Monday, 30 June 2014

Uglyworld #2350 - It's Nacho Problem - (Project On The Go - Image 181-365)

Uglyworld #2350 - It's Nacho Problem - (Project On The Go - Image 181-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 181/365

*rustle, rustle*

"Yeah Baz, you justs workies late and then deciders to goes out for dinners with your colleaguers, don't thinks about updaterings you travellerings buddy, oh ho, nots for a seconder"

*munch munch munch*

"Yeahs, yeahs, yeahs, it's nacho problem"

*munch munch munch*

"Nacho, ha ha ha..."

*munch munch munch*

Todays steps = 5,515

The 2014 grand total = 1,032,893

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Uglyworld #2349 - Shinagawa Stationer - (Project On The Go - Image 180-365)

Uglyworld #2349 - Shinagawa Stationer - (Project On The Go - Image 180-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 180/365

Whiles we is heres in Tokyos we uses Shinagawa Stationer as our base camper to heads off anywheres in the city to explores, it's a perfects spotter as it has accessers to the metros, the locals railways and also the super fasters Shinkansen if we wants to goes further aways!

Okays, enough explanationers, backs to the explorations I goes!

Todays steps = 4,902

The 2014 grand total = 1,027,378

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Uglyworld #2348 - You Better Says Nothings! - (Project On The Go - Image 179-365)

Uglyworld #2348 - You Better Says Nothings! - (Project On The Go - Image 179-365)

Project "On The Go" - Image 179/365

Shhhh! Baz is on the warpaths!

He's just checkereds the onlines balancer of his credits carder and thinks that someone has hackereds into his accounter to buys about fiveteen billions yen worths of toys, as ifs someone would does such a thingy!

You better says nothings!

I means it...!!!

Todays steps = 6,273

The 2014 grand total = 1,022,476

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Friday, 27 June 2014

Uglyworld #2347 - Exhaustereds - (Project On The Go - Image 178-365)

Uglyworld #2347 - Exhaustereds - (Project On The Go - Image 178-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 178/365

I finally workereds out where we were goings to, JAPANS!!!

Unfortunatlies I was so excitereds by thoughts of gettings to explore Tokyos with Baz that I forgettereds to gets some sleepies on the flighter over from Frankfurters, so I was likes a zombie when we arrivereds at Haneda hairyporter late this afternoons.

When Baz askereds me this evenings if I was ups for goings on a wanderer to finds the Tokyo Tower, I tellereds him that I needereds some well deservereds shuteyes, and that I would be ups for some explorerings tomorrow insteads!

Todays steps = 15,891

The 2014 grand total = 1,016,203

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Uglyworld #2346 - Edumacaterings Myselfer - (Project On The Go - Image 177-365)

Uglyworld #2346 - Edumacaterings Myselfer - (Project On The Go - Image 177-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 177/365

It has slowlys dawnereds on me that if I wants to gets myselfer an edumacation arounds here I is goings to has to does it myselfer!

Todays I am studyings the financials in the newpaperer, as lets facers it, withouts having moneys there is no ways that I could buys loads of cookies!

In a coupler of hours I is flyings on an airlines company callereds ANA, and I still has no ideas where I is goings! Rolls on tomorrows so that I can finally finds out where we are travellerings to!

Wowzers, I has finally makereds my one millionth stepper for this year, and we is not evens half way throughs too!

Todays steps = 7,286

The 2014 grand total = 1,000,312

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Uglyworld #2345 - A Clues For Wedgie

Uglyworld #2345 - A Clues For Wedgie

Withs Wedgie having absolutelies no ideas where he is jetterings off to withs Baz in a coupler of hours time, I decidereds to enlists the helps of one of my gooders buddies to helps giver him a clues to his ends destinationer for this comings weekender with the helps of a photomagraph!

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Uglyworld #2344 - I Is Goings Where? - (Project On The Go - Image 176-365)

Uglyworld #2344 - I Is Goings Where? - (Project On The Go - Image 176-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 176/365

Wedgeolina overheareds a conversationer Baz and Mireille was havings about me headerings off with Baz on another workies tripper, and she couldn't keeps it to herselfer!

The only problemer is that she's so excitereds that I can't undermastanders what she is tryings to tellers me!

"I is goings where?"

Todays steps = 3,628

The 2014 grand total = 993,026

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Uglyworld #2343 - Shortchangereds - (Project On The Go - Image 175-365)

Uglyworld #2343 - Shortchangereds - (Project On The Go - Image 175-365)

Project "On The Go" - Image 175/365

Today I wents to our locals supermarketer withs the plan to finders and buyers myself a Worlds Cup stickerings albumer, likes the coolers ones from Paninis.

Howevers, I gets the impressioner that the checkouters woman had no ideas what I was talkerings about, as I seems to has endereds up with a packeter of Brazilian animals stickers instead!

Talks about being shortchangereds!

Todays steps = 4,697

The 2014 grand total = 989,398

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Monday, 23 June 2014

Uglyworld #2342 - Salsa Times - (Project On The Go - Image 174-365)

Uglyworld #2342 - Salsa Times - (Project On The Go - Image 174-365)

Project "On The Go" - Image 174/365

Tonights I is watcherings the Brazils footballer game withs Mireille while Baz catchers up on some photomagraphs from our laterests travellers.

Mireille seemereds to be happiers enough with my snackies choicer, nachos withs a salsa dipper, ole ole ole ole...

Todays steps = 3,827

The 2014 grand total = 874,701

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Uglyworld #2341 - He's A Completes Mentaller - (Project On The Go - Image 173-365)

Uglyworld #2341 - He's A Completes Mentaller - (Project On The Go - Image 173-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 173/365

Lasts nighter some of Baz and Mireille's friendlies were here to watchers the Germanys footballer match in the World Cups, and they bringereds us some tastiers brownies from Koreas to munchers on.

As we hads a packeter lefts, I invitereds my scientifical brainereds buddy Sheldons over to helps me eaters them todays, but he refusereds to even touchers the packeter, he saids he doesn't likes to tries new stuffs!

Honestlies, whats the heller, what kinds of an attimatuder is that to has, he's a completes mentaller, and this will be the lasts timer that I inviters him rounds here to the cookie cave, that's for sures!

Todays steps = 4,262

The 2014 grand total = 980,874

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Uglyworld #2340 - Footballers Explainereds - (Project On The Go - Image 172-365)

Uglyworld #2340 - Footballers Explainereds - (Project On The Go - Image 172-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 172/365

During my recent travellerings I has heareds some truths and some fibberings relaterings to one of my favouriters sports (afters ice-hockey which is just the bestesters), and I has decidereds to uncovers the truths behinds the fibberings!

The problemer lies in the facts that my gooders buddies over on the Westers side of the Atlantics Oceaner thinks that they plays footballers, when in facts they plays a game callereds "picks it up and runs away withs it, with occasional kickerings of the normally holdereds in the hands ball".

Whereas overs here in Europes (which is ons the Easters side of the Atlantics Oceaner for anyone who failed their Geomography at schools) we plays footballs with our feeties, which makes completes senser, no matters which ways you lookers at it!

So, hopefullies you now fully undermastanders that overs here we doesn't play soccers, we play footballers, the reals footballers!

Okays, enough explamanation, times for me to gets back to slammerings the footballer pasts Wage, and his two Japanesers buddies who has been draftereds in as goalposters!

We is warmerings up rights now before watchering the Germanys gamer laters today!

Todays steps = 6,726

The 2014 grand total = 976,612

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Friday, 20 June 2014

Uglyworld #2339 - Happy New Helmets - (Project On The Go - Image 171-365)

Uglyworld #2339 - Happy New Helmets - (Project On The Go - Image 171-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 171/365

Wage was totally overs the moon to hears me shouterings "Happy new helmets" when I arrivereds back homes in the cookie cave todays.

He wastereds no times in tryerings it on, and thankfullies I pickereds up the rights sizer as it fitters him perfectlies!

Todays steps = 3,277

The 2014 grand total = 969,886

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Uglyworld #2338 - Mini Burgerers - (Project On The Go - Image 170-365)

Uglyworld #2338 - Mini Burgerers - (Project On The Go - Image 170-365)

Project "On The Go" - Image 170/365

I hasn't hads the same levellers of treatments lately when I has been travellerings with Baz, but todays everything returnereds to normals again when we arrivereds at the Senators lounger in Newark.

Baz askereds the chef if there was a chancer of him knockerings up some mini burgerers for me, and what does you knows, he saids yuppers!

Checks out these bad boys!

Todays steps = 4,242

The 2014 grand total = 966,609

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Uglyworld #2337 - Presenters For Wage - (Project On The Go - Image 169-365)

Uglyworld #2337 - Presenters For Wage - (Project On The Go - Image 169-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 169/365

Wage has always beens a biggers fan of these Americans Footieball helmeters, so when I hads the oppermachancity to pickers him up one which he doesn't already has from heres in New Yorks I couldn't says no.

I sure hopes that he likers my presenter!

Todays steps = 6,144

The 2014 grand total = 962,367

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Uglyworld #2336 - Awesomesaucers - (Project On The Go - Image 168-365)

Uglyworld #2336 - Awesomesaucers - (Project On The Go - Image 168-365)

Project "On The Go" - Image 168/365

Baz tellereds me this afternoons that he was going to brings me back a surpiser after he finishereds workies, and he wasn't kiddings!

A massivers choco chippo cookie, awesomesaucers!

Todays steps = 7,419

The 2014 grand total = 956,223

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Monday, 16 June 2014

Uglyworld #2335 - Ninjas On Telemavisions - (Project On The Go - Image 167-365)

Uglyworld #2335 - Ninjas On Telemavisions - (Project On The Go - Image 167-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 167/365

This evenings I wantereds to justs have a nice relaxerings evening in fronts of the tv, and thens what does I finds to watch, flippering ninjas!

Serious, how cools is this, ninjas on telemavisions!

Todays steps = 6,990

The 2014 grand total = 948,804

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Uglyworld #2334 - Newers Magneter - (Project On The Go - Image 166-365)

Uglyworld #2334 - Newers Magneter - (Project On The Go - Image 166-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 166/365

By nows you hopefullys already knows that whenevers me and my buddies gets to visters somewhere that we has never beens before, we always tries to pickers up a newers magneter for our fridger backs in the cookie cave.

This weekender I was luckiers enough to visiters Canadas with Baz, so I keepereds up the traditioner and pickereds up a magneter which appears to answers that age olders question "does bears poops in the woods?"

Todays steps = 4,926

The 2014 grand total = 941,814

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Uglyworld #2333 - Niagara Fallers - (Project On The Go - Image 165-365)

Uglyworld #2333 - Niagara Fallers - (Project On The Go - Image 165-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 165/365

Says hello to Niagara Fallers everyone, this is certainlies not a place for Cinko to visiters, there's way too much waters here for him, ha ha!

Todays steps = 21,287

The 2014 grand total = 936,888

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Friday, 13 June 2014

Uglyworld #2332 - Fakers - (Project On The Go - Image 164-365)

Uglyworld #2332 - Fakers - (Project On The Go - Image 164-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 164/365

Talks about being disamappointereds, I has a goods mind to takes these fakers rights back and demands a refunder.

Luckiers cookies, as ifs!!!

Baz's Rangers got beatereds, what a waster of money on supposereds luckiers cookies, I guess they is not even worths eatering...

....nom, nom, nom!

Todays steps = 4,720

The 2014 grand total = 915,601

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Uglyworld #2331 - Strangers Thingy - (Project On The Go - Image 163-365)

Uglyworld #2331 - Strangers Thingy - (Project On The Go - Image 163-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 163/365

Whiles Baz was workerings today I headereds out to checkers out the surrounderings area, and befores long I findereds this strangers thingy!

What the hells is it?

An ears plugger for an elephanter?

A doughnuts holder which fallereds out of a police cars?

Does you has any others idea?

Todays steps = 7,698

The 2014 grand total = 910,881

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Uglyworld #2330 - The Luckiers Cookie - (Project On The Go - Image 162-365)

Uglyworld #2330 - The Luckiers Cookie - (Project On The Go - Image 162-365)

Project "On The Go" - Image 162/365

Whats you is lookerings at rights here is the secrets to the New Yorks Rangers winnerings game 4 tonights against the Los Angeles Kings, it's what I refers to as the luckiers cookie.

Not onlys is it luckiers for the Rangers, but the cookie itselfer is so luckiers that I doesn't eaters it, if I wasn't supermastitiousers I would munchers this snickerdoodle badsboy in milliseconders!

Go Rangers!

Todays steps = 5,301

The 2014 grand total = 903,183

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Uglyworld #2329 - Nots Agains - (Project On The Go - Image 161-365)

Uglyworld #2329 - Nots Agains - (Project On The Go - Image 161-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 161/365

Just typicals, we is once agains stuck in a hairyporter as our connecterings flighter is delayereds!

Nots justs a coupler of minuters either, almosts 2 whole hours we is delayeds here in Chicagos, and the worsters bit is that we won't even gets to our hotels not untils after 2am in the mornings, and Baz has to works at early o'clocks, so I am beings extra nice to hims right now (as he controllers my cookie supplies after alls!).

Todays steps = 5,513

The 2014 grand total = 897,882

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Monday, 9 June 2014

Uglyworld #2328 - Games 3 Refreshmentallers - (Project On The Go - Image 160-365)

Uglyworld #2328 - Games 3 Refreshmentallers - (Project On The Go - Image 160-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 160/365

Usuallies when Baz watchers the Stanleys Cup gamers his teams end up losering, so I banishereds him tonights while the games was on.

Unfortunatelies that meanereds that I gettereds no dinners as he wents for it while I watchereds the gamer, and even worsers is that his Rangers losereds the thirds gamer in a row to the Kings, he is goings to be madders!

For nows I only has my games 3 refreshmentallers to keeps me goings, and the hopes that the Kings will comes from "Lose" Angeles in games 4 on Wednesdays!

Todays steps = 4,494

The 2014 grand total = 892,369

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Uglyworld #2327 - Wizards Islander - (Project On The Go - Image 159-365)

Uglyworld #2327 - Wizards Islander - (Project On The Go - Image 159-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 159/365

Hellos from Craters Laker in Oregons!

Afters us being in Calimafornias lasts weeker, Baz has to workers in Oregons at the starts of nexts weeker so we headereds up to Oregons today, and stoppereds off at Craters Laker.

Checkers out the wizards islander behinds me, it's a littlers bit mistys out on the laker this mornings, but hopefullies it will burners off in the nexts coupler of hours so that the blues colour of the waters will poppers bigstimer!

Todays steps = 15,683

The 2014 grand total = 887,875

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Uglyworld #2326 - Massivers - (Project On The Go - Image 158-365)

Uglyworld #2326 - Massivers - (Project On The Go - Image 158-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 158/365

Todays me, Mrs Ted and Baz visitereds what I is callerings volcanoes alley, as not only dids we visiter the volcanics park at Lassen, but we also visitereds the Lava Beddies monumentaller too, kinds of like a twos for ones dealer!

While I was explorerings the bubblerings mud, stinky eggies smelling boily waters I noticereds somethings else, alls of the pineconers are massivers in Lassens volcanics park, I is beginnerings to thinks that they has been mutatereds by alls of the moltens lava runnings under the grounds here!

They is almosts as bigger as me, mentallers!

Todays steps = 17,827

The 2014 grand total = 872,192

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Friday, 6 June 2014

Uglyworld #2325 - Mrs Ted Has Plannering Skills - (Project On The Go - Image 157-365)

Uglyworld #2325 - Mrs Ted Has Plannering Skills - (Project On The Go - Image 157-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 157/365

I was in the processer of writerings up our itinerarys for visiterings Lassens Volcanics Parker tomorrow when Mrs Ted offereds to helps.

She is likes an absolutes machiner, she is ables to calcumalates distancers, times to gets from A to B and everything else you can possiblies thinker of!

Mrs Ted has plannering skills!

Todays steps = 6,338

The 2014 grand total = 854,365

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Uglyworld #2324 - Hopings - (Project On The Go - Image 156-365)

Uglyworld #2324 - Hopings - (Project On The Go - Image 156-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 156/365

Withs it being Thursdays evening, I is already hopings that Baz can finds some times to does something cools this comings weekender...

Todays steps = 4,753

The 2014 grand total = 848,027

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Uglyworld #2323 - Stanley Cups Final Games 1 - (Project On The Go - Image 155-365)

Uglyworld #2323 - Stanley Cups Final Games 1 - (Project On The Go - Image 155-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 155/365

It's anothers nighter in fronts of the telemavision tonights, but tonights is a whole differents ballgamer, as tonights I is watcherings the firsts game of the Stanley Cups Final betweens Baz's New Yorks Rangers and our buddies in Los Angeles who supporters the Kings.

I obviously is rooterings for Baz's Rangers, and so fars it's all tieds up at 2-2 at the ends of the 2nd periods, I can't waits for the 3rds period to begins!

Gets it on...!!!

Todays steps = 4,729

The 2014 grand total = 843,274

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Uglyworld #2322 - Dr Craziers - (Project On The Go - Image 154-365)

Uglyworld #2322 - Dr Craziers - (Project On The Go - Image 154-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 154/365

This evenings I finally watchereds my firsts ever episoder of Dr Housers, and I thinks that they should renamers it as Dr Craziers, I thinks it would suits him much betterers!

Todays steps = 7,138

The 2014 grand total = 838,545

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

 On Google at -

Monday, 2 June 2014

Uglyworld #2321 - Is It A Vipers? - (Project On The Go - Image 153-365)

Uglyworld #2321 - Is It A Vipers? - (Project On The Go - Image 153-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 153/365

I musts have been snoozerings like my lifer dependereds on it when we arrivereds in San Franciscos earlier ons this evening, as I don't remembers landering in the hairyplane at alls, and when I wakereds up I was ins our hotels and Baz was already in bed sleepings.

Luckilies the hotels receptionister had some cookies waiterings on me (I guess Baz warnereds her that I was backs in town agains, and hungries likes always).

Afters munchering my ways through her whole batcher of cookies, I findereds the keys to our hires car, it's a Dodger this times, hmmm, is it a vipers?

Todays steps = 6,263

The 2014 grand total = 831,407

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Uglyworld #2320 - Hots Bumholer Aheads - (Project On The Go - Image 152-365)

Uglyworld #2320 - Hots Bumholer Aheads - (Project On The Go - Image 152-365)
Project "On The Go" - Image 152/365

Somehows Mireille must have sneakereds these purchasers in Scotlands past my ever watchering eyes, and even scariers I thinks there wills definitelies be some hots bumholer aheads at the hands of these guys!

Todays steps = 2,805

The 2014 grand total = 824,949

From the Uglydoll blog at

And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures

On Google at -