Project "On My Tods" - Image 10/365
I coulds goes here, then heres, then over to heres, ors from heres to heres, yuppers, that seems like a betters optioner.
Oh hellos there you guys, checkers out what Scottish mums gettereds me for Baz's birthdays, a mini worlds.
I has already spinnereds it rounds super mega fasters justs incase anyone is actuallies livings on it, to makes them all super dizzys!
It's really thoughtfuls of her to gets this worlds for me, as nows I can plans out wheres I can goes in Baz's suitcaser withouts him knowings anythings about its at alls!
Awesomes, thankers you Scottish mums, and don't worries, I won't forgets to tells Baz thats you gettereds it fors me, and that I should wishers him a happiers birthdays this comings Tuesday!
From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/
And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures
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