Monday, 31 January 2011

Uglyworld #954 - Pragues Coffee (Project BIG - 29-365)

Project B.I.G. - Image 29/365

Today I visiteds the Europeans city of Pragues, and boy believes me when I tells you that I has never seens so many spires on tops of buildings as I did's today!

We walkeds around so much in freezerising cold temperatures that in the middles of the afternoon I hads to calls a times out until I could gets myself a refreshings coffee.

Thankfullies I manageds to finds not onlies of coffees shop, but also one which did ugly sizes cups too, awesomes!

We is only justs home now afters a mega longs day, so hopefullies I will be ables to uploads anothers photo with my friend Totoro tomorrows...

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