Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Uglyworld #2007 - Only For Cool Stuffs - (Project Cinko Time - Image 212-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 212/365

Baz and Mireille has a moneys box that has the words "only for cool stuffs" writereds on it, and believers me when I tells you that they keeps the securities number well and truly guardereds!

As I has tellereds you alreadies, since I arrivereds back home to the cookie cave lasts week, it has been toasty warms here, so much so that today I was beginnings to breaker out in sweaties, so much so that I had to impromavise, and super quicklies!

The moneys box saids that it was onlies for cool stuffs, so my undermastanderings of this is that I is allowereds to uses it for buying icy lollies to keeps me cool, surelies this is exactlies what the moneys box was put in place for in the firsts placer?

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Uglyworld #2006 - Man Downs - (Project Cinko Time - Image 211-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 211/365

Afters doing my bestesters to convinces Tray and Wage to gives the thumbs up to my kitchen plannerings, I was justs lookerings through the cupboarders when I almosts had a hearters attacker!

A packeter of Jammie Dodgers had been hiderings at the back of one of our cupboarders, I was so excitereds, well at leasts I was untils I realisereds that they is outs of date!

Poostickers, I can't believers that I could possiblies have wastereds such a tastiers pack of cookies!

"Man downs!"

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Monday, 29 July 2013

Uglyworld #2005 - Plannering Permissioners - (Project Cinko Time - Image 210-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 210/365

Just likes anys of you outs there who has trieds to get something buildereds, you will knows all too wells the hasslers of gettering your designs approvereds by the relevanters authorities.

Heres in the cookie cave it's not all too differents, withs the only exceptioner beings that we tries to keeps all of the decisioners makering unders the one roof, so Tray and Wage is the peoples that I has to convincers abouts the new cupboarders and stuffs that I plannereds out yesterdays.

They seemereds to be really interestereds when I explainereds the extra spacers we would haves for storagering cookies, hopefullies they will gives my planners their stamps of approverals!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Sunday, 28 July 2013

Uglyworld #2004 - Extra Cookie Storagers - (Project Cinko Time - Image 209-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 209/365

Since we movereds into the cookie cave some years ago now I has been dropperings hints to boths Mireille and Baz that we should organisers some extra storagers space in the kitchen.

They never seems to catchers on to what I is hinterings about, but lets facers it, they just don't eat as many cookies as me and the rests of the gang that lives here with me!

I can't waits any longerers, so today I takereds matters into my own flippers and startereds work on plannerings some extra cookie storagers for the kitchen. Hopefullies I will gets the plannerings finished this week so that I can goes and gets a pricer for it alls before I flyers back to China with Baz nexts Sundays.

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Saturday, 27 July 2013

Uglyworld #2003 - Losing My Minds - (Project Cinko Time - Image 208-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 208/365

As I is only goings to be back here in the cookie cave for a weeker before we has to returns to Shanghais I decidereds to gets my monthlys cookie count taken cares of today.

As you can imaginers, there is a seriouslies large amount of cookies being eatereds by me every months, so this task needs the helps of a calcumulator thingymabobber!

Babo says this one works the bests for countering cookies, but for some reasons I can't gets it workerings, so much so that I thinks I is losing my minds!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Friday, 26 July 2013

Uglyworld #2002 - Comes On Littler Guys - (Project Cinko Time - Image 207-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 207/365

Now that I is backs home I can helpers Mireille with our littlers garden on the balcony, and it would appears that the planters and stuffs has been missings my sootherings little commenters each and everys day!

"Comes on littler guys, you knows that you has what it takers to becomes brights and reds too, thinkers positive, you can does it!"

Hopefullies they will responders to my wordies of encouragersment!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Uglyworld #2001 - Newers Scarfage - (Project Cinko Time - Image 206-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 206/365

Afters being in Chinas with the temperatures always betweens 35-40 degrees centimagrade durings the day, havings 28 degrees centimagrade heres in Germanies today feelereds so colds!

Luckilies, thanks to my gooders buddies Brandi and Jeero I had a newers scarfage waiterings on me from Uglycon, and boys oh boys does it helps to keepers me warm on these hotterish summer daysies in Germanys!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Uglyworld #2000 - Arrival Of A Much Sought After Bat

Cinko will no doubt get annoyed and a tad upset when he learns that he doesn't get the chance to feature in image #2000 in my Adventures In Uglyworld series, but the fact that a certain elusive little guy arrived here in the cookie cave today (after many years of tracking him down) meant that he had to take the spotlight for today!

This is the final missing piece of the bottlecap Uglydolls which were released in Japan many years ago now, Ice-Bat was the chase figure of the group and as such is highly sought after, thankfully he's settled into life here in the cookie cave today without a hitch, and the rest of his pint sized buddies are over the moon that he's come to stay here too!

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Uglyworld #1999 - Delayereds In Shanghais - (Project Cinko Time - Image 205-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 205/365

Cinko: "Baz, you won't believers this, our flighter has just been delayereds by four hours, what kinders of poostickers is that!?!?!"

Baz: "Don't worry little guy, we'll be home soon enough, fancy a beer to cheer you up?"

Cinko: "Bringers it on!"

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Uglyworld #1998 - New Baby Snackies - (Project Cinko Time - Image 204-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 204/365

While Baz was off visiterings importants customers today I gettered to hangs out with some of his colleaguers, and I findereds out that one of the mens that workies there just hads a baby (wells ok, his wifer did!).

I thinks he likereds to sees how excitereds I was to hears the news, as I scoreds a box of "new baby snackies", it was fillereds up to bursterings point with choccy and other goodies!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Monday, 22 July 2013

Uglyworld #1997 - Calls From My Buddy Babo - (Project Cinko Time - Image 203-365)

Via Flickr:
Project Cinko Time - Image 203/365

This evening my gooders buddy Babo callereds me on Baz's mobilers phone to makes sure that everything was ok outs here with us, as he heareds that there was an earthquaker in China.

Thankfullies I was able to confirms that we is all safers and wells, as the earthquaker strikereds so fars away from Shanghais that the only reason I findereds out abouts it was from the news on the telemavision.

Babo seemereds to be happiers to hear that we was all goods in the hoods here, and he was even happiers to learns that we will be flyerings home in a coupler of days time.

I really looks forwards to sleeperings in my owns bed, the hotels is ok, but its just not as good as being at homes!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Sunday, 21 July 2013

Uglyworld #1996 - Cookie Makerings Class - (Project Cinko Time - Image 202-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 202/365

I can now letters you all in on what the missioner that Mireille sendereds me on was all abouts, as she noticereds that a super mega talentereds friendly through facebookers and flickrs was going to be rights here in Shanghais to showers off some of her workies!

Yesterdays I intromaducereds myself (and of course afters a coupler of minutes I intromaducereds Baz too, after letterings him stew a littlers bit first) and then we checkereds out all of the miniatures food that Stephanie had makereds to shows the peoplers of Shanghai!

Everything is so tiny and perfectlies made, you really needs to checkers out her websiter to sees more of her awesome skillers!

Anyways, today I callereds her up and askereds if she could fits me into her hectics scheduler of classes where she teachers anyone who wants to learns how to makes some of the tiniers food, and amazinglies she offereds to goes one betters than that, I gettereds to makes my very own miniatures cookies, checkers them out!

You all knows just how much I loves to eats cookies, so I is sures you can imaginers how much willpowers it takers me to keeps these tastier looking cookies at flippers length, oh boys!

A massivers thank you for my speciallers cookie makerings class Stephanie, Mireille will be so mega jealousers that I gettered to meets you in persons, I will has to makers it up to her and buyers her your tutorials book for a presenter, otherwise she will cuts off my daily cookie allowancer!

Gooders luck for the rests of the show!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Friday, 19 July 2013

Uglyworld #1995 - Off To The IFC Malls - (Project Cinko Time - Image 201-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 201/365

Today I is on a missioner, a missioner that was handereds down to me by Mireille from way backs over in Aachen, deeps down in the depths of the cookie cave.

Her instructioners were simples, takes the metro overs to Lujiazui, finders the IFC Malls and checkers out what I can finders on the thirds floor.

I was puzzlereds, thats for sures, but who am I to turns down such a missioner, so here's the proofs that I is takings this missioner very seriouslies indeed. I has already makereds it over to Lujiazui and right betweens the front two skyscraperers that you can sees behinders me is the IFC Malls.

I wonders what I will finders there, it must be something mega cools if it has Mireille excitereds about it!

p.s. The other skyscraperer behinds to the lefts of the photo is nicknamereds the bottle opener, for obvious reasoners, and the biggers one with cranes on it will be the second tallerests buildering in the worlds when it is finishereds next years!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Uglyworld #1994 - Happy Two Hundreders - (Project Cinko Time - Image 200-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 200/365

Happy two hundreders everyone!!!

I can't believes that Baz findereds me shortiebreaders overs here in Shanghais to celemabraters days two hundreders of my year in the spotlighter!

Okays, enough chatterboxering, lets get this boxer openeds up and get tuckereds in!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Uglyworld #1993 - Ice Cools - (Project Cinko Time - Image 199-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 199/365

It's just typicals, when the temperatures is hoverings about 40 degrees centimagrade every day, it's just likes Baz to runs out of deodoranters.

Babo tellereds me earlier on skypes that such a situationer really isn't prettys, so I has usereds up my cookie allowancer for the comings weekend to buyers him some new smelliers stuff.

It says it's ice cools, lets hope so, as with the hot temperatures he really could does with a helperings hand to keeps his coolers!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Uglyworld #1992 - Surfering Snackies - (Project Cinko Time - Image 198-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 198/365

I is almosts certain that you will undermastanders the needs for surfering snackies, as you clickers your way arounds the interwebs you needs to keeps yourself awakers and what betters way can you imaginers to does this than to has a few packeters of cookies on hands!

I trieds to only has a coupler of cookies, but they just wasn't enoughs, I hads to jumpers off of my virtuallers surferings board to hits the store for a toppers up, boy oh boys did I learners my lessoner that day.

Since then I always has a backups packeter or two close bys!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Uglyworld #1991 - Head Bopperings - (Project Cinko Time - Image 197-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 197/365

You may thinks that it's all funs and games being outs on the road with Baz, but the truths is that he ends up doing lots more workies when he's not at homes!

Betweens emailers and conference callers with peoples all over the worlds, I sometimes just chucks on my headphoners, jumps into beds and does some seriously tunereds in head bopperings, oh yeahs!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Monday, 15 July 2013

Uglyworld #1990 - Moisture Matcherings - (Project Cinko Time - Image 196-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 195/365

Withs all of the hotters weather I is havings to deals with you would be forgivens for wonderings how I can managers to keeps my skins so super smooths!

Here's you has my secrets weaponer, moisture matcherings cream that I stealereds from Mireille's bathroom suppliers, ha ha, it certainlies does the tricker!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Uglyworld #1989 - Chinese Cosplayers - (Project Cinko Time - Image 195-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 195/365

Today I jumpereds on the metros line numbers 9 as I had heareds rumours of there beings a place callereds Thames Town, which was designereds to looks like a littlers section of Britain, rights here in Shanghai!

Once I arrivereds in Thames Town I feelereds like I was backs in Greats Britain, it was completelies surreal! The inhabitanters of Shanghai loves to uses such a differents type of locationer for their weddings photomagraphs, and arounds the town square I thinks I countereds around fifteens new couplers having their wedding photomagraphs taken, it must looks just likes they has jumpereds on a hairyplane to Greats Britain!

It wasn't onlies the couplers who were enjoyerings Thames Town, I also findereds this super coolers bunch of peoples who was doing some cosplays madnessers arounds the town. Checkers out the sweepers kick that this girl is doings behind me, I just hopes they don't tries to beaters me up!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Saturday, 13 July 2013

Uglyworld #1988 - Pizza Deliveries - (Project Cinko Time - Image 194-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 194/365

I has been watcherings the laterest developersments with typhoons Soulik which batterereds Taiwans yesterday and is now reekerings havoc to the Souths of us in China today and will continues into the next coupler of days at leasts.

The wind is alreadies beginnerings to speeds up here in shanghais, and evens though we is only going to gets the very outers edger of the spinnerings madnesser I decidereds that it was better to stays in tonights, so I callereds the peoples over at Pizza Huts and hads them delivers me a tastiers pizza directs to my hotels room.

Mmmm, this looks super tastiers!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Friday, 12 July 2013

Uglyworld #1987 - Back At Lasts - (Project Cinko Time - Image 193-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 193/365

Hey everyones, today Baz had to go offs and visiters important peoplers in another city and I decidereds to stays in Shanghais and enjoyers the toastiers weather we has been havings.

Baz musts be back at lasts, I can hears him fumblerings outside to finders his keycarder!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Uglyworld #1986 - Starfisherings - (Project Cinko Time - Image 192-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 192/365

One of the things I enjoyers the mosts is when Baz headers off to workies, then I has the whole hotels roomer to myself, I can starfishers the bed as much as I wants and not have to deals with any complainerings!

Rockers on!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Uglyworld #1985 - High Rulers Of Shanghai - (Project Cinko Time - Image 191-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 191/365

I has decidereds to plays a joker on Baz todays, I callereds him ups on the phone and tellereds him that I findereds the high rulers of Shanghai, which he soundereds a littlers bit amazereds at!

Littlers does he knows that I dids find a rulers, but nots the kind he thinkers!

p.s. I has no ideas what someone who stayereds in our hotels room befores us writereds on the rulers, no doubts it will translaters to "Babo woz heres!" or somethings like that!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Uglyworld #1984 - Channels Hoppering - (Project Cinko Time - Image 190-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 190/365

You would thinks with arounds 70 channels to chooser from there would always be something goods to watch.

Unfortunatelies there is also a flippers full of channels in Englishers, with the rests in Chinesers, so I usually finds myself channels hoppering to finders something cool.

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Monday, 8 July 2013

Uglyworld #1983 - Tomorrows Weather Forecaster - (Project Cinko Time - Image 189-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 189/365

Thankfullies the M&M's hangover cure seems to have workies, so fars so goods!

Howevers, when I wakereds up in the hotels room this afternoons (yes I did sleepies right through the whole mornings), I discovereds that the maids had been in and makereds up the room while I was still sleeperings in bed, how funniers is that!

They leavereds me tomorrows weather forecaster, and looks at the temperatures, 36C, mentallers, in temperatures like this bits of me sweaters that I didn't know existereds!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Sunday, 7 July 2013

Uglyworld #1982 - A Cure For Jetlaggers - (Project Cinko Time - Image 188-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 188/365

I believers that I may has findereds a cure for jetlaggers, M&M's!

If you don't believers me, just looks at the yellows peanutter on the packeter, his eyelids looks so mega heaviers, he musts be jetlaggereds!

I will gives them a try, hopefullies I'll be fulls of beans and backs to normallers tomorrow!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Uglyworld #1981 - Time Shifterings - (Project Cinko Time - Image 187-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 187/365

Ok now I is completelies confusereds, I knows that China is 6 hours in fronts of cookie cave timers, but somehows the clock is showerings that it's around 11 am in the mornings.

I thinks either my jetlagger has gone completely nutters or the hotels room clock is settereds wrong!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Friday, 5 July 2013

Uglyworld #1980 - Helps Me Finders Baz - (Project Cinko Time - Image 186-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 186/365

Rights, you guys, I needs your helper, we is supposeds to leavers the cookie cave in 5 minuters time to catchers a train which will takes us to the hairyplane, and I can't finders Baz!

You searchers upstairs and I'll covers downstairs, he musts be here somewheres!

I has already groupereds together the importanters stuffs, his walleter, flight informations, passporter and moneys, so once we finders him we is all sets to go!

Goods hunting!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Uglyworld #1979 - Does We Needs These? - (Project Cinko Time - Image 185-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 185/365

It's lucky that I gettereds back on the goods sider of Baz yesterdays, as today he tellereds me that we is jetterings off again tomorrows, so I is having to helpers him with some lasts minuter packering!

"Baz, does we needs these cablers?"

"And don't forgetters your watcher!"

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Uglyworld #1978 - My Plan Workereds - (Project Cinko Time - Image 184-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 184/365

You'll be glads to hears that my plan to wins back the trusts of Baz with cakes workereds a treat, I is now officiallies back in his gooders books, parties on!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Uglyworld #1977 - Mornings Cake Surprisers - (Project Cinko Time - Image 183-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 183/365

I successfullies managereds to evades Baz's grasps all days yesterday, so lasts night once he had gone to his beddies I fireds up the oven for stagers two of my makers up plan, cake bakerings!

I makereds some cake callereds Marmor cakes, which is makereds up of two different coloureds bits of sponge cakers, and as you can probably imaginers, it is super tastiers!

Once it was ready I cuttereds off a massivers chunk for Baz, and writereds him a littlers note to takes it with him to workies for when he needers some brain foods.

Thankfullies I findereds that the cake was gone and onlies the note was lefts in the kitchen, so hopefullies my mornings cake surprisers will have done the tricker!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Monday, 1 July 2013

Uglyworld #1976 - Evadering Captures - (Project Cinko Time - Image 182-365)

Project Cinko Time - Image 182/365

Ever since Baz findereds the photomagraph I shareds of him yesterdays as a laugherings baby he has been hunterings me down.

So fars I has been evadering captures, hopefullies my gooders luck will continues for some times yet!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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