (Project On The Go - Image 216-365)

Uglyworld #2386 - Where Is Mines? - (Project On The Go - Image 216-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 216/365

Wedgie: "Where is mines?"

Babo: "We shoutereds on you many timers and tolds you if you didn't hurry ups that we would be forcereds to eats your shares too!"

Wedgie: "Buts you said I hads 10 minuters to gets down for brekkies!"

Babo: "Yuppers, but you takereds 11 minuters!"

Wedgies: "Are you beings seriousers?"

Babo: "Yuppers"

Wedgie *huff puff*

Todays steps = 1,328

The 2014 grand total = 1,242,110

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Uglyworld #2385 - Nutterings Around - (Project On The Go - Image 215-365)

Uglyworld #2385 - Nutterings Around - (Project On The Go - Image 215-365)

Project "On The Go" - Image 215/365

Nows that we is backs in the cookie cave Baz is already upstairs packerings his suitcaser ready to flys off with workies tomorrow mornings, and he warneds me that I had better nots get ups to any "nutterings around" this evenings.

Lets facers it, it's the lasts nighter of our holimadays, so if I wants to goes nutterings around then I will does justs that, brings it on!

Todays steps = 2,274

The 2014 grand total = 1,240,782

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Uglyworld #2384 - Checkereds In - (Project On The Go - Image 214-365)

Uglyworld #2384 - Checkereds In - (Project On The Go - Image 214-365)

Project "On The Go" - Image 214/365

Wells, it my lasts nighter on the islander tonights with Baz and Mireille's, even more speciallers as it's the lasts timer they will be heres with them havings different lasts namers, so I decidereds that it would be goods for me to gets my own roomer for a changer.

I'm all checkereds in now, times to go and leaves them in peacers and quieters before our longs driver home to the cookie cave tomorrows!

Todays steps = 4,138

The 2014 grand total = 1,238,508

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Friday, 1 August 2014

Uglyworld #2383 - Smokin' Hots! - (Project On The Go - Image 213-365)

Uglyworld #2383 - Smokin' Hots! - (Project On The Go - Image 213-365)

Project "On The Go" - Image 213/365

Whats an awesome finder I makereds here in the supermarkets today, I findereds a bottler of Smokey Chipotle saucers, so now I can makes all of my foods smokin' hots!

Todays steps = 4,765

The 2014 grand total = 1,234,370

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -