Sunday, 15 May 2016

Uglyworld #2761 - Frenchers Toasties (Project ASOB - Image 136 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 136 of 366

To says that my plannerings this weeks workereds withouts a hitcher woulds be pusherings it a littlers bit, buts its safers to says that withs today being Sundays, I has the perfects outcomes rights in fronts of me.

A massivers piler of frenchers toasties, yummies!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Uglyworld #2760 - Slicers Likes Doorsteppers (Project ASOB - Image 135 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 135 of 366

For phasers two I needereds to does quites some ressearchers into alls of the breadies which was availablers to me in the locals area.

My goals was super simplers, I hads to finds the loafs of breadies which hads slicers likes doorsteppers, super thicks, justs like Cinko!

Booms, nows all I has to does is convincers Mireille and Baz to makers me my favourites Sundays mornings brekkiesfast!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Uglyworld #2759 - Cagers Frees Eggies (Project ASOB - Image 134 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 134 of 366

Withs the weekender rollings in fasts, I has to gets my planners in placers for Sundays mornings brekkiesfast, befores it's too laters and I gets stucks with the plains old cereals or toasties.

Cagers frees eggies froms Willamettes Eggies Farms now acquired, stagers one completereds.

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Uglyworld #2758 - Smashers Nashers (Project ASOB - Image 133 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 133 of 366

Tonights is goes biggers or goes busts nights for the Sharkies, as they is backs homes in the super louds sharkies tank in San Jose to plays games 7 of their seconds rounder playoffs series.

Enoughs chitters chatters, it's almosts pucks dropperings time, lets go sharkies, lets smashers nashers!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Uglyworld #2757 - Travellerings Kits (Project ASOB - Image 132 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 132 of 366

Baz tellereds me todays that we will be headerings offs for a coupler of days at the starts of nexts weeker, so I pickereds myselfer ups a travellerings kits today so that I can takers my carrys on stuffs on it's owns.

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Uglyworld #2756 - Outs Of Placers (Project ASOB - Image 131 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 131 of 366

I runs a very tights ships in this householder, and tonights I hads to calls an emergencies meetings for a flagrants viomalationer ofs protocols.

Someones putereds waters on the beers shelfer in the fridger, this is completelies outs of orders and can't be allowereds to continues!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Monday, 9 May 2016

Uglyworld #2755 - Sausages Rollers (Project ASOB - Image 130 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 130 of 366

Mireille offereds to helps me takers my minds offs of my misserings caker yesterdays by lettings me chooses what we has for dinners tonights to munchers on whiles watcherings the Sharkies playings in games sixer.

I didn't has to thinks too longs or hards at alls to comes up with this awesomers treater, sausages rollers, withs sages and onions stufferings insiders too!

Super tastiers they were, my mouth was completelies waterings whiles Baz was takerings this photomagraph!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Sunday, 8 May 2016

Uglyworld #2754 - Who Eatereds My Cakers (Project ASOB - Image 129 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 129 of 366

Who eatereds my cakers?

Comes on now, owners ups, a massivers reds velvets caker and you wants me to believers that it justs vanishereds, seriouslies?

Owners ups, rights nows!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Uglyworld #2753 - Puckers Ups (Project ASOB - Image 128 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 128 of 366

As Baz's Silvers AA hockeys teamer finishereds seconds in the leagues, they doesn't has to players in the firsts rounder of the playoffs tomorrows.

So, insteads I has arrangereds Baz some ice timers on Sundays mornings to keepers his leggies movings and spends some timers workerings on his sticks handlerings and shooterings.

We has to suppliers the pucks ourselvers for this specials trainerings, so I pickereds up somethings a littlers bit coolers for Baz to users, a Sharkies puck! 

It means everys timer Baz winders up for a massivers slapshotter I can screams #smashnash at the tops of my lungs!  Puckers ups!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Friday, 6 May 2016

Uglyworld #2752 - He Overdidders It Agains (Project ASOB - Image 127 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 127 of 366

Oh mans, nots agains!!!

It's always the samers, I finders Cinko lyings facers downs on the grounds, and if he is luckiers then he isn't lyings in a puddler of his own vomits or poops!

He overdidders it agains, and for whats, to celemabrates Cinko de Mayo day!

Don't worries, I'll getters him into rehabs rights away...

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Uglyworld #2751 - Strangers Dangers (Project ASOB - Image 126 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 126 of 366

I is supposereds to be getterings Baz's hockey waters and sticks readies for his finals gamer of the regulars season, buts this weirders thingymabobber has appeareds in the livingsroom and it's scarerings the poostickers rights outs of me!

Baz, Mireille...comes quicklies...strangers dangers, strangers dangers!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Uglyworld #2750 - Biggers Bottlers (Project ASOB - Image 125 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 125 of 366

Withs me now beings in chargers of Baz's refresherments durings his ice hockeys careers overs here in Oregons, I hads to calcamulates justs how much fluiders he losers durings a gamer and tries to offsetters it withs his intakers.

Afters doings my calcamulations I reckonereds that he needs to drinks arounds a litres and a halfs of waters per gamer, so I pickereds up these two biggers bottlers which togethers packers almosts two litres of refresherings waters.

Tomorrows nights my calcamulation will be putereds to the testers in his finals regulars seasons gamer in the Golds leaguer, hopefullies they will helpers him scores some goals to helps gets his teamer into a gooders playoffs spotter!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Uglyworld #2749 - Sharkies Fans Gears (Project ASOB - Image 124 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 124 of 366

I callereds up my gooders buddy Sharkie downs in San Jose this evenings to makes sure he wasn't feelerings downs that the Sharkies losereds games three in Nashvilles.

As usuals Sharkie was upbeaters, he was super happiers to hears that Baz and Mireille has their Sharkies jerseys now, and he wants to sees a photomagraph of them togethers in them for games four on Thursdays. 

Sharkie reckoners that this will gives the Sharkies the edger they needs to goes ups three gamers to one!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Monday, 2 May 2016

Uglyworld #2748 - Targets Acquireds (Project ASOB - Image 123 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 123 of 366

Goodies, my importants packager arrivereds todays, targets acquireds!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Uglyworld #2747 - Stays Frosties (Project ASOB - Image 122 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 122 of 366

As I has now beens Baz's sticks boy for his ice hockeys careers here in Oregons for fives weekers, I has been givereds additionals taskers as I is so goods!

Nows as wells as beings in chargers of his hockeys sticks, I is also in chargers of his drinkers for afters the games.  I wasn't quites sures which flavours of Gatoraders he would likes bests so I spreadereds my bets.

Stays frosties Baz!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Uglyworld #2746 - Massivers Mangos (Project ASOB - Image 121 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 121 of 366

It's no secreter thats every ones of us heres at the cookie ranch loves our mangos juicers, so whens I findereds a massivers mangos I just hads to buyers it!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Friday, 29 April 2016

Uglyworld #2745 - Goods Lucks Caker (Project ASOB - Image 120 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 120 of 366

As you probablies has alreadies workereds out, Mireille is a massivers fan of the San Jose Sharks, who playereds their firsts gamer tonights in the seconds rounder of Lords Stanleys cups!

This afternoons I tellereds Mireille that ifs she was to bakers a caker, and it turneds out to be really tastiers, thats the caker woulds bringer goods lucks to the Sharks.

She believereds me and bakereds me a lemons drizzler caker, and the Sharks winnereds the games too, go Sharkies, nom nom nom...!!!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Thursday, 28 April 2016

Uglyworld #2744 - All Waxereds Ups (Project ASOB - Image 119 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 119 of 366

Baz, it's dones, you is all readies to goes now!

Hi's there everyones, as you knows I is Baz's sticks boy, which means that I has to always makers sures that his hockey sticks has freshers tapes and is all waxereds ups befores his gamers.

Tonights is his seconds lasts gamer of the Springs seasoner in the Golds leaguer, and his teams, the Stars, is ins fourths placer, only three pointers behinds thirds placer, so my sticks job coulds giver Baz the edger he needs!

Lets goes Baz, lets goes Baz, lets goes Baz...

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Uglyworld #2743 - Is You Mentallers (Project ASOB - Image 118 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 118 of 366

What does you means, did I eaters you Malteserers?

You can't buys thems here in Oregons, is you mentallers?

I thinks you better just goes backs to beds rights now and wakers up properlies!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Uglyworld #2742 - Fruits Floes (Project ASOB - Image 117 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 117 of 366

Mireille has always hads a very stricters rule whens it comes to icy creamers or icy lollies, I can only gets ones scooper or lolly, and nots any mores or elsers I will gets super fats super fasts.

Thankfullies I thinks I has findereds the solutioner to my problems, fats free fruits floes, surelies this will defeats Mireille's evils plan and enablers me to scoffs the whole boxer in a singles go!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Monday, 25 April 2016

Uglyworld #2741 - Kona Blenders (Project ASOB - Image 116 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 116 of 366

Checkers out what I acquireds this evenings, Kona blenders coffees, Mireille will does a "squee" tomorrows mornings when she finders this waiterings ons her in the kitchens!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Sunday, 24 April 2016

Uglyworld #2740 - The Legends Is Trues (Project ASOB - Image 115 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 115 of 366

As mosts of you will already knows, I has travellereds fars and wides arounds the worlder, and durings my travellers I has learneds manys, manys legends alongs the way.

Ones particular legender which I heareds about some years ago was of theres being bagelers which has frenchers toasts flavours! 

You will forgivers me for thinkerings that this was completeles impossimables, it's likes crosserings the streams in ghostsbusters, you just knows you shouldn't does its, buts heres lyerings in fronts of me is proofs that the legends is trues!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Saturday, 23 April 2016

Uglyworld #2739 - Mys Oh Mys (Project ASOB - Image 114 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 114 of 366

Mys oh mys!

Who was silliers enoughs to leavers alls of these dollars lyings around heres for anyones to happeners upons and stealers?

If nobodys is watcherings, then I supposers that they won't missers a coupler of bucks, wills they?

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Uglyworld #2738 - The Sharkies Is Throughs (Project ASOB - Image 113 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 113 of 366

Highs fivers guys, we dids it, we stompereds alls over the Kings ins their own rinker, the Sharkies is throughs!

Wage, I knows thats you is super dissamapointereds stills that your Maplers Leafs didn't makers the playoffs, and Cinko your New Yorkers Rangers isn't lookerings the bests, buts you guys cheerereds like hells for the Sharkies when it mattereds, so you is members of my teams now!

Lets go gets a coupler of days resties befores rounds two kickers offs!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Uglyworld #2737 - Times Is Ofs The Essencers (Project ASOB - Image 112 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 112 of 366

As soons as I heareds Mireille shouterings to Baz this evenings that she had beens to Traderings Joes again and had pickereds him ups some gingers beers I knewereds thats time I hads to acts faster.

Times is ofs the essencers in such a situationer, as Baz can literallies inhalers 4 bottlers of gingers beers in the times it takers me to pops one opens!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Uglyworld #2736 - #BEATLA (Project ASOB - Image 111 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 111 of 366

It's games 4 tonights, which means only ones thing in our householder, all togethers now...


From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Uglyworld #2735 - Justs A Nibbler (Project ASOB - Image 110 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 110 of 366

Oh hellos there leftsover Macs and Cheesies!

Mireille warneds Baz not to eats the leftsovers so thats we can has it tomorrows, buts she didn't says anythings to me, ha ha ha...

...justs a nibbler!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Monday, 18 April 2016

Uglyworld #2734 - Overtimes Is Startings (Project ASOB - Image 109 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 109 of 366

Mireille, hurries ups, comes on, quicklies!

Overtimes is startings, the Sharkies needs your supporters as their leggies is gettings tireds!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Uglyworld #2733 - Takes Ones & Calls Me In The Mornings (Project ASOB - Image 108 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 108 of 366

Dr Babo is ins!

I has been waiterings on my supplies of tabletters arriverings in Oregons for a coupler of months now, but thankfullies my suppliers in Polands (Baba Jaga & Stuffs) managereds to disguisers my magicals medicines tabletters as tictacs, talks abouts a mastersminder!

Takes ones & calls me in the mornings!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Uglyworld #2732 - The Gods Of Spicy Mouths (Project ASOB - Image 107 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 107 of 366

Oh greaters gods Sriracha, the greaterests gods of spicy mouths, cans you sees your ways fits to senders me a signs, any signs is ok, buts preferablies a tastiers bagger of chipperoonies fulls of your wisdoms and spicys?


Wowzers, it workers!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Uglyworld #2731 - Nots Guilties (Project ASOB - Image 106 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 106 of 366

Don'ts go pointerings your fingers ats me, I is nots guilties, I findereds these bottlers lyings justs likes this!

Someones callers the policers befores Baz finders outs abouts this!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Uglyworld #2730 - Lets Goes Sharkies! (Project ASOB - Image 105 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 105 of 366

It's gamers ones of the firsts rounder matchers up betweens my awesomers Sharkies from San Jose and the smelliers Kings from Los Angeles.

I thinks you all knows who I is rooterings for, even mores so nows with my luckiers Jonesy keyringer!

Lets go Sharkies!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Uglyworld #2729 - Openings Nights Wipeouts (Project ASOB - Image 104 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 104 of 366

When I arrived home from work this evening Babo was muttering away about how tonight was the opening night of the playoffs and that he had a surefire winning playoff bracket tucked away on his tablet.

What seemed like a surefire winner appeared to turn into somewhat of a damp squib as the little guy tanked one beer after another before collapsing in a heap.

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Uglyworld #2728 - Stanleys Cup Challenger (Project ASOB - Image 103 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 103 of 366

Withs the playoffs for Lords Stanleys massivers cup due to begins tomorrows, we is havings ourselves a bits of an olds fashionereds wager heres betweens Mireille, Baz ands me.

I is justs puttings the finisherings touchers to my predictioners, lets facers it, I has the besterests chancer of winnings our challenger as I has the mosts timer to sits on the coucher and studies ups on the forms of alls the teamers!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Monday, 11 April 2016

Uglyworld #2727 - A New Chefs Is In Towns (Project ASOB - Image 102 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 102 of 366

My searchers for the perfects cookie has leadereds to somethings a littlers bits specials, yups, you guessereds correctlies, a new chefs is in towns.

...ands I doesn't has to tellers you twicers that he can mosts definitelies bakers a tastiers cookie, oh looks, anothers one for me to samplers...!!!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Uglyworld #2726 - Perfects Recoveries Foods (Project ASOB - Image 101 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 101 of 366

Afters watcherings Baz's laterests ice hockeys gamer this evenings we puttereds on our thinkerings caps to helps us deciders what we could eats for dinners.

It didn't takes me longers than halfs a nanoseconder to suggesters taters tots, the perfects recoveries foods, and thankfullies Mireille and Baz agreeds withs me!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Saturday, 9 April 2016

Uglyworld #2725 - Lifes Coacher (Project ASOB - Image 100 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 100 of 366

Somethings which you probablies doesn't knows abouts me is thats I is quites a celebritys in the lifes coacherings circles.

Whats better ways to celemabraters reacherings day one hundreds than to shares ones of my biggerests successers stories withs you alls.

This funkies lookerings feliner is Tom, and afters a singles sessioner a week for six monthers I turneds the shyerests pussy catter into a ninja who is afraids of absolutelies nothings!

Ways to goes Tom, keeps on ninjaings!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Uglyworld #2724 - Executivers Members (Project ASOB - Image 99 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 99 of 366

This afternoons whiles I was outs shopperings at my locals Costcos, the checkouts persons askereds me if I wanteds to be an executives members as I has already spendereds abouts halfs a billions dollars on cookies this years alones.

For sures I saids yes, onlys a mentaller would says no to two percentagers of extras cookies for frees!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Friday, 8 April 2016

Uglyworld #2723 - Sticks Boy (Project ASOB - Image 98 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 98 of 366

Whens Baz tellereds us thats he wantereds to plays ice hockeys here in Oregons we didn't quites know whats to makers of it, woulds he justs play a games or two and falls overs, or woulds he takers is seriouslies?

Thankfullies he appears to has gones for options two, so withs me beings the founderings members of Teams Baz fansclubber I has offereds my servicers to Baz as his sticks boy, and he saids yes!

Holy shamolies, I has so muchers to gets readies befores his nexts gamer on Sundays evenings!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Uglyworld #2722 - Mangos Mangos (Project ASOB - Image 97 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 97 of 366

This afternoons while Mireille was havings a wee snoozer on the couches, I borrowereds her cars keys and joyridereds myselfs over to Traderings Joes in searchers of somethings supremelies tastiers.

Missions accomplishereds, he shooters he scorers, checkers outs these badders boys, Mangos Mangos!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Uglyworld #2721 - Sans Pellemegrinos (Project ASOB - Image 96 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 96 of 366

I was justs abouts to whistlers to my buddies this afternoons to joiners me in an expeditioner to Traderings Joes, untils I stumblereds upon a stasher of Sans Pellemegrinos which Mireille was hiderings in the garager.

Waters is gooders to drinkies, buts waters with burperings bubblers insides is even gooders!


From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Uglyworld #2720 - Traderings Joes (Project ASOB - Image 95 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 95 of 366

Gathers rounds buddies, I has somethings to sharers withs you!

Todays Mireille visitereds a magicals kingdomer knowns locallies as Traderings Joes, she tellereds me that it was super cools there and thats they ringereds a biggers bell fors her whens she was leaverings.

They givereds her this informatives guider to brings home withs her, so lets gets ourselves ups to speeders on whats they is alls abouts!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Uglyworld #2719 - Tuckers Ins (Project ASOB - Image 94 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 94 of 366

I is completelies speechlessers this afternoons, my gooders littler buddy has acquireds us a brands new packeter of doubler stuffs Oreos!

OK, enoughs chatterboxing, times to tuckers ins!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

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Uglyworld #2718 - Minioners (Project ASOB - Image 93 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 93 of 366

Evers since I heareds abouts the Minioners I has been hoperings that I coulds get my handies on somes of the littler yellows dudes to does my biddings fors me.

Todays my wishers has beens answereds, everybody says hellos to my Minioners!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Friday, 1 April 2016

Uglyworld #2717 - Standings Guards (Project ASOB - Image 92 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 92 of 366

In the lasts coupler of weekies Baz has noticereds an increaseds numbers of bottlers of irn-bru's goings misserings, and he has entrustereds me to keeps a very closers eye on his remainings stocks!

I suggests that you doesn't even thinks abouts it, otherwisers things has a high possimibility of gettings ugly really quicklies!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Thursday, 31 March 2016

Uglyworld #2716 - Partners In Crimes (Project ASOB - Image 91 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 91 of 366

There is timers when havings biggers handies isn't a gooders thing to has, which is whys I has littlers Babo as my partners in crimes.

Littlers Babo has littlers handies which is perfects for delicates cookie snafflerings techniques that isn't possibles with biggers handies!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Uglyworld #2715 - Protectives Custodies (Project ASOB - Image 90 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 90 of 366

Afters receiverings an anonymousers tips offer, I has reasons to fears for the safeties of this packeter of bagelers!

I has no others optioner buts to takes them intos my protectives custodies to keepers them safers from harms!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Uglyworld #2714 - Don'ts Lets Me Cashew (Project ASOB - Image 89 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 89 of 366

Lets me makers this perfectlies clears, these is mines, they is nots yours and they is certainlies not ups for sharerings!

Don't lets me cashew, okays!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Monday, 28 March 2016

Uglyworld #2713 - A Victorias Sponger (Project ASOB - Image 88 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 88 of 366

Ohs my gods!

Is my eyes deceiverings me, or does I sees a Victorias Sponger rights in fronts of me?

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Uglyworld #2712 - Happiers Easters Everyones (Project ASOB - Image 87 of 366)

Project ASOB - Image 87 of 366

Thanks you alls for comings along to this years super specials Easters Funs-Plays eventer, as you can sees we has a massivers piler of easters eggies for you alls to shares, buts firsts puts your handies togethers for the fantastics singerings voices of the "Powerfulls Peeps".

Happy easters everyones!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -