Friday, 4 April 2014

Uglyworld #2262 - Chinese Learnerings - (Project On The Go - Image 94-365)

Uglyworld #2262 - Chinese Learnerings - (Project On The Go - Image 94-365)

Project "On The Go" - Image 94/365

I tellereds Baz that I is feds up being stucks in the hotels room when he needs to workies stupidlies long days, and he suggestereds that I should try to learns some Chinesers.

It really isn't as easiers as I thinkereds it woulds be, as they has completelies different characters for even the simplerests stuff!

I doesn't thinks that this is going to be very easiers at alls!

Todays steps = 8,917

The 2014 grand total = 457,094

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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