Project "On My Tods" - Image 8/365
Sausagers, stands talls and listeners ups! Tonights you will gives your alls in the biggers battler against the hungries bellys of Baz and Mireille, who expecters you alls just to lies down in a plater of mashereds potatoes, but alls is not losts, as I, Babo, kings of the bangers is heres to saves you!
I will creates a diversioner and gives you alls the secrets signaller, which will consists of me pointings to my mouths and then rubbings my belly, and as soons as you sees this Baz and Mireille will be headings to the diningsroom, and that wills be your signals to makes a runners for it, okays?
Everyone hears me louds and clears?
Lets does this, as my gooders buddy MC Hammers would says, "Wu-oh, wu-oh, wu-oh-oh-oh-oh, it's bangerstime!"
From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/
And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures
On Google at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts
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