Friday, 17 September 2010

Uglyworld #781 - Is It Trues? (260-365)

Project 365 - Image 260/365

Ox got wind (not literally) that there was a good chance that we may get to fly back home to Germany in 2-3 weeks time, and has suddenly managed to whip the entire gang here in Oregon into a crazed frenzy.

The hard part is I've still got to break the news to them that I'm going to have to work right through the weekends too in order for us to have any chance of making it home in the next few weeks.

Ox is currently standing on my work laptop in front of the others counting how many days are left until we hopefully jump on a big metal budgie back over the Atlantic Ocean.

"I counteds 15 daysies, wooohooo's 15 daysies and we gets to goes homes to highlandmonkeys cookies".

I get the feeling the next 2 weeks will end up involving somewhat of a countdown....I'm personally just dying to get home and get a rest from the insane madness of the last two months out here working stupidly long hours week after week...

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