Project "On My Tods" - Image 23/365
This mornings I callereds my gooders buddy Wage backs in the cookie cave to sees if he hads any ideas if Baz was stills in Sunnyvales, and whats his travellerings plans weres now.
Thankfullies Wage had overheareds Mireille and Baz on the telemaphone lasts nighter, so he could tellers me that Baz was stills in Sunnyvales, so todays I is startings to heads back from Yosemites to Sunnyvales.
Whiles headings out of Yosemites this lunchestimer, the nice parks rangerette suggestereds that I should stops off at a massivers dam callereds etch-a-sketcher or somethings like that. Dams it, why can't I remembers it's reals namer!
Aha, Hetch Hetchy, thats what it's callereds, nots etch-a-sketcher, ha ha ha...!!!
From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/
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